Correct 98 questions...

Correct 99 questions...

As time passed for a few more minutes, Lin Chen answered all the 99 questions of the crime master's entry correctly.

Kiko, Qin Feng, Chen Gaoming, Meizuo, and Buffalo Billy saw that under Lin Chen's id, the number of correct answers was 99, and after the number of 99 appeared, the detective ranking also appeared next to Lin Chen's id.

The crime master software, after answering 99 questions correctly, will give you a ranking that is relatively in line with your strength based on the total time you spend answering the questions.

For the average person, after spending a few days, a week or even more time answering these questions correctly, the ranking will be around five or six thousand. ~)

And Lin Chen, after he answered 99 questions correctly, the ranking displayed next to the id soared to 67th.

Answering 99 questions correctly, the ranking soared to 67, which has never appeared since the creation of the crime master software.

It can be said that Lin Chen has created a speed record for crime masters as well as a record for the initial ranking.

"67 people..." Mizuo, the female detective of the island country, said softly, the look in those eyes was a bit complicated.

She thought that it would take at least a week or more for Lin Chen, an unknown person, to answer the initial 99 questions correctly.

Lin Chen said just now that he would spend a few minutes playing, but she also laughed at Lin Chen, saying what was the use of a few minutes.

But now, Lin Chen did spend just a few minutes to answer the 99 questions correctly, and his ranking on the detective rankings soared to 67. This kind of soaring speed has never been seen before by Mezzo.

Buffalo Billy is in a state of confusion at the moment, one hand is still scratching his head, he is very big, and his palm is also very large. Carefully scratched the scalp off.

Chen Gaoming's teeth were clenched, and his face was very ugly.

After seeing Lin Chen's ranking, Wu Tianyu smiled, looked at Chen Gaoming and the others, and sneered, "Who said just now that you can play something in a few minutes, who said that Brother Lin can only answer five questions correctly in a few minutes. of?"

The two Wu Tianyu asked were naturally what Meizuo and Chen Gaoming said.

Wu Tianyu saw that Chen Gaoming and the others stopped talking, and said again: "For you, you can't answer a few questions correctly in a few minutes, but I'm sorry, my brother Lin answered all 99 questions correctly in a few minutes."

Wu Xuan also said, "Brother Lin said that he doesn't look down on the rankings of crime masters and detectives. It seems that he is right. He easily entered the 67th place."

After hearing Wu Xuan's words, Chen Gaoming widened his eyes and snorted coldly: "Hmph, do you really think the detective rankings are just a decoration? He can enter the 67th place only because of his fast answering speed, and he wants to be in this ranking. Going a step further, how difficult is it, do you know?"

Meizuo's expression softened a little, and her face also showed a bit of arrogance, she said: "Detective Chen is right, the further up the detective rankings, the more difficult it is, Lin Chen can directly enter the 67th place, just because he answered the question. It's just fast."

"Just because he answers questions fast?" Ouyang Chuying couldn't help laughing after hearing what Chen Gaoming and Mei Zuo said. She looked at them and asked, "After you answered 99 questions correctly, What is the initial ranking? Just because of his fast answering speed? How fast is your answering speed, can you be as fast as Lin Chen?"

Chen Gaoming and Mei Zuo were questioned by Ouyang Chuying, and they looked at each other, not knowing what to say for a while.

Chen Gaoming and Mei Zuo took several days to answer the questions. Their initial ranking was more than [-]. Later, they relied on uploading the case-solving record data and answering some problems correctly. rank.

To compare with the current Lin Chen's speed, they are completely incomparable.

Ouyang Chuying saw that Chen Gaoming and Meizuo didn't speak, and Buffalo Billy didn't say anything, and added: "As far as I know, Lin Chen's answering speed and initial ranking have broken all records since the founding of Master of Crime. , Based on this alone, Lin Chen is stronger than you."

Chen Gaoming said in a cold voice: "Don't take the speed of answering questions and the ranking of the first test to talk about it. The detective master rankings are based on the ranking. He is only 67, and he is still far away from us."

Lin Chen looked calm, looked at Chen Gaoming, and asked, "Which number did you say you were in?"

"I am ranked [-]th in the global detective community." Chen Gaoming said loudly, still proud in his voice.

"The thirteenth..." Lin Chen shook his head and commented, "What a rubbish ranking."

When Chen Gaoming heard the words, his face changed immediately, and he said, "You... Who are you calling trash?"

"You." Lin Chen said simply: "The thirteenth place you are so proud of is just trash."


1176 Leaderboard Points【2 more for subscription】

Being scolded by Lin Chen as a rubbish, Chen Gaoming was extremely angry. kuuhuu

Just now, he said that Lin Chen was an unknown person, so he was very confident. Now that he saw Lin Chen answering the question so fast, breaking the record since the establishment of the crime master, he felt a little unsure in his heart.

There is no end to the end, but Chen Gaoming is still very confident in the crime master detective rankings, knowing that the further forward, the more difficult it will be.

So, he said to Lin Chen, "If my thirteenth place is trash, what is your sixty-seventh place? Is it trash in trash?"

"Detective Chen, you made a mistake, right?" Ouyang Chuying said in a helpful voice, "Lin Chen is now [-]th, you are [-]th, and his rank is not as high as yours, that's right, but, Lin Chen is in the initial ranking now, and he hasn't uploaded his personal case-solving record yet, do you think the current name is comparable?"

Chen Gaoming spread his hands and snorted coldly: "Then you let him upload the case-solving records, I want to see, after he uploads, he can rank in the first place."

Chen Gaoming knew a few cases that Lin Chen cracked, but he only knew a few. He pondered in his heart that after those cases were uploaded, Lin Chen should have been promoted to [-] or [-], which is still incomparable to himself. of.

Tang Ren on the side smiled and said to Lin Chen: "Lin Chen, upload it quickly, Lao Qin said that you can kill Q, I want to see if Lao Qin is wrong."

Lin Chen glanced at Tang Ren and saw that this guy and Qin Feng were not malicious. When he came in, Qin Feng smiled politely at himself. (—)

Lin Chen's eyes fell on Chen Gaoming, and said lightly, "Then I'll let you take a look."

Having said that, Lin Chen's mobile phone quickly operated on the mobile phone screen.

Starting from the corpse case of Donglin University’s girls’ dormitory, Lin Chen has successively killed the case of falling from the roof of the building, the serial murder case at the bus stop, the smiling corpse case in the factory, the humanoid pattern murder case, the rainy night serial murder case, the street lamp hanging corpse case, terror The remote hotel case, etc., were uploaded to the database of crime masters.

These cases provided by Lin Chen can be found on some of China's official news websites, and those official websites are authoritative.

The crime master's software system began to analyze the cases that Lin Chen cracked. With the analysis of the software system, the ranking of detectives under Lin Chen's id also began to change.

Global Detective Ranking, Rank: 65...

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