That girl Xia Miaoyan?Well, this Friday, that girl may be coming.

Lin Chen walked over to open the door, but when the door opened, it was empty and there was no one at all.

Lin Chen walked outside the door, looked left and right, but still didn't see anyone knocking on the door.

Lin Chen narrowed his eyes, then closed the door and went upstairs to rest.

The next morning, before Zhang Tiannan came, Xia Miaoyan's little girl came. After learning that Lin Chen was going to play in Liuhe County today, Xia Miaoyan immediately said that she would also go with her.

Anyway, there are empty seats in the car, one more of her is not much, and one less of her is a lot, so Lin Chen agreed.

Not long after, Zhang Tianan also came. She was going back to her hometown today. She was not wearing a police uniform, but an ordinary attire.

"Officer Zhang."

After seeing Zhang Tiannan, Xia Miaoyan said hello immediately.

Zhang Tian warmed up, and Lin Chen said, "She's going with her too."

"Okay." Zhang Tianan said with a smile: "One more person, more lively."

Immediately, the three got into the Audi Q5 newly bought by Lin Chen, the car started, and drove towards Liuhe County.

After running around on the highway for more than two hours, and driving on the national highway for another hour, finally before twelve o'clock, Lin Chen, Zhang Tian, ​​Xia Miaoyan and the three came to Liuhe County.

After arriving at the county seat of Liuhe County, there are some rivers everywhere, but the water in the rivers is not as clear as Lin Chen imagined.

At Zhang Tian's invitation, Lin Chen drove directly to Zhang Tian's house.

Zhang Tianan's parents did a little business in the county town and could earn a little money. Before Zhang Tianan came back, they told them that a friend was coming.

When Zhang Tiannan's parents saw Lin Chen, the couple's eyes lit up slightly. This young man was handsome and looked energetic. His daughter brought her friends back to play. Could it be her new boyfriend?

It's just that Xia Miaoyan, who got out of the car immediately, made Zhang Tiannan's parents uncertain.

Zhang Tiannan's parents were very enthusiastic and greeted Lin Chen and Xia Miaoyan to come into the house for dinner. The table in the house was filled with sumptuous dishes.

At the dinner table, Zhang Tian'an's mother looked at Lin Chen and began to ask Lin Chen's age, work and family situation in a side-by-side manner.

How could Lin Chen not be able to see the thoughts of Zhang Tian's parents, he didn't explain anything about it.

While eating, there was a knock on the door.

Zhang Tianan put down his chopsticks and walked over to open the door. After opening the door, he saw a girl in a police uniform standing outside.

This girl is about the same height as Zhang Tiannan, and her appearance is not bad, but compared with Zhang Tiannan and Xia Miaoyan, there is a big difference.

After Zhang Tianan saw the girl, the two immediately embraced.

The girl pinched Zhang Tiannan's waist and said, "You bastard, don't tell me in advance when you come back, if I hadn't just returned home and my parents said they saw you coming back, I wouldn't know. Woolen cloth."

"Hee hee." Zhang Tian'an showed the charming and naive appearance of a young girl and said, "Zhou Yan, I didn't tell you in advance, didn't I want to suddenly appear in front of you and give you a surprise..."

After seeing the policewoman Zhou Yan, Zhang Tiannan's parents also stood up and greeted Zhou Yan to come and eat together.

Zhou Yan did not refuse, and walked to the dining table hand in hand with Zhang Tian'an. It was obvious that she and Zhang Tian'an had a good relationship and were very casual at Zhang Tian'an's house.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????

Zhang Tiannan gave Zhou Yan a brief introduction to Lin Chen and Xia Miaoyan, and the two sides greeted each other, and it was considered that they knew each other.

Zhou Yan picked up the chopsticks, took a bite of the dish, and asked Zhang Tiannan, "Tiannan, have you been very busy recently, and you haven't contacted me much."

"That's right." Zhang Tianan poured a drink for Zhou Yan and said, "I have had a series of cases in my hands recently, and I don't have time to take a vacation. This time I specially asked for a five-day vacation to come back."

"What about you, how are you doing recently? Being a criminal police officer in our county should be very leisurely, right?"

Zhang Tiannan and Zhou Yan applied for the police academy together. Zhang Tiannan performed well and entered the Tianhai City Bureau. Zhou Yan was also ok, and returned to his home county to become a criminal policeman.


Zhang Tianan just asked casually. After the question, Zhou Yan sighed and said, "Hey... don't mention it, we have been busy again these two days. You heard the smiling corpse of Hengyuan Lighting Factory. Any rumors?"

Zhang Tiannan shook his head blankly, and when Lin Chen heard the words "smiling corpse", he cast a curious gaze.

"I've heard some rumors. It seems that someone was killed in the toilet of Hengyuan Lighting Factory. Did the murderer cut a smile on his face with a knife?" Zhang Tianan's father asked.

"That's right." Zhou Yan took a sip of the drink that Zhang Tianan poured and said, "But that case happened almost a month ago, and the murderer has not yet been found in that case. In an alley, another corpse was found, and the corner of the corpse's mouth was cut upward, and it was also a smiling corpse..."

When Zhang Tian's parents heard this, their faces immediately showed expressions of surprise and some fear.

Zhang Tian'an and Xia Miaoyan looked as usual, Zhang Tian'an asked, "Smile corpse? What's going on?"

Zhou Yan immediately started talking while eating.

The first smiling corpse was found in the toilet of the male dormitory of Hengyuan Lighting Factory. The corpse was hung on the partition of the squatting pit, and a bloody face was cut from the corners of the two mouths. smiley.

The deceased was named Li Defeng, 35 years old, an employee of Hengyuan Lighting Factory. .


099 Suspect but no evidence 【Subscription】

The deceased, Li Defeng, worked in the Hengyuan Lighting Factory for more than three years, and was considered an old factory employee.

Usually, he is not bad for being a person, and it is not bad. After the murder happened, the police began to investigate Li Defeng's interpersonal relationship.

Soon, the police learned an important clue from Li Defeng's co-workers, that is, two days before the incident, Li Defeng and others were playing cards and gambling in the dormitory and won a piece of money called Wu Dong.

That night, the deceased Li Defeng won more than 2000 yuan from Wudong. More than 3000 yuan is nothing to the rich, but in Liuhe County, a small county where wages are generally [-] to [-] yuan, [-] yuan. A lot, a lot indeed.

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