Lin Chen shrugged and said, "It was Chu Ying who called. She said she would go to her house to have a barbecue dinner, so I suggested that it be at our house."

"Why does Sister Ouyang suddenly want to eat barbecue?" Xia Miaoyan muttered.

"Just eat whatever you want, let's take care of her." Lin Chen said.

After deciding to have a barbecue dinner in the backyard of the villa tonight, Xia Miaoyan immediately told Shen Qiu, Shenyue, Qi Hongyuan and his girlfriend about it.

Everyone is willing to eat something.

At five o'clock in the evening, everyone got into their cars and headed towards Tianze Garden.

When we arrived at Villa 168 in Tianzeyuan, the relevant personnel had already prepared the tools and ingredients for the barbecue dinner tonight, and were waiting there.

Under the command of Xia Miaoyan, those people placed the tools and ingredients in the backyard of the villa.

The tools are cleaned, the ingredients are washed and dressed, and you only need to light the fire to bake.

Xia Miaoyan, Shen Qiu and Shen Yue went to work, and Qi Hongyuan's girlfriend also went with her.

Qi Hongyuan's girlfriend wears a pair of glasses, and her appearance is not outstanding. She and Qi Hongyuan have a very good relationship. The two plan to get married at the end of this year, and Lin Chen also prepared a big red envelope, which will be given to Qi Hongyuan at that time.

When Xia Miaoyan, Shen Qiu and Shen Yue were busy, Ouyang Chuying came with her younger brother Ouyang Jie.

After seeing Lin Chen, Ouyang Jie rubbed his hands and said, "Brother Lin, I'm here to eat and drink."

"Come on, you are thick-skinned anyway," Lin Chen said.

Ouyang Jie smiled, he has this kind of personality, so he won't feel embarrassed.

After Lin Chen saw Ouyang Chuying, he looked at her face and said, "what's the matter with you?"

Ouyang Chuying looked back at Lin Chen and asked, "What's wrong?"

Lin Chen pointed to Ouyang Chuying's pretty face and said, "Looking at you, it seems like you have something on your mind."

Ouyang Chuying shook his head quickly and said, "No, nothing to worry about."

Lin Chen's eyes are very accurate, and Ouyang Chuying's eyes and expressions at the moment are obviously worried.

But since she didn't say anything, Lin Chen was too lazy to ask.

Everyone was talking about other things, and at this moment, the doorbell of the villa rang.

Seeing that Lin Chen was going to open the door, Ouyang Chuying stood up and said, "I'll come."

Having said that, Ouyang Chuying walked into the living room from the backyard, and then walked from the living room of the villa to the door.

When Ouyang Chuying opened the door, she was surprised when she saw the person standing outside the door.


ps: Need flowers and evaluation votes, please vote for it, thank you. .


1153 What are you doing here [Subscribe]

At this moment, at the door of Villa 168, there was a tall and slender girl. ~)

The reason why this girl surprised Ouyang Chuying was her long blue hair, lovely flat bangs, and two ponytails.

She was dressed very fashionably, with a lollipop in her mouth and a small backpack behind her.

Looking at her fair and delicate face again, Ouyang Chuying recognized at a glance that this person was ranked fifth on the crime master list, a female black from Xiangjiang ~ Kiko.

When he came to open the door, Ouyang Chuying was thinking about who would knock on the door at such a time.

What she never expected was that the person who knocked on the door would actually be Kiko.

After being surprised, Ouyang Chuying quickly calmed down. It was not unusual for Kiko to appear in Tianze Garden and knock on the door.

After all, Lin Chen had a game of hacking with her last night, and finally hacked Kiko's most important laptop, making it impossible to use the super database program inside.

The most important computer was blocked by Lin Chen, and it was normal for kiko to come to Lin Chen.

It's just that Ouyang Chuying didn't expect that Kiko would come so quickly.

The two women looked at each other. Kiko reached out and took the lollipop out of her mouth. She smiled at Ouyang Chuying: "Hello, Officer Ouyang."

Kiko's voice has a bit of Hong Kong-style Mandarin, and the overall Mandarin is relatively standard. +]

Ouyang Chuying heard Kiko call her name directly, she raised her brows slightly: "Do you know me?"

Kiko pursed his lips and said lightly: "On the plane from Xiangjiang to Mohai, I checked who was around Linchen. I saw your figure in some documents, so I know you. ."

When Ouyang Chuying heard this, she immediately felt that her privacy had been spied on.

However, people are hacking geniuses, and it is very easy to know these simple information.

Ouyang Chuying put her hands on her chest and said to Kiko, "Don't let me catch the evidence that you hacked into our relevant intranet, or I will immediately arrest you for the crime of sabotaging the computer information system."

Hearing this, kiko pretended to be surprised and said, "Officer Ouyang, this is the first time I've met you, and I want to be your friend. Don't scare me like that."

Ouyang Chuying was too lazy to tell Kiko more about this. She asked knowingly, "You Xiangjiang female hacker, what are you doing here?"

Kiko said with a smile: "Officer Ouyang, you don't have to ask me this knowingly, right? When you opened the door just now, you were surprised when you saw me, and then you quickly put away your surprise, and your eyes revealed a natural meaning, Judging from your performance, you are prepared for my appearance."

"Since you are prepared for my arrival, then as Lin Chen's friend, you must know what happened between me and him. (-)"

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