1150 He came out and committed a crime again [2 more for subscription]

When Wang Li walked towards the back of the trash can just now, she often likes to read all kinds of lace news, she thought it was a pregnant girl, she was pregnant and was about to give birth and did not dare to go to the hospital, and when she gave birth beside the trash can, a lot of Bleeding, accident.

In today's society, this kind of thing has become more common.

However, Wang Li did not expect that behind the trash can was a girl whose buttocks and genitals had been sawed off, leaving only her upper body and two lone thighs.

Beside the girl whose body was sawed off and a part of her body was taken away, there were a lot of coins scattered. These coins had different denominations, some fell on her body, and some fell on the cutting surface of the wound.

The coins were scattered all over the place, and the girl was surrounded by it. She seemed to be lying in the ocean where the coins were scattered.


After Wang Li reacted to all this, she finally couldn't help it, her eyes widened, and she screamed loudly.

Wang Li grabbed her phone, ignoring the bicycle parked beside her, and the late-night snack hanging on the bicycle, and rushed out of the alley with all her might.

Outside the alley is not a lively street, there are not a single 11 people on the road.

She ran subconsciously, ran desperately, and only stopped under a street light after running a distance of a hundred meters.

Wang Li's hands were shaking. Standing under the street lamp, she felt that the feeling of fear was much better.

She took out her cell phone and called the police.

After receiving the call from Wang Li, the police center in Zhengshan County immediately dispatched the task of dispatching the police to the town police station in Qingshi Town.

Because Wang Li said it was a murder case, a girl with a part of her body cut off was found in the alley. After the police center notified the nearby town police station, the county public security bureau also notified the past.

All eleven police officers from Qingshi Town are responsible for the security of Qingshi Town.

After receiving the assignment of the police center, the policeman on duty immediately drove his car towards the location where Wang Li was.

Because of the short distance, the police from the town police station arrived less than ten minutes after Wang Li made the call.

"Hello, did you call the police?" the policeman from the town police station asked Wang Li.

After Wang Li saw the police, the terrified expression on her face eased a lot.

She nodded abruptly and said, "It was I who called the police. The body is in the alley ahead, so scary. Part of the girl's body was cut off. The ground was covered in blood, and there were a lot of coins..."

After the policeman from the town police station heard Wang Li's words, his eyes suddenly widened, he stepped forward and asked, "What did you say, say it again?"

The policeman's reaction made Wang Li a little puzzled. She said, "I said that the one who died was a girl. Part of her body was cut off. There was blood on the ground, and there were many, many coins."

"Ming coin, Ming coin..." The other policemen muttered, with extremely solemn expressions on their faces.

It seems that the coin in Wang Li's mouth is a great shock to them.

"Part of the body was sawed off, and there are coins next to the body." A policeman standing beside the police car frowned and said, "Damn, that bastard came out to commit the crime again?"

The other policemen look at me, I look at you, their faces are very ugly.

Wang Li heard something from the policeman's words. It seemed that similar cases had happened before, but she had worked in Qingshi Town for so long, and she had never heard of anything similar.

The policeman who asked Wang Li said to her, "Please, take us there immediately."

"Okay." Wang Li agreed. As she walked, she said, "Just park your car here, it's in the alley over there."

Several policemen followed behind Wang Li and came to the alley where the crime happened.

Because another breeze blew through this alley, some of the coins scattered next to the corpse were blown away again.

When a few policemen stepped into this alley, there was a coin on the ground every other distance.

At night, there was a road littered with coins, and this road was still very infiltrating.

Wang Li stopped ten meters in front of the trash can.

She pointed to the front and said, "It's just behind the trash can, you go, I don't dare to go there."

A few police officers were holding flashlights and had already seen the legs protruding from the back of the trash can, and a piece of coin landed on the girl's shoes, swaying with the breeze.

When they came to the back of the trash can and saw everything in front of them, the policemen all gasped.

There was a policeman who was even weaker than Wang Li, who turned around and vomited.

They saw that the area where the corpse's navel was down and the thighs were up was sawed off by the murderer.

That body part is no longer at the scene of the crime, leaving only the upper body and two lonely thighs, telling the tragedy that happened before here.

"A part of the body was sawed off, and there were coins left at the scene. It was him, it was him, and he came out to commit the crime again." The leading policeman clenched his fists. The victim in front of him didn't look very old.

Such a flower girl, whose head was smashed and deformed by the murderer, and a part of her body was sawed off, laying here without even a whole body, how could it not make people sad.

The other policeman's eyes were fixed on the girl's deformed face.

After staring for more than ten seconds and 973 minutes, the policeman took a step back subconsciously. She pointed her finger at the girl's face and said in horror, "Look at... it's... she..."

This night was an uneasy night for the police in Zhengshan County.

But for most of the people in Zhengshan County, it is no different from the past.


The next morning, when Lin Chen woke up, he found that he was the only one left on the huge bed.

He stretched out on the bed, picked up the phone on the bedside table, glanced at the time, and found that it was already more than nine o'clock in the morning.

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