Kiko's hand was still stretched out in the air, which made her a little embarrassed that Lin Chen ignored her outstretched hand.

She knew that Lin Chen didn't mean to shake her hand, so she wisely withdrew her fair little hand.

She smiled and said, "Lin Chen, I know that I had to play a little prank before, which was too much. This time I'm here to make amends for you."

"No need to apologize." Lin Chen put the juice in his hand back on the table and said, "I have already hacked a computer that is very important to you. I'm not angry anymore for your previous prank."

When kiko heard this, several black lines appeared on her forehead.

Before, she only knew Lin Chen through the Internet, and never got along with Lin Chen.

Before coming, Kiko was still very confident in his appearance, and felt that the conflict between himself and Lin Chen was not too big. As long as he was soft, Lin Chen would let him go.

But Kiko now finds that Lin Chen doesn't look at himself directly, and he ignores his proud appearance.

For Lin Chen's neglect of her beauty, Kiko's heart is still a little lost.

"It's good to not be angry." Kiko said: "Since you are not angry, remove the virus in my notebook..."

"Why should I help you relieve it?" Lin Chen asked.

"Aren't you not angry anymore?" Kiko said rightly.

"I said I'm not angry, because it's based on the premise of hacking your laptop. If you remove the virus from your laptop, I'll be unhappy again." Lin Chen said lightly.

"You..." Kiko was a little speechless, seeing Lin Chen's posture, he was unwilling to help himself solve the computer virus.

Ouyang Jie, who was sitting beside Lin Chen, smiled at this time: "Kiko, aren't you both a detective and a master hacker? Can you fix the virus or something by yourself?"

Kiko rolled his eyes directly, thinking that if I could solve it, would I go all the way to the sea of ​​magic?

"The virus that Lin Chen implanted in my computer is too complicated, and at my level, it is difficult to unravel." Kiko said.

After saying this, kiko looked at Lin Chen again and asked curiously, "Lin Chen, how long did it take you to write this virus that you implanted in my laptop? Your level needs at least a week, right?"

Before Lin Chen could speak, Ouyang Chuying spoke up. She said, "It seems that you still know very little about Lin Chen's hacking techniques."

Kiko turned his head to look at Ouyang Chuying and asked, "How about this?"

"The virus that Lin Chen implanted in your computer was written last night by me watching him write it. From the time he wrote it to the end, it should have taken ten minutes. It took as long as a week as you said." Ouyang Chuying said.

As soon as Ouyang Chuying's words came out, Kiko's little face suddenly changed, revealing an unbelievable look.

Kiko tried to crack the virus that Lin Chen implanted in her computer last night, and it took a long time to crack it, but to no avail. .

She just asked Lin Chen if it took Lin Chen a week to write the program, or if she deliberately said less, she felt that it would be difficult to write such a program if she didn't concentrate on writing for half a month.

However, Ouyang Chuying told her that Lin Chen only spent ten minutes to write it.

With such a speed, how can Kiko, a master hacker, not be shocked.

"The virus he implanted in my computer was written last night, and it only took ten minutes?" Kiko asked Ouyang Chuying.

"Well." Ouyang Chuying nodded, indicating that she was right.

Kiko's eyes were full of horror, and he looked at Lin Chen again: "Really?"

Lin Chen raised his head and glanced at her, and said, "Is it necessary to ask so many times?"

"It's necessary." Kiko said: "You can write such super viruses in ten minutes. How strong is your hacking skills? If you are given half a year to write, then the viruses you write will not be the same. Made the whole internet tremble?"

"It's not that exaggerated." Lin Chen said casually.

Kiko didn't speak for a while. She is a master hacker and understands the concept of writing such a program in ten minutes.

At this moment, an idea suddenly appeared in her heart.

That is, I don't know whether Lin Chen accepts apprentices or not. If he accepts apprentices, he is really willing to learn from him.

Kiko loves being a detective to solve cases and also loves hacking technology. She has a good reputation in the hacker industry, but compared with those top masters and top 5.2 teams, there is still a big gap.

If Lin Chen is willing to teach her hacking skills, then she believes that her skills can definitely be improved to a higher level.

These thoughts just surfaced in Kiko's heart, and she didn't say it.

Since Lin Chen doesn't want to see him for the time being, and is unwilling to remove the virus in the computer, it's better not to mention it for the time being.

Kiko could afford it and put it down, she put the laptop aside and walked towards the barbecue.

"Xia Miaoyan, Shen Qiu, Shen Yue, I'll help you." Kiko said to the girls with a smile.

She can call out the names of the people around Lin Chen.

Xia Miaoyan, Shen Qiu, Shen Yue and the others have no hostility towards Kiko. Although the girls met for the first time, they were not too embarrassed when they talked to each other. .


1155 Just ask casually 【Subscription】

If there is something wrong with Kiko, the female hacker, it was the first time she used a terrifying photo to make a prank on Lin Chen's phone, which shocked Shen Yue.

Shen Yue is also not a careful person. After seeing Kiko talking to her in a generous way, she is very lively and cheerful, and she is not angry with her at all.

During the chat with Xia Miaoyan and the others, Kiko scared Shen Yue when she learned of her first prank.

She immediately said to Shen Yue: "Shen Yue, I'm sorry, I just wanted to scare Lin Chen, I think it doesn't matter if he is a man, but I didn't expect to scare you."

"It's okay, just don't play tricks on our boss in the future." Shen Yueluo said generously.

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