Kiko was a little puzzled and asked, "Why are you saying it's too late?"

Lin Chen pointed to Ouyang Chuying who was sitting in front of him, and said, "Chuying is coming to me now, just for the midnight sawing serial murder case in Zhengshan County. Finished the existing information."

Hearing this, kiko immediately picked up the stack of documents in front of Ouyang Chuying and quickly flipped through it.

After a quick look, Kiko asked Lin Chen: "..that's true, then, Lin Chen, are you going to Zhengshan County to investigate this midnight sawing corpse serial murder case?"

Before Lin Chen could speak, Ouyang Chuying said, "Lin Chen has agreed to go to Zhengshan County with our special case team tomorrow."

A sly look flashed on Kiko's pretty face, and he said, "That's great, this case and the reward for solving the case are also attractive to me. I'll set off with you tomorrow."

Lin Chen picked up an orange cut by Xia Miaoyan and said to Kiko, "If you want to go, just go by yourself, don't follow me like a follower."

"Who's following the ass?"

After Kiko heard Lin Chen's words, she was obviously a little unhappy. She said, "I'll go by myself, as if I had to be with you."

Ouyang Chuying was also happy when she heard that kik wanted to go by herself.

This girl, Kiko, is not bad-looking and has a lot of characteristics. She is really afraid that Lin Chen has been in contact with her for a long time, and there will be confusion with her.

After a few people talked for a while, Ouyang Chuying stood up and said, "Then it's settled, Lin Chen, tomorrow morning our city bureau will have a car to pick us up to the high-speed rail station."

"Okay." Lin Chen nodded.

Ouyang Chuying said: "Then I'll go back to the Municipal Public Security Bureau first. The members of our special case team will be very happy when they learn that you are willing to act."

After Ouyang Chuying finished speaking, she took the information of those cases and walked out of the yard.

Soon, the sound of the car's engine came to mind outside the yard, and Ouyang Chuying drove away quickly.

Kiko didn't stay in front of Lin Chen either. After Ouyang Chuying left, she walked into the villa and hid in the room where she lived, not knowing what she was doing. .


1167 No need to look for it 【Subscription】

Kiko hid in the room, not knowing what she was doing, but Xia Miaoyan went to Lin Chen's room and started to pack up for Lin Chen. (—)

Zhengshan County is a long way away, and Xia Miaoyan doesn't know how long Lin Chen will be going, so there are still plenty of things prepared for Lin Chen.

It is hot summer now, and Xia Miaoyan also carefully prepared some heatstroke prevention supplies for Lin Chen.

Because the clothes and pants in summer are very thin, although Xia Miaoyan packed a lot of things for Lin Chen, she only filled a backpack.

Lin Chen walked into the house and saw that Xia Miaoyan just finished tidying up, he walked over, came to Xia Miaoyan's side, and gently hugged Xia Miaoyan's delicate body into his arms.

Xia Miaoyan was hugged by Lin Chen, and said softly in Lin Chen's ear, "Master, you are going out again."

"It doesn't take long, I'll be back in a week at most." Lin Chen patted Xia Miaoyan's back lightly and comforted.

"Will you stay at home for a while longer when you finish the midnight sawing serial murder case in Zhengshan County?" Xia Miaoyan asked expectantly.

Lin Chen smiled without giving a clear answer, and said, "Well, maybe."

After talking to Xia Miaoyan softly in the room for a while, Xia Miaoyan went to the kitchen to busy cooking.

Lin Chen was still sitting on the sofa in the living room, looking at the book. The remaining pages of the book were not too thick. He was going to Zhengshan County tomorrow, and Lin Chen was going to finish the book today. (—)

When it was time for lunch, Xia Miaoyan just prepared the food and tableware, and Kiko came downstairs slowly.

"Kiko, it's time to eat." Xia Miaoyan greeted Kiko.

Kiko nodded to Xia Miaoyan and said with a smile, "Well, I just came down when I smelled the fragrance of the vegetables."

When kiko and Xia Miaoyan were talking, they didn't mean to talk to Lin Chen at all, and they didn't even look at Lin Chen.

Lin Chen didn't care about this, he just ate on his own.

After lunch, Lin Chen continued to sit on the sofa and read the book. This afternoon, Lin Chen spent all his time reading the book.

During the period, Xia Miaoyan brought two plates of fruit to Lin Chen and asked Lin Chen and Xiaohui to eat together.

The time of day passed quickly, the sky gradually dimmed, and night began to fall.

After Xia Miaoyan and Kiko prepared dinner, Shen Qiu and Shen Yue, who had been busy all day, returned to the villa from the company.

Shen Qiu's first sentence when he saw Lin Chen was: "Boss, you can restore the two Internet industries of the Shang family. We have dug over almost all the anchors of the two Internet industries of the Shang family. Home's Internet industry has recovered, and their website no longer has the content and anchors to attract audiences. kuuhuu"

Lin Chen knew that Shen Qiu had taken care of everything, he nodded slightly, and talked to Shen Qiu about the things in the shopping mall.

After talking about the company, Lin Chen called Hao Liang.

"Hey, Brother Lin." The voice of Hao Liang, a hacker genius, came from the phone.

Lin Chen said to him, "It's time to restore the Shang family's network industry."

Hao Liang immediately asked, "Are both network industries recovering?"

"Yeah." Lin Chenen said.

"Okay, Brother Lin, I'll do it right away." Hao Liang said to Lin Chen.

Lin Chen is very kind to Hao Liang, a hacker genius, and Hao Liang also remembers it in his heart. For all Lin Chen's orders, this kid made every effort to complete it.

After the phone call, Lin Chen and the others all took their seats and started to eat.

At the dinner table, Lin Chen raised his head, looked at Shen Qiu and Shen Yue, and said to them both, "I'm going out tomorrow."

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