When Kiko said these words, those eyes with smoky makeup looked straight at Ouyang Chuying.

There was a smile on her pretty face, and those moving eyes seemed to be able to see through Ouyang Chuying.

Ouyang Chuying asked for a smile and said, "As expected of the fifth-ranked detective in the crime master detective rankings, there are still two ways to look at people."

Kiko smiled: "I don't really care about the crime master detective ranking."

Saying that, Kiko took off the backpack behind him, shook it in front of Ouyang Chuying's eyes, and sighed, "I just want Lin Chen to remove the virus in my computer, otherwise it will make me very troublesome."

Ouyang Chuying glanced at the backpack in Kiko's hand and said, "Kiko, as a hacker, it's easy for you to get to know someone, right?"

"Yeah, it's easy." Kiko nodded decisively, knowing a person's information was easy for her.

"Since it's easy, then when you hack into Lin Chen's mobile phone and play pranks, why didn't you consider Lin Chen's hacking skills and understand his hacking skills? If you don't have itchy pranks, you don't have to run from Xiangjiang. Here it is." Ouyang Chuying said with a bit of teasing in her tone.

"Ahh..." Kiko sighed twice and said, "I know that Lin Chen's hacking skills are very strong, but I don't know that he can be stronger than me."

Kiko shrugged again, and said very freely: "Anyway, I have already planted in his hands, I will apologize to him, admit his mistake, he is a big man, he can't care about this little girl like me, no? ?"

Although Ouyang Chuying hated seeing the girl Kiko in her heart, Ouyang Chuying admired her way of speaking and character.

When Ouyang Chuying was about to step aside and let Kiko into the room, Xia Miaoyan's voice came from behind Ouyang Chuying: "Sister Ouyang, who is outside the door?"

· · Flowers · · ·

Xia Miaoyan was cooking a barbecue in the backyard. Because there was not enough seasoning for the barbecue, she ran to the kitchen to get it.

Seeing that Ouyang Chuying had been standing by the door, she walked over and asked Ouyang Chuying a question.

Ouyang Chuying took a step back so that Xia Miaoyan could see Kiko, and Kiko could also see Xia Miaoyan.

When Xia Miaoyan saw Kiko, she was stunned for a moment, and then quickly recognized it.

In the past, Xia Miaoyan would not have known someone like Kiko, but yesterday Lin Chen said that she hacked into his mobile phone, and Xia Miaoyan had seen Kiko's photos.

"Hello, Xia Miaoyan." Kiko greeted Xia Miaoyan with a sweet smile.


Xia Miaoyan, like Ouyang Chuying before, was a little surprised that Kiko could call her own name.

"Hello." Xia Miaoyan also responded politely.

Kiko asked the second daughter, "Where's Lin Chen? Is he at home?"

"Yes, in the backyard, we have a barbecue dinner tonight." Xia Miaoyan said to Kiko.

"Barbecue dinner?" A smile appeared on Kiko's face, and he said, "One of my hobbies is eating barbecue. It seems that I came here by coincidence. I can have barbecue with you."

Ouyang Chuying was a little speechless about Kiko, a familiar guy.

She said, "If you want to eat barbecue, no problem, but you have to see if Lin Chen welcomes you."

Kiko heard the words, smiled, and said nothing.

Immediately, the door of the villa closed, and Kiko followed behind Ouyang Chuying and Xia Miaoyan, heading towards the backyard of the villa.

After the three girls came to the backyard of the villa, everyone in the backyard saw Kiko with blue hair. His cute and sweet appearance was very attractive.

"Damn, this girl looks familiar." Ouyang Jie took a sip of his drink and muttered.

After muttering, he remembered who it was, and yesterday he also heard about the crime master software.

Kiko's eyes swept across the bodies of everyone present, and immediately, her eyes fell on Lin Chen's body, and she took a lotus step and walked towards him. .


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Kiko came towards Lin Chen, and Lin Chen also looked at her at this time. ~)

At this moment, Lin Chen is sitting on a reclining chair, his hair is black, his eyes are bright, and his impeccably handsome face makes women fascinated.

Kiko looked at Lin Chen, and when she saw Lin Chen's face so close, her heart couldn't help beating faster.

Moreover, she found that her face was also a little hot and hot.

For this kind of feeling, kiko has never experienced it, and it is very strange.

She was asking herself, was she moved by this Lin Chen in front of her?

Kiko has never been moved by a boy before, and she doesn't know if this feeling at the moment is heartwarming.

After recovering slightly, Kiko had already walked in front of Lin Chen, stretched out his hand to Lin Chen, and said, "Lin Chen, hello, I'm Kiko, nice to meet you. "May [-]"

Kiko's little hands were painted with light nail polish, with fair palms, and stood in front of Lin Chen, waiting for Lin Chen to reach out and shake hands with her.

Shen Qiu, Shen Yue, Qi Hongyuan, and their eyes all fell on Lin Chen.

They all already knew about the matter between Lin Chen and Kiko. Now that Kiko rushed to Mohai from Xiangjiang to find Lin Chen, he must have asked Lin Chen for mercy and let Lin Chen remove the virus in her computer.

It depends on what Lin Chen said about Kiko's apology. kuuhuu

Under the gazes of everyone, Lin Chen's hand on the armrest of the reclining chair moved, but instead of reaching out to shake Kiko's hand, he picked up a glass of juice on the table next to the reclining chair and took a sip.

After taking a sip of juice, Lin Chen said slowly, "Nice to see me? I'm not very happy to see you."

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