Chen Gaoming's lips moved, as if he was going to say something to Lin Chen, but in the end he didn't say anything. (—)

Buffalo Billy was silent, and the female detective of the island country, Mizuo, didn't say a word, and didn't say any sarcasm or ridicule to Lin Chen.

"Brother Lin..." Qin Feng's face showed excitement, and he asked: " you really...can you solve that question?"

"Lao Lin, don't be joking." Tang Ren is very familiar with this guy, and he and Lin Chen haven't even said a few words, so he calls Lin Chen Lao Lin very familiar.

Tang Ren said: "I have studied with Lao Qin for several days. With my ingenuity and Lao Qin's IQ, we have not been able to find the answer. You glanced at it and said that you can't solve it. Disaster……"

Regarding Qin Feng and Tang Ren's questioning, Lin Chen just said lightly, "I'll solve that question, and you'll know."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he picked up the phone again, looked at the phone screen, and clicked his finger on the screen.

Ouyang Chuying, Wu Tianyu and Wu Xuan, who were next to Lin Chen, could see Lin Chen answering the questions step by step.

On the side, Kiko, Qin Feng, Chen Gaoming, Meizuo and others could not see it, but they were all staring at the ranking on the crime master detective ranking.

As long as Lin Chen successfully answers that question, he will be the first on the detective list. Once the rank changes, it means that Lin Chen has succeeded.

In the conference hall, it was unusually quiet, and everyone was waiting for the ranking of the crime master detective rankings to change. (—)

Meanwhile, detectives and detective enthusiasts around the world who use CrimeMaster's software are stunned by the change in the rankings.

For a long time, the top twenty rankings on the detective rankings have not changed much. Some people are promoted by one place, and some people are demoted by one place. The top [-] detectives are all those old faces.

Many detective enthusiasts can even memorize the IDs of the top ten and top twenty, and have a clear understanding of each person's identity information.

But today, an id who had just registered for less than half an hour, after entering the detective rankings, jumped up quickly, directly to the second place, dropping the ranking of many detectives by one.

They are all very unfamiliar with this id. They don't know how sacred it is, but within half an hour of registration, they jumped up to become the second-ranked detective in the world.

"God, did my favorite crime master make a mistake? It took less than half an hour to register this id, and it actually reached the second place, second only to q."

"There must be a mistake. No one can be so powerful. I can't imagine what kind of person can improve their ranking so quickly."

(bfei) "This id is Lin Chen, his Chinese name is a Chinese detective."

"Has the crime master's database been hacked? I think this 'Lin Chen' must have tampered with the background data, and only became the second place within half an hour."

"The database of crime masters was hacked? Don't have this ridiculous idea. This software was created by many detectives and many master hackers. The security level of its database is even tighter than that of a bank. Hacked? It doesn't exist."

"This Lin Chen's points are the same as q's. Will q's first place be guaranteed?"

Detectives and detective enthusiasts all over the world are talking about Lin Chen in different languages ​​and different tones.

While these people were discussing Lin Chen, the ranking of the crime master detective rankings was refreshed and changed again.

Crime Master Detective Leaderboard:

First place: Lin Chen.

Second place: q.

Third place: Qin Feng.

Fourth place: Noda Hao.

Fifth place: kiko.

When the latest detective ranking data came out, the detectives who were discussing were boiling again.

Lin Chen, the id registered for half an hour, actually became the first place in the detective rankings, crushing all the detectives on the detective rankings.

Some people struggled to accept the incident, and immediately called the administrators of the crime masters to ask if the software was wrong.

Zhengshan County, in the conference hall of the County Public Security Bureau.

Everyone in the conference hall saw the latest detective rankings. Lin Chen answered that question correctly, and his points successfully surpassed q, becoming No. 1 on the detective rankings.

Ouyang Chuying and Wu Tianyu watched Lin Chen solve the problem step by step with their own eyes. Their hearts were extremely shocked. It turned out that this problem could be solved from this angle.

Although this question has no practical significance in the case, the difficulty is there. Lin Chen can solve it, which shows that he has to be active in thinking.

Chen Gaoming gritted his teeth, lowered his head and didn't dare to look at Lin Chen.

The female detective of the island country, Mizuo, straightened her hair and looked as if nothing had happened, but from her expression, she could see her embarrassment.

Buffalo Billy lowered his head and played with a saber in his hand, and didn't speak, let alone look at Lin Chen.

Lin Chen's eyes swept across the three people in turn, and finally, his eyes fell on Chen Gaoming.

Lin Chen said to Chen Gaoming: "Detective Chen, I just said that you were ranked thirteen, you are a piece of garbage, do you admit it?"

Chen Gaoming felt that his face was dull, and he didn't dare to look at Lin Chen.

Now Lin Chen questioned him directly, and immediately made him want to find a crack to burrow in.

"I...this..." Chen Gaoming stammered, not knowing how to respond to Lin Chen's question.

Ouyang Chuying sneered: "What's the matter, Detective Chen, why are you stammering? You said just now that Lin Chen is an unknown person?".


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Chen Gaoming's face was as gloomy as water, facing Lin Chen and Ouyang Chuying's words, he couldn't say a word.

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