In this photo, the same woman is lying on the ground, her head is tilted to one side, her hair is messy, and her body is also soaked in a pool of blood.

The head of the first deceased was sawed off, and the part of the second deceased was sawed off from the neck down and above the chest.

Jing Gaoge's blockbuster: "This is the second victim of the Midnight Severing Serial Murder Case. The missing parts on her body are the neck down, above the chest, not reaching the chest, and the part of her arms, which is the same as the first victim. The head of the deceased is the same, and the sawn-off part of the second deceased cannot be found."

Ouyang Chuying looked at the photo of the death of the second victim and said to Jing Gao: "Deputy Bureau Jing, the third victim, was the part from the chest to the abdomen cut off by the murderer and taken away?"

Wu Tianyu said: "The murderer of the first deceased sawed off her head, and the murderer of the second deceased sawed off her neck down, above her chest and her arms. If the third deceased was sawed off on her chest, That murderer made it clear that he wanted to saw off a part of each person, and then piece it together into one person."

"That's right." Jing Gaoge clicked the mouse, the projection screen changed, and a photo of the third victim appeared.

Jing Gaoge said: "The murderer took away the victim's body. The part that was taken was indeed from top to bottom. The area on the chest of the third deceased was taken away by the murderer."

When Jing Gaoge said this, everyone also saw the photo of the third deceased.

In the photo, the deceased's head, arms, and shoulders are intact, and her stomach and abdomen are still there, but the chest on her body has disappeared. 610 was used by the murderer to saw the area of ​​the chest with a saw down.

The area on the chest of the third deceased was sawed off and taken away, and the body was split in two.

In the part that was sawn open, the flesh was opened, the meat foam fell to the ground, and the blood and the severed liver flowed all over the floor.

An old criminal policeman saw the photo of the third deceased without mosaics and said: "The murderer wanted to take away the parts of the second and third deceased, and he had to saw both ends, and the bones and flesh also increased. Now, it will take a lot of time for him to saw it off."

Jing Gaoge said: "Yes, the first deceased only needs to saw off the bones of the neck, while the second and third deceased, the area to be sawed off becomes larger and there are more bones, the murderer took this into consideration, So when sawing the body of the second and third deceased, the murderer changed the saw."

"From a hacksaw blade with a 0.1 tooth pitch to a saw blade with a larger tooth pitch, the larger the tooth pitch of the saw blade, the greater the damage to the object being sawed. It can be seen that the body of the second and third deceased In the cross-section of the wound, the damage to the flesh is more serious, and it is not as smooth as the cross-section of the wound of the first deceased."

"It seems..." Ouyang Chuying stretched out her hand to straighten a strand of hair on her forehead, and said, "The murderer of the midnight sawing serial murder case really wanted to cut off a part of each victim and piece it together into another. alone.".


1161 Check from some aspects 【Subscription】

The murderer's method of sawing the body of the deceased is already obvious. (—)

He took a part of each dead body, and then he could use the fragments of the bodies of many people to piece together a 'person'.

Wu Xuan glanced at everyone present and muttered, "Is the murderer's purpose in doing this to assemble those corpses into a person, or for other reasons? Alone, what's the use?"

"Necrophilia?" Wu Tianyu said a conventional guess.

Jing Gaoge looked at Wu Tianyu and said, "At present, the possibility that the murderer has a necrophilia cannot be ruled out, because the missing body parts of each victim cannot be found, and the missing body parts of each deceased are very likely. in the murderer's house."

After hearing Jing Gaoge's words, Ouyang Chuying blinked slightly and said, "The possibility of necrophilia is indeed very high."

"Deputy Bureau Jing, the local police in Zhengshan County, have they investigated the interpersonal relationships of each victim from the perspective of vendetta, are they all fruitless?" a criminal policeman asked.

Jing Gaoge replied, "It's not very detailed in the information. What specific aspects have they checked? You'll know when you arrive in Zhengshan County."

"Well." The detective nodded, indicating that he understood.

At this moment, Jing Gaoge clicked the mouse again, and another woman's body appeared on the projected screen. ~)

The first victim had his head cut off.

The second victim had his neck down and his chest up, and the area that did not reach his chest and his arms was sawed off.

The third victim had his entire chest amputated and his body split in two.

This new female deceased is the fourth victim of the midnight sawing serial murder case.

The victim was amputated from the chest down and the belly button up.

This part of the body was the most sawn off among the victims.

The stomach area is also the area where the liver, intestines and kidneys are located.

This corpse, in the photo, is lying quietly on the ground, with the upper body to the chest, the lower body from the abdomen to the legs, but the entire stomach area on the body is missing.

Around the corpse, there were many coins scattered, some coins fell on the corpse, some fell in a pool of blood, some burned to ashes, and some burned a corner.

Jing Gaoge pointed to the fourth photo and said, "This is the fourth victim. The murderer sawed off the entire stomach. The murderer not only took the entire stomach, but even the liver and stomach inside. The intestines have been taken away””.”

"According to the estimates of the forensic doctor, the weight of the entire stomach area that the murderer took away was between [-] and [-] pounds. +]"

"Ming Coins...Ming Coins..." A criminal policeman touched his chin, his eyes focused on the picture, on top of the Ming Coins scattered all over the floor, and muttered: "Every time you kill a dead person, you will stay behind. A lot of coins..."

Around a corpse that has been sawed off, there are coins scattered all over the ground. If you see this scene in the middle of the night, it is very infiltrating.

The meeting room sounded the voices of the members of the special case team. They were all discussing the murderer's modus operandi, some small details left at the scene, and the role of those ghost coins.

Jing Gaoge also shared some details about the case with everyone. At this time, Ouyang Chuying said to Jing Gaoge, "Deputy Director Jing, you said that there were already five victims in this midnight sawing serial murder case. The fifth victim, her body was sawed down, right down to the navel."

"Yes." Jing Gaoge clicked the mouse, and a new picture appeared on the projection screen.

The place in the picture is in a dimly lit alley. The floor of the alley is covered with cement, but due to the long use, the cement floor is full of potholes, and there are long cracks in some places. .

Next to a green trash can, there was a female corpse lying on the ground, and the head of this female corpse was somewhat terrifying.

There is no other reason, but the victim's skull was smashed by the murderer, the bones of the entire head were deformed, and the face was deformed. The deformed facial features looked like crying instead of crying, like laughing Not laughing, very weird.

The head down is the upper body of the victim.

The victim's upper body was intact, but the most intimate part of the woman's body, from the belly button down and the thighs up, was sawed off by the murderer with a saw and disappeared.

The two thighs of the victim's lower body, without flesh and blood, were placed on the ground alone, and a lot of blood was splashed on the white legs.

Wu Tianyu looked at the picture and said, "The fifth victim was sawed off in the area of ​​the buttocks."

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