Kiko nodded and glanced at Lin Chen over there with his eyes with smoky makeup. After realizing that Lin Chen didn't look at her more, and he didn't pay attention, he felt a little lost in his heart.

Lin Chen has no opinion on Kiko's shameless stay to eat barbecue.

Kiko is different from the previous Ling family and Shang family. The Ling family hacked his company's server, the Shang family provoked Xia Miaoyan, and kiko, compared with the Ling family's Shang family, her mistakes were too small. too much.

Ouyang Chuying walked to Lin Chen 11 and sat down, glanced at Kiko, and said to Lin Chen, "I saw her admiration for you from Kiko's shocked eyes just now, do you think she will be the same as before? Like Miaoyan, I want to worship you as a teacher?"

Lin Chen smiled and said, "I never accept apprentices. Miaoyan wanted to be a criminal police officer, wanted to solve a case, and worked hard by my side for so long, but I didn't accept her as my apprentice.~)"

After hearing what Lin Chen said, Ouyang Chuying didn't feel that Lin Chen was so principled.

Instead, she sneered disdainfully and said, "You really didn't accept Miaoyan as your apprentice, but you accepted her as your woman, this kiko looks good, if you say that you don't accept kiko as your apprentice, will you get along with her? Just like Miaoyan, did you finally take her as your woman?"

Ouyang Jie, who was on the side, heard that, with what he knew about his sister for so many years, he knew that his sister was jealous.

Ouyang Jie glanced at Ouyang Chuying cautiously, but did not dare to say a word.

"Cough cough..." Lin Chen was drinking juice, and when he heard Ouyang Chuying's words, he choked slightly.

"Miaoyan and I have real feelings." Lin Chen explained a little.

Ouyang Chuying had the stance of breaking the casserole and asking to the end: "What if you and Kiko also have a real relationship?"

Lin Chen glanced at Ouyang Chuying and said, "When did you become so gossipy?"

Ouyang Chuying acted like she didn't care and said, "No gossip, just ask casually."

The conversation between Lin Chen and Ouyang Chuying was not heard by Xia Miaoyan and the others over the barbecue. (—)

With the busyness of Xia Miaoyan, Kiko, Shen Qiu, Shenyue and Qi Hongyuan's girlfriend, plates of barbecue were served.

Kiko's craftsmanship is very bad. He competes with Ouyang Chuying. He can't barbecue at all. Saying that he is helping Xia Miaoyan, Shen Qiu, Shen Yue and the others is actually a disservice.

Lin Chen was eating the barbecue brought by Xia Miaoyan, a large bunch of mutton, just right fat and thin, when he took a bite, the juice in the mutton splashed out, and the taste was very good.

Lin Chen tasted the delicious mutton skewers, and looked at the charred skewers that kiko had grilled, and couldn't help but say, "Come and sit down if you want to eat, don't be a disservice there and waste ingredients."

Regarding Lin Chen's rude words, Kiko curled his lips and said, "I'm good at solving crimes and hacking techniques. I'm not good at this, which is understandable."

After giving herself a perfect step down, Kiko threw some charred skewers into the trash because she didn't master the heat properly, and she couldn't eat them.

After throwing it away, Kiko walked to the dining table and sat down, picked up what Xia Miaoyan and the others baked, and ate it.

After taking a bite, Kiko's eyes widened slightly, indicating that the meat on this skewer is really delicious, and it tastes even better than the grilled steak in a star-rated hotel of a certain brand.

After hearing her words, Ouyang Chuying immediately said that these ingredients were all provided by a five-star hotel in the magic sea, and the taste and meat quality were naturally nothing to say.

Everyone ate barbecue and drank drinks.

Ouyang Jie and Qi Hongyuan both drink, so you can have a drink with me, and they are not happy.

After eating for a while, everyone's topic came to why kiko played pranks on Lin Chen's phone.

Kiko took a sip of juice, glanced at Lin Chen, and said, "You all know the software of crime master, right? I used to stay abroad a lot, and I only paid attention to the detectives on the crime master detective rankings. I had an opportunity to see a case that Lin Chen cracked on the Internet."

"Which case?" Ouyang Jie asked.

"The bus stop serial murder case," Kiko said.

When Qi Hongyuan heard this, he immediately put down the wine glass in his hand and said, "This case has something to do with me. At that time, I had some mental problems, and some of my actions made the police suspect that I was creating a bus stop. The murderer of the Ting serial murder case."

Having said that, Qi Hongyuan patted Lin Chen on the shoulder, and said, "Fortunately, my old classmate was there, and he went out and returned my innocence."

"I know what you said." Kiko said: "The serial murder case at the bus stop made me curious about Lin Chen, and then I paid attention to other cases he solved."

"The case of dismembering the corpse in the girls' dormitory of Donglin University, the murder case with human figures, the serial murder case in the rainy night, and so on, I am amazed at how powerful detectives still exist in China."

"I was thinking, this guy Lin Chen has solved so many cases, how come there is no such a person on Master of Crime, I know that he has no contact with the software of Master of Crime, so I played a prank with him, thinking Get to know him and let him download a crime master to play with..."

Kiko shared some ideas of how he met Lin Chen on the Internet and hacked into Lin Chen's phone after arriving.

After finishing speaking, Kiko looked at Lin Chen softly and said, "Lin Chen, next master of crime, upload your case-solving data records, I think, you may be able to kill the first place on the leaderboard" q', to be number one on the crime master detective chart."

Before Lin Chen could speak, Ouyang Chuying said, "I said the same thing to Lin Chen yesterday. He said that he is not interested in crime masters for the time being. You should put this idea away."

Ouyang Jie flattered: "My brother Lin is the king of solving crimes. He doesn't look down on the software of your master crime master."

Kiko heard Ouyang Jie's words, although he knew that he meant to flatter Lin Chen, but thinking about the cases that Lin Chen cracked before, it wasn't too much of an exaggeration. .


1156 Pack things up [2 more for subscription]

Kiko played a prank on Lin Chen's mobile phone, in fact, he wanted to get to know Lin Chen and discuss his views on some cases. kuuhuu

In addition, I just want to see how Lin Chen can rank on the crime master's detective rankings.

On the detective rankings, the first place 'q' has occupied the first place for a long time. Kiko would like to see this mysterious q being stepped on to the second place.

However, since Lin Chen is not interested in the crime master for the time being, Kiko will no longer talk about it, and will no longer make fun of himself.

Kiko talked to everyone generously. Her character made everyone have no different opinions on her. I felt that this girl's personality was quite good.

After eating and drinking, Qi Hongyuan stood up with his girlfriend and said to Lin Chen, "Old classmate, let's go back first."

"Slow down on the road." Lin Chen nodded and said.

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