Global Detective Ranking, Rank: 52...

Global Detective Ranking, Rank: 27...

Global Detective Ranking, Rank: 15...

When Chen Gaoming saw that Lin Chen's ranking had risen to 15th, his heart immediately came to his throat.

15, Lin Chen's ranking has reached 15. I don't know if his record of solving the case has been uploaded. If it has not been uploaded and the case is more difficult, then he will soon surpass his 13th position. ah.

Chen Gaoming's face became more and more ugly. He was afraid that he would be slapped in the face by Lin Chen in front of the two superb beauties, Kiko and Ouyang Chuying.

The female detectives of the island country, Meizuo and Bison Billy, took a deep breath. It was just over ten minutes after Lin Chen downloaded Crime Master Answers to when he reached the 15th place on the detective rankings.

The speed of the ranking of the detective rankings has risen, and it has once again set a new record.

In the midst of everyone's entanglement or anticipation, the ranking of detectives under Lin Chen's id changed again.

Global Detective Ranking, Rank: 9...

U.S. special forces detective Billy Buffalo immediately exclaimed when he saw this ranking: "Oh my god, my God, he has surpassed me, and my ranking has dropped...〃"..."

Buffalo Billy's ranked 9th, and now Lin Chen is 9th, he was naturally pushed to 10th, and Chen Gaoming, who was arrogant just now, was pushed to 14th.

Chen Gaoming's face had already turned into a pig's liver color. Before, he still held the last glimmer of hope. He felt that after Lin Chen uploaded the data, there were only [-] or [-] people.

But now, Lin Chen has easily become the ninth place, leaving him behind, and his case-solving record data seems to have not been uploaded yet...

Meizuo couldn't sit still, she looked at Lin Chen and asked, "Have you finished uploading your case-solving record data?"

The conference hall was very quiet, no one spoke, and everyone could hear Mizuo's words clearly.

Ouyang Chuying, Wu Tianyu, Wu Xuan, and the others glanced at Meizuo, and after seeing the horrified expression on Meizuo's face at the moment, they felt a little want to laugh.

Lin Chen also heard Meizuo's questioning, but he regarded Meizuo's words as air and ignored them.

Lin Chen's fingers are still operating the mobile phone, which means that his case-solving record data has not been uploaded yet.

As time passed by, everyone's attention was focused on Lin Chen's ranking on the crime master detective ranking.

Global Detective Ranking, Rank: 6...

Global Detective Ranking, Rank: 5...

Global Detective Ranking, Rank: 3...

At this moment, the ranking of Kiko and the female detective Mizuo of the island country has also dropped by one place, and Lin Chen's ranking has reached the third place, second only to Qin Feng who is sitting on the side.

Tang Ren couldn't sit still, he patted Qin Feng on the shoulder and said, ".~ Lao Qin, Lao Qin, your second child is no longer guaranteed."

When Qin Feng heard Tang Ren's words, his forehead was full of black lines.

The second child is no longer guaranteed. Those who know it are fine. Those who know it is the detective ranking, but those who don't know it, think it is the second child between the crotch.

Qin Feng was too lazy to pay attention to Tang Ren, and stared at Lin Chen's id on the phone screen.

More than half a minute later, Lin Chen's ranking moved again...

Global Detective Ranking, Rank: 2...

As Lin Chen's ranking rose to 2nd, Qin Feng, who was originally 2nd, ranked 3rd.

At this time, Lin Chen looked away from the phone screen, and said lightly, "Okay, all my case-solving data has been uploaded."

"The second place (Wang Zhaozhao) is a great achievement." Qin Feng sighed.

Kiko looked at Lin Chen and said, "Lin Chen, your current score on the detective rankings is the same as that of the first q, but first come first, he has this score earlier than you, so he ranks ahead of you. Seriously, you and him should be tied for first place."

Qin Feng nodded and said to Lin Chen: "Brother Lin, there is currently a new problem on Master of Crime, Q has also tried it, but there is no way to solve it, you can try it, if you can solve that problem, Your points will surpass q and you will be ranked first."

There are many detectives in the world, Qin Feng can imagine how surprised those detectives will be when they see Lin Chen on the leaderboard.

After Lin Chen heard the words, he said lightly, "I took a look at that question just now. It's not difficult to solve it."


ps: Brothers, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, please vote after reading it, thank you, thank you. .


1177 Several records 【Subscription】

After hearing Lin Chen's words, the eyes of everyone present turned towards Lin Chen. (—)

Especially on the crime master detective list, such detectives as Chen Gaoming, Meizuo, Buffalo Billy, and Kiko.

They all have the crime master software on their phones, and they all know about the new question on the software.

They also spent time and energy to study that question, but the final result is the same, that is, they can't think of the answer, and they don't know what the answer is.

Even q, who ranked first in the detective rankings, after trying several times, he also said that he could not do anything about that question and could not solve it.

But now, Lin Chen, whose points are on the same level as q, said that he just glanced at the question, and it was not difficult to solve it. How could this not shock Chen Gaoming and Meizuo?

If it was before, when they heard Lin Chen say this, they would think that this guy Lin Chen was bragging.

There are so many problems that detectives can't solve, and even the first-place q can't do anything about it. You glance at it and say it's not difficult to solve. What are you bragging about?

However, after seeing that Lin Chen downloaded Crime Master, broke several records since the establishment of Crime Master 707, and the current ranking of Lin Chen, they could no longer despise Lin Chen in their hearts.

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