"...My old classmate, you still remember that you have a company." The person who came over was naturally Lin Chen's classmate Qi Hongyuan.

Qi Hongyuan came to Lin Chen, gave Lin Chen a big hug, and didn't forget to tease Lin Chen, "I thought you didn't remember that you started such a company."

Lin Chen smiled and said, "Even if I forget you, I will never forget my company."

"What you said makes me sad." Qi Hongyuan said: "No, I will be walking tonight with beer crayfish, and you will treat me as a guest."

"no problem."

Lin Chen and Qi Hongyuan walked into his president's office together. After Qi Hongyuan and Lin Chen chatted for a while, he hurriedly went to work on his own business.

Xia Miaoyan walked around the office of the president's office (Li Lizhao) and said to Lin Chen, "Master, your office is very clean everywhere. It seems that someone cleans it often."

Before Lin Chen could speak, a woman's voice came from the door: "No one has come in the office these days when the boss is away. Xiaoyue came to the company to clean it early this morning."

After Lin Chen and Xia Miaoyan heard this, they both looked towards the door.

I saw a girl wearing black stockings, a professional suit, with her hair up and her body full of capable air, walking into the office.

This girl is naturally Shen Qiu.

Although the twin sisters Shen Qiu and Shen Yue are very similar, their clothes and personalities are very different. Lin Chen and Xia Miaoyan are now recognizable at a glance.


PS: Brothers, a new month is coming, and flowers evaluation tickets and monthly tickets are urgently needed. Some brothers please vote for this book, thank you. .


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When Lin Chen heard Shen Qiu's words, a smile appeared on his face.

Shen Qiu said this, naturally, because she wanted Shen Yue to feel more favored in her heart.

It's just that Shen Qiu didn't know what happened between him and Shen Yue. The two were frank with each other last night until Shen Yue couldn't bear to beg for mercy. There was no need for this kind of primary favorability between the two.

After Shen Qiu entered the president's office, he looked at Lin Chen and said, "Boss, you're here just in time. Take a look at these documents."

Shen Qiu said, and handed the stack of documents in his hand to Lin Chen.

Lin Chen was a little curious in his heart, not knowing what Shen Qiu was showing himself.

After taking it over and taking a quick glance, Lin Chen understood what these were.

The two network industries of the Shang family are still in a state where their servers have been hacked. Lin Chen's Dou Sha tv has signed some anchors on the Shang family platform today. Among them, some of the dancing female anchors from Han Guo are on the Internet. The popularity is good, but their contract has not expired.

In these documents, they bear part of the liquidated damages for those anchors.

The liquidated damages of these anchors add up, but it is a lot of money, but the wool comes out of the sheep. Lin Chen spent the money to dig for these anchors, and in the future, he will be able to earn several times and dozens of times from them.

Lin Chen signed 473 words on this document, and the finance side could spend the money.

After Shen Qiu took the documents signed by Lin Chen, he was about to turn around and leave, but suddenly stopped, as if thinking of something. kuuhuu

She turned around and said to Lin Chen: "By the way, the boss, those female anchors of Han Guo said that they have seen your documentary on solving the case, and they are your fangirls. They want to invite you to dinner, but I don't know if you have any No time?"

When Xia Miaoyan heard this, she immediately looked at Lin Chen, wanting to see if Lin Chen would agree.

Xia Miaoyan also watched the online live broadcast, and she also knew some of the beautiful and popular online female anchors on the Internet.

Although they all seem to have plastic surgery faces, they are really good-looking, and their faces are perfectly flawless.

What is the disadvantage of those female anchors of Han Guo, that is, their faces are a little more similar, and sometimes they can't tell who is who.

After Lin Chen heard Shen Qiu's words, he shook his head slightly: "No time."

Shen Qiu was very happy with Lin Chen's answer, she was really afraid that Lin Chen would be hooked away by those female anchors of Han Guo.

After Shen Qiu left, Xia Miaoyan deliberately joked with Lin Chen: "Master, I think those female anchors of Han Guo are pretty (bbfa), why don't you agree?"

Lin Chen glanced at Xia Miaoyan and said, "I don't like plastic surgery."

Lin Chen is telling the truth. He really has no interest in face-lifting and breast augmentation monsters. Artificial and natural, whether it is vision or feel, are incomparable.

Lin Chen was sitting in the president's office, and department heads came knocking on the door one after another, reporting their work to Lin Chen, and taking some documents for Lin Chen to sign. ~)

Lin Chen spent the afternoon busy in the president's office.

Lin Chen is more willing to be busy every now and then. If it is like this every day, he is more willing to be a behind-the-scenes boss and leave his hands behind.

When it was almost evening, Lin Chen's cell phone on the table suddenly rang.

Lin Chen picked up the phone and saw that it was Ouyang Chuying who called. This girl is calling herself at the moment, is there something wrong?

Lin Chen pressed the answer button, and Ouyang Chuying's voice came from the phone immediately: "Lin Chen, are you in the villa?"

"No." Lin Chen replied, "I'm in the company now, what's the matter, do you have something to do with me?"

Ouyang Chuying's tone paused for a moment, and said, "It's nothing, but I suddenly want to eat barbecue. I'm going to have a barbecue dinner tonight. It's in my backyard. Can you come?"

After Lin Chen heard this, he smiled and said, "If you want to have a barbecue dinner, come to my backyard. It happens that there are a lot of people here, so I made an appointment to have a late-night snack with my friends tonight."

Ouyang Chuying had no opinion on the location.

She said: "Okay, the backyard of your villa is also fine, then I will contact them and let those people prepare the ingredients and send them to your villa. Then we can just make a fire and bake it."

After Lin Chen put down the phone, Xia Miaoyan immediately came over and asked curiously, "Master, have a barbecue dinner? Are you going to have a barbecue dinner tonight?"

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