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"I'll just say, the people of the Shang family are not fools. How can this [-] million be so easy to earn?"

"My team and I studied for a long time and gave up. This virus is too scary."

"I want to know who wrote this kind of virus. The complexity of this virus is unbelievable."

As these hackers failed one after another, there was a sigh of sigh in the post. The [-] million they gave to the Shang family could only be seen from afar, and could not be obtained by strength.

After Shen Qiu and Shen Yue saw these posts, she said some of the content in them.

Shen Qiu said with a smile: "The entire hacker forum has nothing to do with the boss's virus. The Shang family will be completely desperate."

With Kiko's beautiful eyes, his gaze towards Lin Chen was even deeper, with a different meaning.

In this forum, there are many masters who are more powerful than her, and now those masters can't do anything about Lin Chen, which shows the horror of this Lin Chen.


Mohai City, Municipal Public Security Bureau.

The deputy director of the Public Security Bureau announced that a meeting will be held soon for the newly established special case team of the Municipal Bureau.

In the conference room, Ouyang Chuying, Wu Tianyu, Wu Xuan, and some old criminal policemen were all sitting in the conference room.

Wu Tianyu glanced at the door of the conference room and said to Ouyang Chuying, "Sister Ouyang, what did you say when the Deputy Bureau suddenly held a meeting?"

Ouyang Chuying, who was wearing a police uniform, said: "The special case team has just been established, and the deputy bureau suddenly held a meeting. I think, there may be a difficult case that has not been solved, and we have to send our special case team to go. .".


1159 Midnight Sawed Corpse Serial Murder Case 【Subscription】

The special case team established by the Mohai Municipal Bureau has been established.

Ouyang Chuying, Wu Tianyu, Wu Xuan and others are all members of the special case team.

In addition to them, some experienced old criminal police officers in the special case team are also indispensable.

Since its establishment, the police officers of the special case team have never solved a case in the name of the Mohai Special Case Team.

Just now, the deputy director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau issued a notice for the members of the special case team to gather in the conference room, and he wanted to announce one thing.

Therefore, Ouyang Chuying, Wu Tianyu and the others rushed to the meeting room to wait after receiving the notice.

After Wu Tianyu heard Ouyang Chuying's words, he nodded slightly and said, "Well, it should be like this."

A criminal policeman next to him said, "I don't know where the unsolved difficult cases happened, and the difficulty is not too big. Every case is a challenge for us police officers."

Ouyang Chuying glanced at the colleague and said, "If the case can reach our Demon Sea, and if the special case team is to investigate, it must be a case that the local police can't solve even with all their efforts."

Wu Tianyu rubbed his hands and said, "I'm interested in difficult cases and unsolved cases. The more difficult the case, the greater the sense of accomplishment after being solved."

After Wu Xuan heard what her brother Wu Tianyu said, she attacked: "Brother, you got it, the last time we had a case of human skin nailing in the sea of ​​magic, the case was difficult enough, enough to hang? In the case of leather nails, there is no contribution, and it is still the case that Mr. Lin solved. (—)”

When Wu Tianyu heard Wu Xuan's words, he was not angry, but said to Ouyang Chuying, "Sister Ouyang, have you told Brother Lin to let him be the consultant of our special case team?"

"I've said it several times." Ouyang Chuying pouted and said, "Lin Chen rejected me directly for the first time, and the second time his attitude changed, but he didn't say whether he refused or accepted."

"Is that so..." A look of disappointment flashed in Wu Tianyu's eyes, and he said, "If Brother Lin is willing to be our special case team's consultant, that's great, there are many things you can ask him."

The members of the special case team in the conference room nodded one after another. These people admired Lin Chen, and were not jealous or disdainful.

The previous two cases, the human skin nailing case and the community mother-daughter case, made them completely convinced by Lin Chen.

Just as Wu Tianyu's voice fell, the door of the conference room was pushed open, and a middle-aged man in a police uniform came in from outside.

When the members of the special case team saw the middle-aged man, they all stood up and said hello, "Deputy Bureau Jing."

This middle-aged man in a police uniform is the deputy director of the Mohai City Public Security Bureau, Jing Gaoge.

Jing Gaoge nodded at everyone and said, "All sit down. kuuhuu"

There was no smile on Jing Gaoge's face, but rather a serious look.

From the expression on Jing Gaoge's face, everyone could see that what he was going to say next was definitely not a good thing.

Ouyang Chuying and the others sat down one after another, and Jing Gaoge also sat on the main seat of the conference table.

Ouyang Chuying looked at Jing Gaoge and asked, "Deputy Bureau Jing, where is there a difficult case that needs our special case team to go?"

Ordinary police officers did not dare to speak much at this moment, waiting for Jing Gaoge to speak first.

However, with Ouyang Chuying's identity background, there is absolutely no need to worry about these.

After Jing Gaoge heard the words, he nodded and said, "I asked you to hold this meeting because of a case."

"What case?" Wu Tianyu asked curiously.

Jing Gaoge said: "There was a serial murder case in Zhengshan County, and now there are five people killed."

"Serial murder case? Five people were killed..."

"Zhengshan County? This county is a bit far from our sea of ​​magic."

"It's not too far. It won't take long to take the high-speed rail and then change trains."

The members of the special case team talked a lot and spoke in a low voice.

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