When Ouyang Chuying came knocking on the door, Lin Chen just got dressed and was about to go out.

After having breakfast at the hotel, the group drove towards the County Public Security Bureau.

In order to facilitate Lin Chen and the others to handle the case, the county leaders prepared several cars for Lin Chen and the others.

At around [-]:[-] in the morning, Lin Chen and the others arrived at the door of the county public security bureau building.

The deputy director of the county public security bureau was waiting at the door of the public security bureau. After seeing Lin Chen and the others, he immediately greeted them and took Lin Chen and the others to the conference hall of the case discussion.

At this moment, in the conference hall of the Zhengshan County Public Security Bureau, there were many people sitting in the huge conference hall, except for the police.

Kiko was sitting in the conference hall, playing with his mobile phone, and looking at the door of the conference hall from time to time.

Sitting next to Kiko is a female detective from an island country. She said in standard Mandarin: "It's time, why haven't the meeting started yet? Isn't this a waste of my time?".


1171 Detective Participates in Solving the Case 【Subscription】

The female detective from the island country who speaks is not tall, wearing a pair of high heels with a heel of ten centimeters on her feet. With enchanting in it, it can attract the attention of men. kuuhuu

However, if she is compared with Kiko on the side, this female detective from the island country is nothing compared, and in front of Kiko, she is eclipsed.

This female detective from the island country, named Mizuo, is ranked eighth on the C-day master crime master detective list.

After Kiko heard Misana's impatient complaint, he said, "Don't worry, this time, the police in Pingwang County put their hope of solving the midnight sawing serial murder case on the special case team from the magic sea. , The special case team didn't come, how could the meeting start?"

After hearing this, the female detective of the island country Mei Zuo raised the corner of her mouth slightly, revealing a disdainful smile.

She said: "What's the use of your Huaxia police, what is the special case team, many difficult cases, it's not up to us detectives."

The female detective of the island country, Mizuo, said this very rudely. After Kiko heard the words, she didn't like her very much, and she was too lazy to pay attention to the female detective of the island country.

In this conference hall, there are many private detectives, in addition to Kiko and the female detective Mizuo of the island, there are also several detectives.

Sitting on the left side of Mezzo is a strong American man. He is wearing a pair of dark jeans and a black vest. On the black vest with little fabric, a large area of ​​strong muscles is exposed. ~)

The man named Billy, nicknamed Bison, is an American special forces detective who advocates the use of violence to solve all crimes.

Buffalo Billy's case-solving rate is not low, ranking ninth on the detective list, second only to the arrogant island female detective Mizuo.

On the left side of Billy the Buffalo sat a young man. The young man was very well dressed, his hair was meticulously combed, and his fair face was lightly dressed.

A man's make-up gives people a bit of a girly feeling.

The young man's name is Chen Gaoming, a Chinese private detective who ranks thirteenth on the crime master's detective rankings.

In the city where his household registration is located, Chen Gaoming has helped the local police and solved many cases. In these cases, he has contributed a lot and is highly respected by the local public security bureau. He was very polite.

This year, he is only 26 years old. At a young age, he has a strong sense of pride in his body, giving people a feeling of being the boss of the sky and my second child.

Chen Gaoming has made a lot of money over the years by being a detective. With money, he has become a fun-loving person. He often goes in and out of various bars and nightclubs. His body looks tall, but it is frightening. The combat power on the bed did not exceed ten seconds.

He was weak, and when he went out to handle a case, he was accompanied by a strong bodyguard to escort him.

At this moment, the strong bodyguard was standing behind Chen Gaoming.

Of course, physical strength is also relative. Compared with him, Chen Gaoming's bodyguard is very strong and bulky, but compared with the American special forces detective Buffalo Billy, this bodyguard is not Billy at all. dishes.

It is estimated that with two fists of Buffalo Billy, Chen Gaoming's bodyguard could not get up from the ground.

Sitting opposite Chen Gaoming were two men.

One of the two men is relatively young, with black hair, tall and not strong, wearing a shirt and a pair of headphones around his neck.

His name is Qin Feng, a detective younger than Chen Gaoming. He once solved the Bangkok gold theft and murder case. He is a detective genius. At a young age, he has already ranked second on the crime master detective list, second only to the number one q.

Beside Qin Feng, there is a man with sallow skin and a stubble beard. This man's name is Tang Ren, Qin Feng's cousin, and Qin Feng calls himself a detective in Chinatown.

Tang Ren's detective skills are not much, mainly relying on his cousin Qin Feng, who is Qin Feng's assistant, and sometimes causes Qin Feng's confusion.

Island female detective Mei Zuo, American special forces detective Buffalo Billy, private detective Chen Gaoming, self-proclaimed Chinatown detectives Tang Ren and Qin Feng, and Xiangjiang female hacker Kiko, these six detectives who came for the reward of solving the case are all sitting in this conference room at the moment among.

After the female detective Mizuo of the island country complained, Billy the U.S. special forces detective said in his Chinese with a strong accent: "Oh my, it's agreed that the case discussion will start at [-]:[-], and now it's [-]:[-]. Second, is this meeting still going to be held? I came all the way here just to sit here in a daze ' '?"

Buffalo Billy is very big and has a very irritable temper. After saying that, he slammed his fist on the heavy conference table. He used this fist to express that the discussion of the case has been delayed for a long time. dissatisfied.

Private detective Chen Gaoming looked at an old policeman and said in a casual tone: "...this police officer, how long do I have to wait? Your police in Zhengshan County are willing to let detectives participate in solving the case, and hope we can provide help. , but that's how you treat us?"

"That special case team from the magic sea has no sense of time at all. It's so late, and it hasn't arrived yet. Are you deliberately putting us aside and playing with us?"

The policeman who was questioned by Chen Gaoming didn't look very good-looking. Chen Gaoming's tone was contemptuous and self-satisfied. From his tone, one could hear his disdain for the Mohai Special Case Team, as well as waiting for more. Ten minutes of dissatisfaction.

Although Chen Gaoming's attitude is not good, but now to ask for the help of these detectives, the police officer's attitude should still be in place.

He smiled at Chen Gaoming and said, "Detective Chen, we expect the case discussion meeting to start at [-] o'clock, but the special case team (Li Zhao's) just arrived in Zhengshan County yesterday. , is also normal, please forgive me, wait a while."

Chen Gaoming pouted and said, "If you want me to tell you, don't wait. You first give us the details of this case, and then give us the relevant information. When the guys from the special case team come, you can give them to them. Just say it once."

Island female detective Meizuo glanced at Chen Gaoming and agreed: "I agree with what the detective said, tell us about the case first, but I don't think the people in the special case team have a big role for us."

Meizuo's personality is similar to Chen Gaoming's. Both of them are arrogant and arrogant. They feel that they have solved some cases before, so they feel great and proud.

"What are you doing in such a hurry?" Tang Ren, who was sitting across from Meizuo Chen Gaoming and the others, said, "I heard from Lao Qin that there is Lin Chen in this special case team...".


1172 The Nameless Person [2 more for subscription]

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