Tang Ren would know that Lin Chen was in the special case team and learned it from Qin Feng, and Qin Feng would know this from Kiko. (—)

Kiko and Qin Feng once participated in a case together. The two knew each other, and they were general friends. Some simple things would still be talked to each other.

Detective fan Qin Feng was very excited when he learned that Lin Chen was also involved in this case.

Qin Feng loves solving crimes, and he can rank second on the crime master detective list, which shows his strength.

Qin Feng knew something about Lin Chen, and knew the case that Lin Chen had cracked.

From the case of dismembering the corpse in the girls' dormitory of Donglin University to the case that Lin Chen cracked in Xuanbei County, Qin Feng has read relevant reports.

Among the cases that Lin Chen solved, some were difficult, some were average, and some were very thrilling. After watching the humanoid pattern murder case and the documentary of the rainy night serial murder case, Qin Feng had a feeling in his heart for Lin Chen. Some admiration and adoration come.

Like Kiko, he has thought about getting to know Lin Chen, asking Lin Chen to register an account on the crime master, and then uploading his personal case-solving record data to see if ranking 497 can surpass the mysterious q and become a detective leader. first place.

It's just that he doesn't have the hacking skills of kiko, so he can't know Lin Chen's contact information. kuuhuu

Today, I will be able to meet Lin Chen soon, Qin Feng is somewhat excited.

"Lin Chen? What Lin Chen?" Island female detective Meizuo asked in confusion after hearing Tang Ren said that Lin Chen was also in the special case team.

"It's one of our great detectives in China. His name is Lin Chen. He has solved a lot of cases. We Lao Qin still admire him very much." Tang Ren smiled and said to Mei Zuo. , glanced at Mizuo's body from time to time.

"Lin Chen? Great detective?" Island female detective Meizu shook her head disdainfully: "Sorry, I've never heard of this name."

"I know him a little bit." Chen Gaoming on the side spoke at this time, with a smile on his face and a playful look in his eyes, he said: "It's just a little detective who has solved a few cases, what worship or not worship? Yes, there is absolutely no such person on the list of master crime detectives."

"Haha." The female detective of the island country, Meizuo, smiled disdainfully, and said, "I don't even have a ranking on the detective rankings, so I'm embarrassed to say something about a great detective. Some Chinese people just like to brag."

Buffalo Billy put his hands on his chest and said, "To use one of your Chinese idioms, Lin Chen or something, is an unknown person, right?"

"Haha, this idiom is well used." Chen Gaoming shook his finger and looked at Billy the Buffalo, indicating that the idiom of the unknown is very appropriate. kuuhuu

When Qin Feng heard that these people looked down on Lin Chen, he hurriedly said: "No... No, the detective ranking of the crime master... can't... It can't really explain a person's strength, he is in There's no ranking on Master of Crime, maybe he just doesn't know the software."

Qin Feng's brain is easy to use, but he has a disadvantage, that is, he stutters, and sometimes he stutters even more when he is excited.

After Chen Gaoming heard Qin Feng's words, he mocked even more: "Qin Feng, what you said is interesting, crime master is such a popular community software for us detectives, if he doesn't even have this software You know, he's what a fucking detective then."

"In my opinion, it's not that he doesn't know the crime master software, it's that he doesn't dare to enter the crime master community because he is afraid that his ranking will be disgraceful."

Kiko fiddled with his hair and said to Chen Gaoming: "I have been in contact with Lin Chen, and he should not be afraid of the crime master, but... disdain."

There are two words of disdain in kiko's sentence, which is very serious.

"Hehehe..." Island female detective Meizu sneered: "Disdain? Some detectives disdain the exchange community of crime masters? This is probably the funniest joke I've ever heard."

The police officers on the side heard that Meizuo, Buffalo Billy, Chen Gaoming and these people were so disdainful of Lin Chen, and said for Lin Chen, "Detectives, if you don't know Mr. Lin, you can search for his personal profile on the Internet. Although I have been in the police for more than ten years, after reading Mr. Lin's record, I respect him in my heart. Moreover, this time, the police in Zhengshan County have paid more attention to Mr. Lin. Better than the special case team."

This police officer really admires Lin Chen. He has seen the cases that Lin Chen has solved many times.

The words he said and the last few words were quite harsh in the ears of Billy Chen Gaoming and the others.

The police in Zhengshan County made the detectives wait because the special case team was a little late. No matter what they said, they would not start the case discussion meeting. They had to wait for the special case team to come.

And the police in Zhengshan County took Lin Chen more seriously than the crime team.

The importance of the special case team is above their detectives, and the importance of Lin Chen is above the special case team.

The status of these detectives in this conference hall is immediately clear.

Chen Gaoming sneered and said, "I see, I really don't understand what you Zhengshan County police are thinking, so many detectives with the top crime masters are here, and they also see that unknown person as the most important thing, you guys. I don't understand...hehe..."

Although Chen Gaoming's words are not unpleasant on the surface, but if you think about it carefully, you can hear the subconsciousness in his words, that is, he is scolding the police in Zhengshan County for being brainless, not good for masters, and for an unknown person. But it is so admired, do you have any brains?

Buffalo Billy also pouted and said, "So you think that guy is so important, more important than us, it's interesting, I'll see what that Lin Chen is in a while."

Island female detective Mei Zuo was also very upset and said: "I still like to cooperate with the US police in handling cases. Although they are not very capable, at least they are smart and understand who is important. They will not take unimportant roles as important to deal with.”

The unimportant role in Meizuo's mouth refers to Lin Chen, and the important thing is that they are the masters on the crime master detective rankings.

People like Mezzo value the crime master detective rankings very seriously. The higher the ranking, the more capital they have.

When Kiko was about to say a few words for Lin Chen and tell them not to despise Lin Chen, footsteps came from the door of the conference hall.

Listening to the movement, I knew that a group of people were coming towards the conference hall.

Meizuo, Buffalo Billy, Chen Gaoming and the others knew that it must be Lin Chen and the others.

A few seconds later, Lin Chen's figure appeared at the door of the conference hall. .


1173 Detective Ranking【Subscribe】

Because Lin Chen did not register the ID on the crime master, solve some puzzles on the crime master, and upload the personal data to solve the case, the island country female detective Mei Zuo and the US special forces detective Buffalo Billy have never met Lin Chen. .

When Meizuo saw Lin Chen standing at the door of the conference hall, her eyes with heavy make-up suddenly widened, and there was surprise in her eyes.

Meizu, an island woman, thinks she has seen a lot of handsome men, and the detective Qin Feng sitting opposite her is also quite handsome.

But comparing Qin Feng with Lin Chen in front of him, no matter in appearance or temperament, Lin Chen has to throw off a lot~, the two are incomparable.

Compared to Meizuo's nympho, Buffalo Billy seemed much calmer, his aggressive gaze glanced at Lin Chen's body.

Buffalo Billy is an admirer of violence. At this moment, he is thinking that he can knock down this handsome and strong young man with a few punches.

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