"The murderer killed five people. Using the body parts of the five people, the upper body of a 'person' can be pieced together," said a criminal policeman.

Ouyang Chuying said: "...if the murderer commits another crime, he will attack the victim's legs."

Jing Gaoge said: "The police in Zhengshan County also speculated that the purpose of this series of serial killings by the murderer should be to use various corpses to piece together a 'person'. If the murderer succeeds and gets a pair of legs, then He may not commit crimes again, and if the murderer stops committing crimes, it will be more difficult to catch him."

Everyone nodded slightly. For the cunning serial murderer, the police are not only afraid of him committing the crime and continuing to kill innocent people, but also afraid that he will never commit the crime without obtaining any favorable clues, thus losing the ability to catch the murderer more effectively. Opportunity.

Jing Gaoge sighed slightly and said, "In this midnight sawing serial murder case, the first victim was killed a few months ago. After the first case, the local police blocked it. ) information, the murderer was tracked down, but there were no favorable clues, and the murderer was not caught."

"With the killing of the second, third, and fourth victims, the local police have been working hard to block the news while investigating the case. After all, Qingshi Town is not small, but it is not big. If local residents know If there is a psycho killer in town, it will cause panic and a lot of bad things will happen."

Ouyang Chuying, Wu Tianyu, and Wu Xuan all expressed their understanding. After all, when there is a vicious murder case, most of the police will first adopt the method of blocking the news, and then make it public after the case is completely solved.

Jing Gaoge said: "The death of four victims before is enough to cause a headache for the local police in Zhengshan County, but the identity of the fifth victim who appeared in the past two days is not as simple as those of the previous victims."


ps: Brothers, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets, thank you for your support. .


1162 Considerable bounty [2 more for subscription]

After hearing Jing Gaoge's words, Ouyang Chuying immediately asked, "Deputy Director Jing, what is her identity as the fifth victim in this case?"

Others in the conference room also looked at Jing Gaoge with a little curiosity, wanting to hear the identity of the fifth victim. ~)

Jing Gaoge's eyes swept over everyone, and finally fell on Ouyang Chuying, and began to talk about the identity of the fifth victim in this case.

The fifth victim in this case, named Guan Xiaoyuan, is 16 years old this year and is a resident of Zhengshan County.

The reason why Guan Xiaoyuan's identity is not simple is because of her father.

The father of the victim, Guan Xiaoyuan, was named Guan Yan. Guan Yan was a businessman. When Zhengshan County had not yet developed, he took his family and went out of town to start a business.

Thanks to Guan Yan's efforts, although he is not a well-known entrepreneur, he is considered a small asset.

A few years ago, with the development of Zhengshan County, Guan Yan decided to relocate his factory in other places to Qingshi Town in Zhengshan County after negotiating with the relevant leaders of the county government.

The government attracts investment and moves Guan Yan's factory to Qingshi Town to give him many preferential policies and some other help.

Guan Yan opened a 497 garment factory. The scale of the factory is not small and it needs hundreds of employees. The garment factory has solved many employment problems in Zhengshan County, and it can also be regarded as a taxpayer among many enterprises in Zhengshan County. Big family. +]

It can be said that Guan Yan is a well-known big boss and a successful entrepreneur in Zhengshan County.

After Guan Xiaoyuan's body was found in an alley in Qingshi Town, the police who went to the scene to deal with it immediately recognized that the deceased was Guan Yan's daughter.

When the police notified Guan Yan of Guan Xiaoyuan's death, Guan Yan burst into tears, like crazy, grabbed the police by the collar, and asked the police to give him an explanation.

In addition, Guan Yan also learned that the serial murder case had already happened. He questioned the local police why the murder case had occurred long ago, but they did not inform the local residents, so that they would also take precautions and would not let the local residents know about it. Daughter wandered away.

Many people did not know that the police had blocked the case before. Guan Yan was full of resentment. He cursed the police and threatened the police.

He said that if he didn't find the murderer as soon as possible and give him an explanation, he would use the resources at his disposal to make a big case of the midnight sawing corpse serial murder case in Zhengshan County (bbaa), and spread it to the Internet. Go to the city and the province.

Let many people know that the dereliction of duty of the police in Zhengshan County has caused the leaders of some departments in Zhengshan County to have their black gauze caps removed.

If it is a threat from an ordinary person, some relevant leaders in Zhengshan County may not care, but Guan Yan is different. He is not short of money, and he has connections. As long as he wants, he can make things bigger and cause some trouble. The head of the department is screwed. +]

Serial homicides are one of the vicious homicides, and the severity of such cases can be imagined.

After being threatened by Guan Yan, the local police said that they would catch the murderer as soon as possible, give Guan Yan an explanation, and give the other four deceased an explanation.

Guan Yan wanted to tear the murderer to pieces. Although he made an agreement with the police to give the police some time, he still broke the agreement and made trouble out of it, letting the provincial leaders know about the serial murder case.

After learning about this major serial murder case, the province immediately investigated the responsibility of the relevant leaders of Zhengshan County. Four people have died in this serial murder case, but they have not been reported and the murderer has not been caught. Five victims showed up.

This is a serious dereliction of duty, and the leaders of the relevant departments have to get out of the way.

Because of the importance attached to the Midnight Sawed Corpse Serial Murder Case, several leaders of the provincial department decided after consultation to hand over the task of investigating the Midnight Sawed Corpse Murder Case in Zhengshan County to the serious crime team of the Mohai City Public Security Bureau.

In order to urge the police officers to solve the case, the provincial department provided two million yuan as a reward for solving the case.

Whoever can solve the case and who can provide valuable clues can share the two million rewards based on their contribution.

The provincial government provided [-] million yuan as an incentive, and the local government department of Zhengshan County naturally also expressed it.

After research, it was decided that the local government of Zhengshan County was willing to give one million yuan as a reward for solving the case.

[-] million for the provincial government and [-] million for the county government, that's a reward of [-] million for solving the case.

Three million is nothing for the rich, but it is a huge amount for the hard-working police.

If the case is solved, if the credit is distributed, a lot of money can be distributed.

After the news from the provincial department and the county government came out, Guan Yan, the victim's father, also said through some channels that whoever can catch the murderer, whether he is a police officer or not, as long as he can bring the murderer to him, He is willing to pay ten million as a reward.

As soon as the news of Guan Yan's reward came out, it immediately caused quite a stir.

The local police immediately found Guan Yan and told him that the police had already offered [-] million as a reward for solving the case, so that he did not need to offer another [-] million as a reward.

Guan Yan is very repulsive to the police, saying that he has money and the police can't control it.

The police asked him why he brought the murderer to him and whether he wanted to use some extra-legal means against the murderer. Guan Yan also said that the police could not control it.

Guan Yan loves his daughter very much, and her daughter was brutally murdered. It is very possible that he wants to torture the murderer in his heart.

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