Wang Li took a closer look at the coins on the ground. She saw that two of the coins were intact, and three coins had burnt marks on them, but they were not completely burned.

"The Qingming Festival is over, who is burning the coins in the alley?" Wang Li couldn't help muttering.

It was nearly two o'clock in the morning, and the whole Qingshi Town was quiet. Some night snack stalls also closed on time. Except for the dim lights, there were no pedestrians on the street.

"[-]" This dimly lit alley, Wang Li has to go in and out every day, but at this moment, after seeing the coins on the ground, she has some fear of this alley.

While seeing the coin, Wang Li also smelled a fishy smell in the air.

She didn't smell this fishy smell when she first entered the alley, it was only when the wind blew out from the depths of the alley that she smelled it.

Wang Li didn't think much about this fishy smell, because there was a green trash can in the alley. Residents living in the alley would throw their garbage into the trash can and wait for cleaning. personnel to take away.

Wang Li also threw the garbage into the trash can. She felt that the fishy smell in the air must be emitted by the garbage in the trash can.

Wang Li grabbed the head of the bicycle with both hands and walked towards the dark alley step by step.

For some reason, in her mind, when she was in the factory parking shed, she heard a strange movement from the depths of the parking shed.

The factory's parking shed is very dark at night, and this alley is dimly lit like the parking shed.

As Wang Li walked more and more into this alley, the fishy smell in the air became stronger.

"Did the cleaners be lazy again and didn't take away the garbage from the trash can. It's very hot on a hot day, and it's easy to stink and have a strange smell." Wang Li muttered in her heart.

After two clicks, she came to the location of the trash can.

This alley is cross-shaped, and green trash cans are placed at the intersection of the cross, which is convenient for residents to throw garbage.

After arriving at the intersection of the cross, Wang Li found that there were many sheets of paper and a large piece of water stains on the ground next to the trash can.

Although the light was dim, Wang Li saw the shape of the papers on the ground and knew that they were coins.

Someone was burning ghost coins at the location where the trash can was, and the gust of wind just now blew away a lot of ghost coins.

Out of curiosity, Wang Li took out her mobile phone and turned on the flashlight function of the mobile phone.

It's okay not to turn on the flashlight of the mobile phone. When it is turned on, Wang Li's body counts down, and she breaks out in a cold sweat.

I saw that there were a lot of coins and paper on the ground next to the trash can, but the pool of water stains that Wang Li thought before was a big pool of scarlet blood.

On this big pool of scarlet blood, there were also some coins that were either complete or burned.

The coin fell into the blood, and the entire coin was dyed red by the blood, which looked a bit scary and weird.

It was only at this time that Wang Li suddenly realized that it was the fishy smell that she had smelled before. Where did it come from the trash can? After the trash in the trash can rot, it should smell bad.

The fishy smell that I smelled is from this pool of blood.

"Ah..." Wang Li screamed in fright when she saw the pool of blood.

The bicycle in his hand almost didn't hold steady and fell to the ground.

She calmed down for a moment, and comforted herself in her heart, whether someone was killing chickens and ducks by the trash can.

But the next moment, Wang Li was behind the trash can and saw a pair of legs sticking out from behind the trash can.

These legs are very white and very thin, and they wear a pair of expensive-looking shoes. The shoes are pink and full of cute girlish atmosphere. Needless to say, the owner of these legs must be a girl.

A girl fell behind the trash can, bleeding so much, Wang Li immediately put up her bicycle, took her mobile phone, and walked towards the back of the trash can.

From Wang Li's position to the back of the trash can, it's only ten steps away. .

However, this short distance was a bit difficult for Wang Li.

She was hesitating, thinking about whether to check the girl behind the trash can first or call the police first.

If you go to the back of the trash can to see the situation first, you may see scary things. If you are a girl, it is better to let the police deal with it.

But what if I call the police first, wasting the time I could save the girl?

In this hesitant thought, Wang Li finally came to the back of the trash can.

When she saw the situation behind the trash can clearly through the light of the mobile phone flashlight, she was stunned for a moment, and her whole body was motionless, as if it was petrified.

When a person is startled, she screams and her body responds.

When a person is unbearably frightened, she will appear sluggish for a short time, unable to speak a word in shock, and her legs are like lead, unable to move.

I saw that there was indeed a girl lying behind the trash can.

This girl just lay quietly behind the trash can, her head had been deformed by some kind of blunt object, and the originally oval head had shrunk.

Just by looking at the changes in the head, one can think that the skull under the scalp has been cracked into many pieces.

The girl's skull was smashed and deformed, and her face was also in a 4.6-shaped state, a pale face that was twisted beyond human form.

The most terrifying thing on her body was not the smashed and deformed head, but the part below her navel and above her thigh, which completely disappeared.

The part of the buttocks and abdomen where the upper body and the lower body are connected was cut open and taken away.

Only the upper body above the navel was left, as well as two separate, unconnected thighs.

The part of the girl's buttocks and abdomen was sawed off and taken away. The sawn cut surface was bloody, the white bones, the pink human flesh, and the meridians of the flesh could be clearly seen.

Especially the cut surface of the upper body, organs such as the intestines and kidneys in the girl's stomach, all flowed out from it and scattered all over the place.

This scene was completely unexpected to Wang Li. .

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