He didn't know why he didn't see his wife in the house, but so many police came to him.

When the police told him that his wife was killed and her head was sawed off by the murderer, the victim's husband was stunned for five or six seconds, and then yelled that it was impossible. His wife was working in the supermarket. It's okay, how could someone be killed.

After learning that his wife was indeed dead and seeing his headless body, the victim's husband collapsed completely. He passed out crying in the morgue and was sent to the town hospital for treatment.

"Three Eight Zeros"

After the first case happened on December 12 last year, it immediately attracted the attention of the local police in Zhengshan County. The murder was sawed. This is a vicious case. The murderer's actions are very brutal.

The police immediately investigated the first victim's interpersonal relationship, husband and wife relationship, whether he had enemies, who had conflicts with him, etc.

At first, a suspect did appear in the police's sight, and that suspect was the victim's boss.

The owner of the supermarket where the victim worked was a married man, but because the first victim was beautiful and innocent, the supermarket owner had always had impure motives towards the victim.

Sometimes, I will deliberately touch the victim twice and eat some tofu on her, and sometimes I will deliberately let other people off work, leaving the victim alone, and have the opportunity to be alone with the victim.

According to two colleagues of the victim, they also overheard a conversation between the victim and the supermarket owner.

The content of the dialogue between the two is very simple, but it violates morality and ethics.

Supermarket owner: "Tell your husband to work overtime tonight, and then you can take my car and go to my house. My wife is not at home."

The first victim: "Boss, don't make such a joke, it's not funny."

Supermarket owner: "You still don't understand how I feel about you? Every month I pay you an extra 500 yuan, and you never deduct your money when you ask for leave. Although we have a family, as long as you and With me, I'll make your life better."

The first victim: "Boss, I hope you are the last to say this, I'm going to do something."

The first victim, because the job was well paid and not hard, she did not tell her husband that the supermarket owner often harassed her.

If she did, her husband would definitely come to the door, fight and lose the job. (—)

Police also found threatening text messages from the supermarket owner on the victim's phone.

The content of the text message is that if she still doesn't want to, let someone kill her.

Because of this text message, the supermarket owner is highly suspicious.

However, after investigation, the police found that the supermarket owner did not have time to commit the crime. On the night of the crime, he deliberately tossed the victim and asked her to stay in the supermarket to work overtime to complete the goods, and then went to a KTV in town with friends to sing.

Several friends of the supermarket owner can testify against him.

The investigation from the people around the supermarket owner also proved that he was indeed not the murderer.

The supermarket owner is no longer suspected and is not the murderer, but the victim's husband learned that his wife was sexually harassed by the boss during her lifetime.

The husband of the first victim was violent. He grabbed a stone and went to the supermarket owner. He beat the supermarket owner and was detained for a period of time for deliberately hurting people.

Regarding the death of the first victim, the police have been investigating from the perspective of vendetta, but there has been no result, and no more suspicious objects have been found.

After the deputy director Qiu Mingkai told Lin Chen and the others about the first victim, he said to the police officer who was operating the computer, "The second victim."

Immediately, a group of photos appeared on the huge screen in the conference hall. This group of photos were the crime scene photos, ID photos, and life photos of the second victim in this case.

Deputy Director Qiu Mingkai began to talk about the basic information of the second victim and the investigation of her.

The second victim, 22 years old this year, from Zhengshan County, works in an electronics factory in Zhengshan County. The second victim is 22 years old because of her connections in the electronics factory. In the factory, there is a small leader of a department...  

The second victim was working in an electronics factory, sitting in front of a computer every day and did not need to go to the workshop.

Judging from the photo of her life in the office of the electronics factory, although the second victim looks average, her skin is very fair because she sits in the office all day.

The second victim was killed on January 1 this year, just over a month has passed since the murderer committed the crime for the first time and killed the first victim.

On the night of the crime, the second victim left work early. She was only 22 years old, still very young, not married, and had no boyfriend.

Because she lives alone, no one knows what the second victim did and who she met after get off work.

Anyway, on the morning of January 1, her body was found by one of the many small rivers in Qingshi Town.

According to the autopsy of her body by the forensic doctor, it was determined that she was killed just after 1 a.m. on January 12. The place where the body was found by the river was not the first crime scene. The murderer smashed the deceased's head with a blunt object. Broken, and then brought to the river for sawing.

The head of the first victim was sawed off, and the second victim was sawed off the neck down, the chest up, and the arms.

The residents of the town who found the corpse 1.7 at the time saw a solitary head by the river, a mutilated corpse, and blood and internal organs, as well as coins, and ran away in fright.

After checking the existing surveillance in the town, no trace of the second victim was found in the existing surveillance probes on the day of the killing.

From the murderer's act of sawing the corpse and the coins scattered on the ground next to the corpse, the police can easily determine that the two murders were committed by the same murderer.

After investigating the relationship between the second victim and whether she had any enemies, it was found that the relationship between the second victim was very good. Although she was young and a small leader in the electronics factory, she had no problem with The workers in charge, she has never put on airs, let alone any enemies.

The investigation of the second victim was also ultimately inconclusive. .


1180 Bluestone Street [2 more for subscription]

After Deputy Director Qiu Mingkai introduced the second victim, the third victim's crime scene photos, ID photos and life photos appeared on the big screen in the conference hall. kuuhuu

The third victim of the midnight sawing serial murder case is a 26-year-old unmarried girl. She is 156 in height and 116 in weight. She runs a women's clothing store on Qingshi [-]rd Street in Qingshi Town. .

In the beginning, Qingshi Town was just a small town with only one street.

Up to now, Qingshi Town has seven streets, large or small, prosperous or less crowded.

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