Last night, Lin Chen's door was knocked twice, the first time was Xia Miaoyan, and the second time was Shen Yue.

It was getting late now, and Lin Chen wondered who would knock on the door first tonight.

After Lin Chen came in, the door of the room was slowly pushed open, and Kiko's figure appeared at the door of the room.

After Lin Chen saw that it was Kiko, he glanced at her and said, "Why are you."

Kiko stepped in and asked, "Why can't it be me?"

"What do you want to say to me, don't delay me watching TV." Lin Chen looked at the TV screen and said without raising his head.

Kiko was very upset about Lin Chen's attitude and tone.

But there is no way, the computer that was very important to her was implanted with a virus by Lin Chen, and only he could solve the virus. Kiko had to hold back any grievances for that laptop.

"I didn't want to say anything." Kiko sat on the stool next to Lin Chen, looked at Lin Chen, and said 483, "I'm just curious about your hacking skills, I don't know that your hacking skills were taught by others. , or you learned it yourself, can you tell me about it?"

"This..." Lin Chen turned his head and glanced at Kiko: "It has nothing to do with you, right?"

"It doesn't matter. +]" Kiko said: "It's just that I'm more curious. If your hacking skills were taught by others, you would be so good. How scary is the person who taught you?"

"Since it doesn't matter, then I'm too lazy to tell you." Lin Chen said in a flat tone.

Lin Chen's ignorant attitude at this moment made Kiko's teeth itch with anger, and he could not wait to use his pink fist to hit Lin Chen's face.

This guy doesn't treat himself politely at all, it's really hateful.

However, qi returns to qi, and there is a handle in people's hands, so kiko can only be honest.

Kiko looked for a topic and talked with Lin Chen without a word. Lin Chen still ignored her topic.

At the end of the chat, Kiko sighed in his heart, then got up and left.

There are a lot of empty rooms in the villa, all of which are furnished with beds and furniture. Xia Miaoyan arranged a room for Kiko.

Kiko took his things, walked into the room, and nodded with satisfaction: "Well, it's not bad."

Xia Miaoyan said to her, "then take a rest, I will come and ask you to go down for breakfast in the morning."

Kiko looked at Xia Miaoyan with a smile on her pretty face: "Okay Miaoyan, thank you. (—)"

After Xia Miaoyan exited the room, she walked to Lin Chen's room.

After seeing Lin Chen watching TV in the room, Xia Miaoyan walked over, threw herself into Lin Chen's arms, and said to Lin Chen, "Master, is this TV so good-looking, it's fascinating to watch it."

"It's okay, a spy war movie with a good plot." Lin Chen responded to Xia Miaoyan.

Xia Miaoyan's soft and fragrant body threw herself into her arms so actively, Lin Chen's hand naturally swam around Xia Miaoyan's body dishonestly.

Xia Miaoyan felt Lin Chen's big hand with just the right amount of strength, and her body felt soft for a while.

She hooked Lin Chen's neck with her hands and asked, "Master, when are you going to remove the virus in Kiko's computer? Although the time I spent with Kiko is very short, I feel that she seems to be a good person. ah."

"Humans are not bad people." Lin Chen said lightly: "But you can't untie the implanted virus so easily. When will you untie it for her, um, it depends on my mood."

"If you don't untie it for a day, will she stay in the villa for a day?" Xia Miaoyan asked with a smile.

Lin Chen said: "If you're happy, let her stay, if you're not happy, just drive her away."

Lin (bbff)chen and Xia Miaoyan talked for a while, and immediately, Lin Chen picked up Xia Miaoyan and put her gently on the bed.

After the wind and rain stopped, Xia Miaoyan was not in a hurry to leave like yesterday.

After seeing this, Lin Chen deliberately joked: "Miaoyan, you were so eager to go back to your room last night, why didn't you leave tonight?"

Xia Miaoyan smiled and said, "because I want to stay by your side to sleep tonight. I left yesterday because I wanted to take care of Xiaohui."

Lin Chen also laughed: "Taking care of Xiaohui is just a rhetoric, you already know about me and Shen Yue, right?"

Xia Miaoyan was stunned when she heard Lin Chen's words.

But then, her expression returned to normal.

"Master, do you want to hear the truth?" Xia Miaoyan said to Lin Chen after being silent for a while.

"Between you and me, what else would you say if you don't tell the truth?" Lin Chen asked Xia Miaoyan back.

"Yeah." Xia Miaoyan said kindly, "Master, in fact, I could tell before that Sister Shen Yue likes you and is interested in you. She took the time to learn how to cook for you."

"When you were going to Xuanbei County to handle the case for Sister Shen Yue's father, I was thinking, you and Sister Shen Yue are alone, and Sister Shen Yue likes you, will something happen to you during this journey. "

"After you and Sister Shen Yue came back, I quickly saw that the same thing happened to you and Sister Shen Yue. The way Sister Shen Yue looks at you now is different."

"Master, when I saw it at first, I was a little unhappy, but I quickly figured it out. My master is so good, what's wrong with how many women there are? Besides, Sister Shen Yue is also very good, I am willing to Be with her by your side, Master."

Xia Miaoyan's words are very slow, very slow.

Her eyes were watery and her eyelashes were long, trembling and trembling. From her expression, Lin Chen could see that what Xia Miaoyan said was from her heart.

Lin Chen's arm was slightly harder, and he hugged the pretty and lovely Xia Miaoyan even tighter.

He said, "If I will be by my side in the future, besides Sister Shen Yue and Sister Tian Nian, there will be this sister and that sister?"

When Xia Miaoyan heard Lin Chen's words, she sat up from Lin Chen's arms and pouted: "Master, you have been loving sister, me, and Shen Yue, all three, and still Isn't it enough? You... can your body handle it..."

Lin Chen smiled and said, "don't worry about my body, it's just an analogy."

Xia Miaoyan thought for a while, then plunged into Lin Chen's arms again, and said, "Master, if there will be other women by your side, that's fine, as long as you are as good to me as you are now. , Miaoyan is yours all her life."

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