After the suspect Wu Dong lost money at the time, his face was ugly, and he looked at the deceased Li Defeng very badly. When he spoke, he was also very rude. Because of a spat, he almost fought against the deceased Li Defeng in that card game. stand up.

Those who watched them gamble knew that Wu Dong felt uncomfortable after losing more than 630 yuan and wanted to deliberately trouble Li Defeng, but Li Defeng was very smart and did not continue arguing with the suspect Wu Dong because it was too late. , after [-], the game is disbanded.

According to the reaction of the suspect Wu Dong's roommate, Wu Dong was very annoyed after losing the money. He stood at the door of the dormitory and smoked a lot of cigarettes before returning to the house to sleep.

From time to time, he cursed the deceased Li Defeng, saying that he might make a thousand dollars by gambling.

Hengyuan Lighting Factory has guards. At eleven o'clock in the evening, the gate of the factory will be closed, and workers who are still outside at eleven o'clock will not be able to enter the factory.

But this is only an express provision. In fact, the management is very lax about this point. When the workers go out to play until the early morning, the doorman will also open the door.

In addition to the gate, the factory also has a frequent exit, which is a fence behind the men's dormitory.

After some male workers go to the red-light-area at night, many will climb over the wall and come in.

In addition, there is a very serious gambling atmosphere in the factory. After get off work at night, the workers will play card games in the dormitory. As long as you have (bhac) money, you can play.

Some gamblers outside the factory will also come in to gamble over the wall. In this regard, the leaders of the factory just turn a blind eye and do not put any effort into management.

"The suspect Wu Dong who lost more than [-] yuan, you haven't found any evidence that he is the murderer?" Zhang Tiananbei asked while biting his chopsticks.

Zhou Yan nodded and said, "Originally, our police felt that after he lost the money, he was not reconciled, so we wanted to take revenge on the deceased and killed the deceased."

"The time of the deceased's death was around one o'clock in the morning, and the suspect Wu Dong's dormitory was on the fifth floor. That night he and his roommate drank in the dormitory. Before twelve o'clock in the evening, he went to the toilet once, and then I've never left the room."

"The roommate can prove to the suspect Wu Dong that he was in the dormitory at the time, and we could not find the murder weapon or other evidence for committing the crime, so now Wu Dong is only a key suspect, and we have no evidence to prove that he is the murderer."

While listening to Zhou Yan's words, Zhang Tian'an nodded slightly, and she said, "The others have also checked, do they have an alibi?"

Zhou Yan said: "Well, either there is an alibi, or there is no motive for the murder. Several workers did not return home that night and went outside to have fun. We suspected them, and finally the lady from the red-light-district gave them to them. evidence."

"The major suspects have an alibi, the others also have an alibi, and there is no motive for the murder..." Zhang Tianai frowned and thought.

After thinking for a few seconds, her eyes subconsciously looked at Lin Chen's body.

Lin Chen's thinking is very abnormal, and his ability in this area is also strong. He must have some unique insights into this smiling corpse case.

Zhang Tianai now also understands one of Lin Chen's hobbies, which is solving cases.

It's just that when she looked at Lin Chen with expectant eyes, Lin Chen was eating with her head down, as if she was just listening and didn't take it to heart.

"This guy, aren't you interested in this smiling corpse case?" Zhang Tianan muttered in his heart.

Xia Miaoyan on the side opened her curious eyes, looked at Zhou Yan, and asked, "Officer Zhou, what about the second smiling corpse? Is the modus operandi exactly the same as the first one you just said?"

Zhou Yan glanced at Xia Miaoyan and said, "The second deceased was discovered a few days ago. Behind the Hengyuan Lighting Factory is a residential area. There are some privately built houses, and an uncle is leading After the dog went out for a walk and came back, he passed the alley, and the dog he was leading stood at the entrance of the alley, barking at it."

"The uncle didn't know what happened to the dog, so he turned on the flashlight of his mobile phone and went in to check. The alley was filled with trash cans. As a result, on the ground next to the trash can, he saw a dead body. After the uncle reported the case, our police I rushed to the scene quickly and found that the murderer had a knife on the face of the deceased with a smile on his face."

"That smiling face is very similar to the smiling face on the face of the first deceased. The first deceased was hit with a heavy object and strangled with a rope. The second deceased was more direct, and was cut on the neck by the murderer. Great arteries, bleeding to death."

"Is the second deceased also a worker of Hengyuan Lighting Factory?" Zhang Tianan asked.

Zhou Yan shook her head and said, "No, the second deceased is 21 years old this year. He just lives in that residential area and occasionally goes to the men's dormitory of the lighting factory to participate in gambling."

"When we investigated him, we found that he had close contacts with people in the society, and recently had a grudge against him, but we screened those who had grudges with him, and those people were only suspects, and there was no evidence that they were the murderers. "

"Hey..." Having said this, Zhou Yan sighed and said, "We police did our best to investigate the two smiling corpse cases and blocked the news, but so far, there is still no clue, and the news is It has gradually spread, and the leaders above are under great pressure."

"It is estimated that if we haven't made any major discoveries in the past few days, we will apply to the Municipal Bureau for a serious crime team to assist in the investigation."


100 There is a little speculation [3 more for subscription]

When it was mentioned that the leader was going to apply to the Municipal Bureau for the assistance of the major crime team, Zhou Yan looked at Zhang Tiannan and said, "Tian Nuan, I originally thought that if the City Bureau sent the major crime team to assist in the investigation, you might be dispatched back. , I didn't expect you to come back today."

"I'll come back to see my parents and relax." Zhang Tianan pouted and said, "Well... your case sounds really tricky. I found a suspect with a motive for committing the crime. , but there is no conclusive evidence..."

"Who said it wasn't..." Zhou Yan sighed and said, "I've been so busy lately that I was sent to investigate this and that, working overtime every day..."

After Zhang Tian's parents heard about the two cases, they had no appetite to eat.

Zhang Tian'an's mother smiled and said, "Okay, okay, don't talk about work at the dinner table, hey...that kind of thing, listening to you--it makes you feel like you are talking about it."

People who haven't had much contact with criminal cases will indeed be like this. When Zhang Tian'an and Zhou Yan saw this, they didn't talk about the case any more.

After Zhou Yan had almost eaten, her attention fell on Lin Chen and Xia Miaoyan, she asked Zhang Tianan, "Tianan, you just told me your friend's name, what are they doing? , is not your colleague?"

"No." Zhang Tian'an shook his head, explained a few words to Zhou Yan casually, and then moved on to other topics.

No case was discussed, and there were many topics between the two women.

After eating, sitting on the sofa and eating a few mouthfuls of fruit, the phone in Zhou Yan's pocket rang.

After picking it up and saying a few words, she hung up the phone, Zhou Yan sighed, and said with a frown, "It's not time yet, and I was asked to go to work again. I can't take a vacation."

"It's okay, it's not that we don't have a chance to get together, let's go and do your work." Zhang Tianan smiled.

Zhou Yan, Lin Chen and Xia Miaoyan said hello and left.

Lin Chen and Xia Miaoyan came to Liuhe County to walk around and see the scenery of Liuhe County, so Zhang Tianan greeted the two of them out.

After arriving downstairs, Zhang Tian'an stopped, looked at Lin Chen, and said, "Lin Chen, what do you think about the smiling corpse case that Zhou Yan said just now?"

"Yes, master." Xia Miaoyan also looked at Lin Chen with a look of hope, and said, "The smiling corpse feels terrible when you think about it, the murderer kills the murderer, and even cuts the flesh on the corpse's face with a knife... ... draw a smiley face, what is the purpose of the murderer doing this?"

Facing the expectant gazes of the two women, Lin Chen said lightly, "I have a little speculation, but I haven't been involved in this case, so I don't mind talking about it."

Zhang Tian'an's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and said, "It doesn't matter if you haven't dealt with this case, Lin Chen, if you want, we can get in touch with this case immediately."

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