Ouyang Chuying asked Jing Gaoge: "Deputy Bureau Jing, what kind of modus operandi is the murderer in this serial murder case?"

Jing Gaoge didn't answer in a hurry, but took out a USB flash drive. He inserted the USB flash drive into the computer connected to the projector, and then reached out and started to operate quickly.

On the screen projected by the projector, a photo of a town soon appeared.

This photo of the township, from the perspective, was taken from a high mountain. This very good angle includes the entire township.

In the photo, this township is surrounded by mountains, green mountains and green waters, and the scenery is very good. .

The scale of the township is not small. The streets and buildings can be seen vaguely. On the edge of the township, there are some factories with a large construction area.

"This is Zhengshan County?" Wu Xuan asked.

Jing Gaoge said: "To be precise, this should be Qingshi Town in Zhengshan County, a town that has developed very well in the local area. Its prosperity is about to catch up with the urban area of ​​Zhengshan County."

"The serial murder case happened in this Qingshi Town?" Ouyang Chuying said, looking at the Qingshi Town projected by the projector.

"Yes." Jing Gaoge also looked at the photos of Qingshi Town and said, "The police in Zhengshan County officially named the serial murder case in Qingshi Town as the Midnight Sawed Corpse Serial Murder Case."

"Midnight saw-to-body serial murder?"

The name of this case made everyone present whispered in a low voice.


Saw a corpse?

An old criminal policeman said: "Deputy Bureau Jing, judging from the name of this case, the murderer sawed the body after killing the victim?"

Jing Gaoge said: "Well, yes, let's take a look first, this first photo."

Having said that, Jing Gaoge clicked the mouse, and then a photo of the crime scene appeared on the wall.

In the photo, there is a female body lying on the ground.

The woman, wearing a red skirt, lay quietly on the ground of 5.7, soaking her in a large amount of blood flowing out.

In this photo, those blood and red dresses are not eye-catching.

What Ouyang Chuying and the others noticed at a glance was that this corpse had no head.

This is a headless female corpse, the headless neck, which was cut by a saw, looks so abrupt and scary.

Jing Gaoge pointed to the female corpse in the photo and said, "This is the first dead person in the midnight sawing corpse serial murder case. The killing time was at night. Next to the corpse, use a saw to cut off the victim's head from the corpse in one fell swoop."

"There is only this headless female corpse at the crime scene. The victim's head has not been found yet. Moreover, after killing the victim and taking the head, the murderer also...".


1160 What's the use [2 more for subscription]

This photo of the headless female corpse has no mosaics. kuuhuu

If ordinary people saw it at first glance, they would scream in horror or vomit.

However, the people who can sit in the conference room at this moment are all experienced people, and it is still acceptable to take a photo of a headless corpse.

Jing Gaoge paused for a while, and then said to the crowd: "After the murderer seized the victim's head, he also took out some coins and scattered them around the body."

"Ming coin?" Wu Xuan frowned slightly and said, "What did the murderer do with the coin left at the scene? For the deceased? Let her rest in peace? Let her take the money, don't turn into a ghost to trouble yourself?"

These questions of Wu Xuan were also the thoughts of everyone present.

Jing Gaoge said: "When the murderer left the coins, he used fire to ignite the coins. Some coins were scattered, and some burned. Why did he leave the coins when he committed the crime? The local police in Zhengshan County, There is also a lot of speculation about that.”

Wu Tianyu touched his chin and said, "The coin is the money used by the dead. The murderer killed the deceased and left a pile of coins for the deceased. Maybe it was a sense of guilt. He felt that he gave the deceased money and let her die. After the money is spent, the murderer will feel better."

Another detective said: "Or after the murderer killed someone, he was afraid in his heart, afraid that the soul of the deceased would find him, and left some coins for the deceased, hoping that the deceased would not ask him for his life. ~)"

Ouyang Chuying's beautiful eyes blinked twice and said, "The murderer dares to kill, and after killing someone, he can also use a saw to cut off the victim's head. How cruel is this? I think it is possible to do such a thing. The murderer of the incident must have a good psychological quality, and he will definitely not be afraid of ghosts, leaving ghost coins for the dead, maybe there are other potential reasons."

"Leaving the ghost coins isn't the point, right? Maybe, it's just the murderer doing it at will." There are also criminal police who don't care about the murderer leaving the ghost coins.

Jing Gaoge's finger clicked the mouse again, and the picture projected by the projector changed, and a photo of the cut section of the neck wound of the first deceased appeared.

Jing Gaoge pointed to this photo and said: "This is a close-up photo of the neck wound of the first deceased. After the firmness of the local forensic doctor in Zhengshan County, the saw used by the murderer was a hacksaw blade with a tooth pitch of 0.1 mm. The saw blade is very useful, but because of the small teeth, the speed of sawing with this saw blade is very slow."

"The forensic doctor speculated that the murderer used a hacksaw blade to saw off the victim's head, which took at least seven or eight minutes."

Following Jing Gaoge's words and the close-up of the bloody wound in the picture, the scene of the crime appeared in the minds of everyone present. kuuhuu

When the murderer committed the crime, he knocked the victim to death with a blunt weapon. After the deceased was lying motionless on the ground, the murderer took out the hacksaw, put the saw on the neck of the deceased, and sawed it one by one.

With the murderer's sawing, blood and meat foam also splattered out.

When the saw cuts through the flesh of the deceased's neck and cuts into the bones of the neck, the saw teeth collide with the bones, making a slightly harsh sound.

Just like that, the murderer squatted on the ground and sawed with a saw for seven or eight minutes. After sawing off the head of the deceased, he took out the prepared coins and left with the bloody head of the deceased.

Thinking of these pictures, Wu Xuan couldn't help shrinking her neck. The murderer was too cruel.

"What's the use of the murderer taking the deceased's head?" Wu Xuan muttered.

Ouyang Chuying said softly, "The head of the first deceased was hidden by the murderer. What's the use of the murderer wanting her head..."

When Ouyang Chuying's voice fell, the picture projected by the projector changed, and another photo appeared.

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