That night, Xia Miaoyan fell asleep with Lin Chen's arm on her back, and she slept very peacefully.

The next morning, after Lin Chen and Xia Miaoyan woke up, they washed up and went downstairs together. .


1158 Special case team meeting [2 more for subscription]

Both Lin Chen and Xia Miaoyan got up early. Xia Miaoyan was going to have breakfast. Lin Chen felt that since they both got up, they would help Xia Miaoyan together, so that she would not work too hard alone. ~)

When they were about to go downstairs, Lin Chen and the others heard a clanging sound coming from the kitchen.

"Sister Shen Yue got up earlier than me?" Xia Miaoyan muttered, there was movement in the kitchen, it was obvious that someone was making breakfast inside.

After the two came to the door of the kitchen, they looked into the kitchen and found that it was not Shen Yue but Kiko in the kitchen.

At this moment, Kiko is wearing an apron, her blue hair is tied up like yesterday, and her pretty face is still fair and lovely.

The only difference from yesterday is that today she has no makeup, and the smoky makeup on her face is gone.

Without the smoky makeup, Kiko is a little less enchanting and a little more pure. Even without makeup, this girl's skin is still good.

"Kiko, why are you up?" Xia Miaoyan walked into the kitchen with surprise in her tone.

After kiko heard Xia Miaoyan's voice, she first glanced at Xia Miaoyan, and then her eyes fell on Lin Chen.

She said to Xia Miaoyan, "I have the habit of getting up early to exercise. When I get up, I see you are all sleeping, so I will come to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for you."

Xia Miaoyan walked to the sink, washed her hands, and said, "I'll do it, your cooking skills don't seem to be very good."

Kiko won't be angry when she hears Xia Miaoyan's joke. After all, she doesn't care about cooking. It's like a girl who is 172 tall. If you keep scolding her for being short, she won't be sad because of your words.

What's more, Xia Miaoyan was just joking with her.

Kiko said: "My cooking skills are really not very good. I have been busy in the kitchen for a while, and I don't know how to start. Miaoyan, let me help you."

After Lin Chen saw that Kiko had beaten Xia Miaoyan, he walked to the sofa and sat down, picked up a book and read it.

As Xia Miaoyan and Kiko were busy in the kitchen, the smell of dishes soon came from the kitchen. The two daughters of Shen Qiu and Shen Yue also dressed up, went downstairs to prepare breakfast, and then went to work in the company.

Shen Qiu walked towards Lin Chen after seeing Lin Chen sitting on the sofa.

Shen Qiu walked to Lin Chen's side and sat down, and said to Lin Chen, "Boss, in one day today, the two Internet industries of the Shang family will basically be finished."

After Shen Yue heard Shen Qiu's words, she quickly took out her mobile phone and said, "The people of the Shang family have gone to the hacker forum to invite experts. I have to see if the network industry of the Shang family has recovered."

Shen Qiu looked at his sister Shen Yue, and after Shen Yue held the phone for half a minute, Shen Yue put down the phone, raised her head and smiled and said, "Those master hackers seem really useless, the two network industries of the Shang family are still Unable to connect to the server status."

Shen Qiu glanced at Lin Chen and said with a smile, "The boss didn't take those hackers seriously yesterday. (—)"

Kiko, who was busy with Xia Miaoyan in the kitchen, was finished. When she walked out of the kitchen, she heard the conversation between Shen Qiu and Shen Yue.

Kiko walked towards a few people, took out her stylish mobile phone, and said, "I'll log in to the hacker forum and see."

Shen Qiu and Shen Yue looked at Kiko curiously, wanting to see what the current situation was on that hacker forum.

After kiko browsed the hacker forum, she directly handed the phone to Shen Qiu and Shen Yue, and said, "You guys can take a look."

Shen Qiu was the closest to Kiko. After seeing this, he immediately took the mobile phone that Kiko handed over, and he and Shen Yue looked at it.

On kiko's mobile phone interface, it is the help thread posted by the Shang family in the forum. There are many hackers who replied in this thread.

These are the hackers on the forum who just saw the replies to this thread:

"[-] million to restore the server, is it true or false, is there such a good money?"

"Prank it, [-] million to restore the server? The server was hacked, and ordinary computer technicians can restore it in a little time."

"I checked it, and it's not wrong. This id also provided a proof. It is indeed [-] million yuan as a reward."

"Hahaha, this is just sending money, I took this order."

"It's really here to send money, I'll take this order."

"Give me all the way upstairs. This list must be mine. If anyone dares to snatch it from me, I won't have any good fruit to eat."

At the beginning, the hackers in the hacker forum were all full of confidence, thinking that the Shang family was giving out benefits and sending money to everyone.

Fifty million is a huge amount of income.

The most important thing is that this income is legal, these hackers earn it, and they can spend it openly. They don’t need to spend time on money laundering.

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The atmosphere of the hacker forum was mobilized by this post.

The poster also said on the thread that as long as it can be recovered, the money can be credited immediately.

It can be seen that the poster is very excited, and feels that these confident hackers can crack the virus implanted by Lin Chen.

However, after these hackers tried to crack the virus implanted by Lin Chen, the content of the thread changed dramatically.

"My day, what kind of virus is that, I have no clue at all to crack it."

"It's too hard, it's too hard, I tried for five hours, and only got into the edge of the virus program. If I continue to enter, the vulnerabilities of the virus will be automatically repaired."

"This virus is horrible, I can't do anything about it."

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