Lin Chen said lightly: "It's obvious that the murderer is killing different people, sawing off different body parts from different people, and then piecing them together into a brand new 'person'."

When Lin Chen said the last human character, his tone was a little heavier.

Ouyang Chuying was not surprised that Lin Chen directly pointed out this point in the case. It made her feel strange that Lin Chen didn't think of this at the first time.

"Well, the speculation of the local police in Zhengshan County is the same as our speculation in the meeting room of the Municipal Public Security Bureau. The murderer may suffer from necrophilia, saw different body parts from different people, and then piece them together. Become a person." Ouyang Chuying said.

Immediately, Ouyang Chuying, Lin Chen and Xia Miaoyan talked about some details of the serial murder case in Zhengshan County at midnight.

While speaking, Ouyang Chuying took out the documents in the folder and the photos of the corpse at the crime scene to Lin Chen to show Xia Miaoyan.

Of course, with Xia Miaoyan's courage, she only dared to look at the written materials. She still did not dare to look at the pictures of the corpses without mosaics at the crime scene, for fear of having nightmares at night.

But even seeing the text about the case, Xia Miaoyan had some goosebumps.

After reading the written materials, Lin Chen had a general understanding of the case. He held the photo of the deceased at the scene of the crime in his hand and slowly looked at it.

Ouyang Chuying saw that Lin Chen was seriously looking at the documents and the photos of the crime scene, so she sat by the side, looking at Lin Chen's serious appearance, and didn't say a word.

After several minutes, Lin Chen finally understood everything.

After seeing Lin Chen put down the case materials, Ouyang Chuying said to Lin Chen: "The provincial department where Zhengshan County is located has given the priority investigation right of this midnight sawing corpse serial murder case to our newly established Mohai City. The special case team, our Mohai City special case team, will have a week's priority to investigate this case."

"A week later, if there is no progress in 497, the provincial department will let the special teams from other cities go to solve the case together. This time, the provincial department has given two million, and the county government has given one million. The fifth place The victim's father, Guan Yan, personally provided [-] million yuan."

"The reward of [-] million for solving the case is a lot of money. Lin Chen, I know that you are not short of money, and this money is not in your eyes. Likewise, I am not Without this money, the special case team that we just established in Mohai City lacks prestige and record of solving cases."

"This time, our special case team is under a lot of pressure. If we can't solve the case under the condition of priority investigation and are detected by other special teams, then our special case team in Mohai City, this municipality directly under the central government, will become a joke. already."

Ouyang Chuying said this, and said to Lin Chen in a solemn tone: "Lin Chen, I hope you can go to Zhengshan County with our special case team to investigate the serial murder case of sawing corpses in the middle of the night. You are afraid of trouble and don't want to. It doesn't matter if you serve as a consultant for our special case team, you can serve temporarily, and you can stop serving after the case is solved."

After hearing what Ouyang Chuying said, Lin Chen said, "This case involves [-] million rewards. Apart from your special case team's priority to go there, some private investigators should also be on their way to Zhengshan County. Bar.".


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After hearing Lin Chen's words, Ouyang Chuying replied: "In the past, some cases with hundreds of thousands or millions of rewards for solving crimes could attract some detectives to collect clues and help the police solve the case. This time, the midnight saw in Zhengshan County. The reward for solving the serial murder case is as high as [-] million, and there will definitely be many detectives there. (—)”

Xia Miaoyan looked at Lin Chen expectantly and asked, "Master, are you willing to go?"

Lin Chen glanced at Xia Miaoyan, and then his eyes fell back to Ouyang Chuying, and said to her, "I don't care about consultants, forget it, when are you going?"

Ouyang Chuying's heart sank a little when he heard Lin Chen say that it is okay to ignore the consultant. Lin Chen's words meant to refuse.

However, the latter sentence asked when he was going to leave, which immediately made Ouyang Chuying, whose heart sank, smile with joy.

Lin Chen would ask himself when to set off. The underlying meaning in this sentence is that he is willing to go to Zhengshan County together.

"Tomorrow, tomorrow morning." Ouyang Chuying said in a slightly excited tone.

Lin Chen sorted out the documents scattered on the stone table, pushed them back to Ouyang Chuying, and said, "This case looks quite interesting. I will go to Zhengshan County with your special case team tomorrow."

After hearing Lin Chen's clear answer, Ouyang Chuying showed a knowing smile on her often cold face. +]

"Okay." Ouyang Chuying said to Lin Chen, "Lin Chen, thank you."

"You don't need to thank me. The existing information you provided has very little detailed description of the case. It is not certain what will happen to this case." Lin Chen said.

"There is no case that you can't solve. If you are willing to go with our special case team, it will definitely help us a lot." Ouyang Chuying said with a smile.

Lin Chen smiled and didn't say anything more.

Seeing that Lin Chen agreed to go, Xia Miaoyan said on the side, "Is Zhengshan County far from the magic sea?"

"It's alright. If you drive, it will take [-] hours. Our plan is to take the high-speed train to the city where Zhengshan County is located, and then take the car to Qingshi Town in Zhengshan County' ~." Ouyang Chuying told Xia Miaoyan explained one sentence.

"Oh." Xia Miaoyan snorted twice and said, "That's still quite far."

After finishing speaking, Xia Miaoyan looked at Lin Chen and asked expectantly, "Master, I have never been to Zhengshan County, can I go with you tomorrow? Murder cases, I'm also curious."

After Lin Chen heard what Xia Miaoyan said, he shook his head and said, "The journey is still quite long, and Xiaohui is by your side again, it's inconvenient, Miaoyan, you still stay in the villa, take Xiaohui, and Let's go together with Shen Qiu and Shen Yue, you are curious about the case, we can make a video call, and I will tell you the progress of the case.~)"

Xia Miaoyan really wanted to go with Lin Chen. After all, Lin Chen went to Xuanbei County for a few days last time. She just came back a few days ago, and she was leaving again. Lin Chen stayed together.

However, what Lin Chen said was also very reasonable. Xia Miaoyan thought for a while, but she still listened to Lin Chen's words obediently.

Xia Miaoyan said, "well, master, then I won't follow."

Xia Miaoyan just finished speaking, and Kiko, who just walked to answer the phone, just came back.

Kiko answered the phone just now, but didn't say hello to Ouyang Chuying who walked in. After walking to the stone table, she waved her hand and said hello to Ouyang Chuying.

Ouyang Chuying glanced at Kiko and nodded slightly as a response.

After kiko said hello, she looked at Lin Chen and said, "Lin Chen, do you know what the call I just answered was about?"

Lin Chen's response was cold and said, "I'm not curious, I don't want to know."

Kiko has begun to get used to Lin Chen's lukewarm attitude towards herself, she sighed in her heart, and then said with a normal expression: "I received a news that in a county called Zhengshan County, an incident happened. In a serial murder case, five victims have been killed in this case."

"The local government and the victim's family have provided [-] million in reward for solving the case. As long as anyone can catch the murderer or provide clues, they can share the huge reward of [-] million. Now, This case has been uploaded to the crime master, and some detectives in China have begun to go to Zhengshan County."

Saying that, Kiko raised an eyebrow at Lin Chen and said, "How about it, Lin Chen, are you interested in going to Zhengshan County together? If you want to go, I can tell you some information about the case."

Lin Chen looked at Kiko and said, "You said it's too late."

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