Wu Tianyu straightened up and said with a smile, "Detective Chen, Detective Meizuo, and Detective Billy, just now, the three of you looked down on Brother Lin, were complacent about your detective ranking, and were disrespectful to Brother Lin. I don't know at this moment, What's on your mind?"

The female detective of the island country, Mizuo, sighed slightly, and said, "Uh...just now, my remarks just now were indeed excessive. I also ask Detective Lin to forgive me."

Buffalo Billy said, "My thoughts are the same as Detective Misa."

Chen Gaoming was very unwilling, but he still said perfunctorily: "I am also the same as Detective Meizuo."

After Chen Gaoming said this, he lowered his head deeply.

Because at this moment in the conference hall, many police officers are looking at him, and most importantly, the two superb beauties, Ouyang Chuying and Kiko, are also looking at him with mocking eyes.

This made Chen Gaoming extremely uncomfortable. On this occasion, he was slapped in the face by Lin Chen.

"What are you like Detective Meizuo?" Lin Chen didn't intend to let Chen Gaoming go, and once again brought the topic to him.

Just now, Chen Gaoming, Mei Zuo, and Buffalo Billy were the ones that Chen Gaoming danced the most.

"It's..." Chen Gaoming responded: "It's just what I said just now, there is something wrong, you do have strength, and you are an amazing detective. (—)"

Meizuo said, "Detective Lin, you are now number one on the detective rankings. No one of us dares to look down on you again."

Kiko smiled sweetly and said, "Lin Chen is in the first place. If someone still looks down on him, he can only say that there is something wrong with that person's brain and he has to see a doctor."

After kiko finished speaking, he looked at Lin Chen again, and said to Lin Chen, "I asked you to download Crime Master and upload your data. At that time, I thought you might be able to surpass q. I didn't expect it, it really surpassed."

"Do you know why I'm not interested in downloading Master of Crime?" Lin Chen threw a question.

His words immediately aroused the curiosity of many people present.

"Why?" Kiko asked.

Lin Chen said indifferently: "In this detective ranking on the crime master, many people's rankings are improved, not by solving the case, but by answering some questions provided by the crime master. These questions are like theories on paper, you answer No matter how good it is, if you have theory and no practical experience, you can’t prove anything at all.”

"These questions of crime masters require a confidentiality system for each user, and no external answers are allowed, but it is inevitable that some people will tell others the answers, which makes some people's rankings full of moisture."

"In your eyes, a crime master is an authority in the detective world, and it can measure the true strength of a detective, but in my opinion, it only has a certain amount of gold, but its authority is not that high at all. Competing for the rankings, I prefer to enter the crime scene and solve the crime in reality.~)”

When Lin Chen said these words, his voice was not loud, but it was loud, so that many people in the conference hall listened, and they either understood or nodded in agreement.



As Lin Chen's words fell, applause began to erupt in the huge conference hall.

Most of these applauding people were the police in Zhengshan County. They felt that what Lin Chen said was reasonable, and Qin Feng and Tang Ren also applauded.

They agreed with Lin Chen's sentence, the crime master's detective rankings have a certain amount of gold, but they are not so authoritative, and some detectives' rankings are full of moisture.

When Chen Gaoming heard the word "moisture", his brows couldn't help but jump, and his face became embarrassed again.

Chen Gaoming can reach the current ranking. His strength is there, but it is also related to the answers to a few questions that he spent money on by accident. Without the answers to those questions, Chen Gaoming would definitely not be in the top. twenty.

Chen Gaoming also wanted to question that Lin Chen's number one ranking has moisture, but Lin Chen just answered a question on the spot that he couldn't solve even with Q, which has already shown that Lin Chen's number one has no moisture.

The applause lasted for more than ten seconds before gradually quieting down.

Chen Gaoming, Meizuo, Buffalo, and Billy have been completely silent. Their previous arrogance was slapped in the face by Lin Chen and had no temper at all.

Lin Chen sat comfortably on the chair, his eyes swept across the faces of everyone present, and said, "Okay, I wasted a lot of time, the case discussion of the serial murder case in the midnight saw, can we start?"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

Everyone is naturally meaningless. Chen Gaoming and others wish they could start early and bring the topic to the case, so that they will not be so embarrassed.

After Deputy Director Qiu Mingkai heard the words, he nodded quickly and said, "It's time to start."

After speaking, Qiu Mingkai winked at a police officer, and the police officer walked over to a computer and started to operate it with a mouse.

Qiu Mingkai also stood up from his seat and walked to the front of a huge LCD screen in the conference hall.

The LCD screen flickered, and several pictures appeared on the screen.

These photos belonged to the same person. For Lin Chen and the others who had read some information about this case, they recognized the person in these photos at a glance, and it was the first victim in this case.


Among the photos, there are headless photos of the body at the crime scene, and two photos of the first victim before he was killed.

The two photos of the first victim before he was killed, one is an ID photo and the other is a life photo. From these two photos, it can be seen that the first victim is very good-looking.

Her face is a standard melon seed face, neither fat nor thin, fair and clean, with straight facial features, and a head of jet-black hair, which looks very charming.

Deputy Director Qiu Mingkai pointed to the victim on the LCD screen and said, "This is the first victim in this case. She is a native of Zhengshan County, 27 years old this year, married, and has a son, 149 in height and 95 in weight."

"She was a cashier in a supermarket before her death, and she was killed on December 12 at the end of last year."

"On the night of December 12 last year, a batch of goods was put into the supermarket where the first victim worked. The boss requested that all the goods be put on the shelves so that they could be sold the next day, so the first victim went with a man. The two female colleagues stayed together to sort out the goods."

"According to the victim's two colleagues, they sorted out the goods until after 12:1 in the morning, and when it was almost [-]:[-], they sorted everything out and closed the store door and left."

"The victim's residence is in the town of Qingshi Town. She rented a house in the town and lived in the house with her husband. That night her husband was too tired from work, so he went to bed early and woke up the next day. I didn't see my wife beside the bed, but I saw the police at the door."


1179 What the same murderer did [Subscribe]

The husband of the first victim, because he was too tired from work on December 12 last year, did not wait for his wife at night, nor did he go to the supermarket where the victim worked to pick her up. The husband of the victim saw her the next day. After the police came to the door, they were in a state of great astonishment. ~)

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