"Going out?" Shen Qiu raised his eyebrows and asked, "Boss, where are you going?"

Shen Yue's eyes showed reluctance and asked, "Boss, we have just returned from Xuanbei County, why are we going out again?"

"In a place called Zhengshan County, there was a bbaf ring murder case. The master will go to Zhengshan County to investigate the case with the special investigation team from Mohai City." Xia Miaoyan clipped a piece to Xiaohui Tofu, explained to Shen Qiu and Shen Yue.

"Serial murder case?" Shen Yue muttered, and asked curiously, "What serial murder case is it?"

Shen Qiu is also very curious. Usually, the special case team can go there. The case that Lin Chen is still willing to go to must be a difficult case.

Seeing that the two girls wanted to know, Lin Chen told them about the basic situation of the Midnight Sawed Corpse serial murder case.

Shen Qiu and Shen Yue listened while eating, and from time to time they made sounds of doubts about the case.

Lin Chen and the others were having dinner in Villa 168, and the atmosphere at the table was very good.

In the Shang family's villa, it was still a lonely and depressed scene at the moment.

Everyone in the Shang family was sitting at the dining table in the villa.

Shang Ming sat in the main seat with his head drooping.

Shang Ming's brother glanced at him and said, "Shang Ming, if Lin Chen still doesn't restore the server for us, our two network industries will be completely over."

The live broadcast platform of the Shang family is a listed company. In the past few days, the market value has fallen again and again. The extent of the loss has made everyone in the Shang family feel desperate.

"Hey... what can I do..." Shang Ming sighed.

Shang Yunwei was sitting next to Shang Ming, she suddenly raised her head and said, "Lin Chen treats our family like this, maybe he has plans for me, I will go to him in a while and ask him, how can we restore us? home server."

After hearing Shang Yunwei's words, everyone present understood that Shang Yunwei was going to use her body to make Lin Chen forgive the Shang family.

In this society, it is normal to sell one's own body in exchange for the forgiveness of the other party for the sake of begging for mercy and for the sake of profit.

In the workplace, many women are willing to let their bosses unspoken rules for higher positions and higher salaries, and they still enjoy it.

Shang Yunwei said this because she was very confident in her appearance and body, and she felt that Lin Chen would be like that because she wanted to get her.

It's just that she didn't look in the mirror. How to compare her appearance with Xia Miaoyan, Ouyang Chuying and the others, Lin Chen never had any idea about her.

Just when Shang Yunwei was going to find Lin Chen, Shang Ming's professional manager called and told Shang Ming that the website had been fully restored.

After Shang Ming received the call, he said to Shang Yunwei, "You don't need to go to Lin Chen."

"What's wrong?" Shang Yunwei asked.

"Lin Chen has restored our server." Shang Ming said.

Shang Yunwei was overjoyed: "Really? That's great."

Shang Ming raised his hand and slapped Shang Yunwei's face with a slap, and said, "What's so good? In the past few days, there is only an empty shell of our family's pillar industry."


1168 Arrived at the site [2 more for subscription]

Shang Yunwei is the daughter of the Shang family. She has been spoiled since she was a child. Not to mention beating her, Shang Ming has even scolded her only a handful of times. ~)

However, in the past few days, watching the company's stock price drop by the limit day by day, and the market value fell again and again, Shang Ming, who was helpless to Lin Chen, could only put his anger on Shang Yunwei's body.

These days, he has been cursing Shang Yunwei a lot, and he has also touched Shang Yunwei several times.

At this moment, his slap landed on Shang Yunwei's face, causing a bright red palm print to appear on Shang Yunwei's face.

Shang Yunwei was slapped, and tears flowed down her face. She knew how much she had made a mistake. She was beaten, and she didn't dare to cry.

The rest of the Shang family didn't say a word about Shang Ming's attack on Shang Yunwei, and even Shang Yunwei's mother didn't say a word.

In the past few days, the second-in-command of Mohai had already told them that they had let them die of the heart that was thinking about Lin Chen, and the big loss this time was a lesson.

If you don't want to court death, don't hit Lin Chen's ideas, and don't hit the ideas of those around him.

Everyone in the Shang family knew that this time it was the dumb loss, and the culprit who caused this dumb loss was Shang Yunwei.

A slap in the face is considered light.

Shang Yunwei's heart is also full of despair. She has gone from a high-profile, wealthy eldest lady to the point where her family is about to go bankrupt, and she is regarded as a laughing stock by insiders. ~)

The people of the Shang family no longer dared to take revenge. What they want to do now is to keep a low profile and try to make the two Internet industries come alive.


Tianze Garden, in Villa 168.

After Lin Chen and the others had dinner, they watched TV for a while, and then went to rest separately.

That night, both Xia Miaoyan and Shen Yue came to Lin Chen's room and had a good time with Lin Chen.

Although the two girls already knew the existence of each other, they still came to Lin Chen at different time periods.

The next morning, Ouyang Chuying, who was carrying a travel bag, came to the door of Villa 168 early.

After walking into the yard, Ouyang Chuying saw Xia Miaoyan and Xiaohui holding a watering can, watering the flowers there.

"Sister Ouyang, good morning." Xia Miaoyan greeted.

"Sister Ouyang, good morning." Xiaohui greeted politely.

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