Kiko was very helpless towards Lin Chen's attitude.

As a hacker, she has an infinite yearning for higher hacking techniques.

Kiko's hacking skills are not low, but now she has encountered Lin Chen, whose hacking skills are far superior to hers. In her heart, she immediately wanted to learn something from Lin Chen and improve herself.

Compared with Lin Chen's teaching of hacking techniques, Kiko feels that the super database in his laptop is not so important anymore.

Lin Chen knew exactly what Kiko was thinking at the moment.

His own hacking skills surpass all the hackers in this world. It is normal for kiko to want to teach her. .

However, Lin Chen also put his attitude very clearly, that is, don't teach, want to learn?dream.

Kiko pouted her cute little mouth, and grinded with Lin Chen here for a while.

Her grinding is destined to have no effect.

Kiko has a smart mind. After some testing and observation, he was sure that Lin Chen would not teach, so he gave up.

Kiko sighed, those big eyes rolled a glance at Lin Chen, and said, "Well, don't communicate if you don't communicate, you help me solve the virus in my notebook, and I'll consider leaving your house."

"Why should I help you solve the virus in your notebook?" Lin Chen asked.

"You asked me just now if you could untie it for me, and I'll leave." Kiko said.

"That's what I asked." Lin Chen nodded, changed the subject, and said, "But I didn't say I wanted to help you solve it."

"You..." Kiko was speechless.

She used to say that others couldn't retort, but after meeting this Lin Chen, she shrunk continuously. This guy didn't care that he was a beautiful woman, and he would do whatever he wanted.

Lin Chen looked at Kiko, who was like a gas bag, and said, "Don't sit here looking at me like this, you're sulking here, hurry up and pack up, let's go, leave here, you won't be angry anymore ."

Kiko snorted coldly, and just as she was about to speak, her phone rang.

When Kiko's cell phone rang, Lin Chen also heard a car approaching Villa 168, and when Kiko answered the phone 0.2, the car stopped at the door of the villa.

Kiko took the phone and walked to the side to answer the phone.

As the car stopped, a girl in a police uniform walked in from outside the villa.

This girl is very tall, almost 180 years old. She has a plump figure, and she walks gracefully. Seeing her figure will make men think.

Her pretty face is even more impeccably beautiful, but there is often frost on top of that pretty face, and she looks like a stranger.

This girl is naturally Ouyang Chuying.

Ouyang Chuying glanced at Kiko who answered the phone, and after seeing Lin Chen sitting on the stone bench, she took the folder in her hand and walked towards Lin Chen.

While walking, Ouyang Chuying said to Lin Chen, "Can you guess what I came to find you for?".


1165 A bit unique 【Subscription】

After Lin Chen heard Ouyang Chuying's words, his originally laid-back gaze became slightly solemn, and he glanced at Ouyang Chuying's body. kuuhuu

After reading it, Lin Chen said: "Today is Monday, it's more than nine o'clock in the morning. For you, it's work time. The police uniform on your body also proves this. You don't stay in the city bureau during work hours. He was not on the way to handle the case, but he was wearing a police uniform with a dignified face, and he came to me with a folder in his hand. It was impossible to come to play with me or to have dinner with me. You don’t usually come to my house in a police uniform.”

"Your face and eyes are dignified and confused. As the daughter of the Ouyang family, you are powerful and powerful. You can't come to me because of other things. You can't solve it, so you came to work at work. The one who is looking for me, the most likely, is that you have encountered a difficult case and want to come to me for help."

Lin Chen made this speculation after observing Ouyang Chuying's eyes.

When he was speculating about this, Xia Miaoyan also happened to be holding the cut oranges and walked out of the living room of the villa.

A flash of admiration flashed in Ouyang Chuying's eyes looking at Lin Chen. These 11 guys, based on some details, are still very accurate in their guesses.

Xia Miaoyan got closer and closer, she smiled at Ouyang Chuying: "Sister Ouyang, is the master right?"

"That's right. +]" Ouyang Chuying glanced at Xia Miaoyan, nodded slightly, then set her eyes on Lin Chen and said, "I'm here to find you now because of a case."

After hearing what Ouyang Chuying said, Lin Chen didn't show a smug look on his face because his guess was right.

His expression was still the same, and he said, "It should be a big case that can make you come to me at this time."

Xia Miaoyan put the plate of cut oranges on the stone table and asked Ouyang Chuying, "Sister Ouyang, what kind of case do you want the master to help with?"

"A serial murder case." Ouyang Chuying said.

"Serial murder case?" Xia Miaoyan repeated with a little surprise in her tone.

Ouyang Chuying began to explain to Lin Chen: "This serial murder case happened in Qingshi Town, Zhengshan County, which is a town supported by the government for development and construction. The serial murder case that happened in this town has already been Five women were killed, and the fifth victim was killed just the day before yesterday."

"The local police in Zhengshan County officially named this serial murder case the Midnight Saw Corpse Serial Murder Case."

"Midnight saw a corpse?" Xia Miaoyan muttered, "Listening to this name, it's a bit unique."

Lin Chen's curiosity was hooked after hearing the name of this case. (—)

He said to Ouyang Chuying: "Sawed the body? Did the murderer saw off the victim's body after killing the victim?"

"Yes." Ouyang Chuying nodded and said, "The first victim was sawed off by the murderer's head, and the second victim was sawed off by the murderer's neck down, the chest up and the arm area, The third victim had his entire chest amputated, and the fourth victim had his entire chest and stomach amputated."

"The fifth victim was sawed off from the navel down and the thigh up."

When Xia Miaoyan heard what Ouyang Chuying said, the more she listened, the more surprised she became.

She said, "What is the murderer doing by sawing off their bodies like this? Torturing them?"

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