Although the area of ​​Qingshi Town is not too large, there are many small alleys and winding paths. If you want to monitor every road in the town without dead ends, it requires a lot of investment.

If you don't do monitoring without dead ends, those small roads can be connected everywhere, and the murderers can avoid the cameras you installed and leave on other roads as long as they pay attention.

There are many villages on the edge of Qingshi Town, and there are also many roads on the edge. If it is arranged, the amount of work is very large.

The thinking of those leaders at the time was that the cost of installing surveillance cameras was too high and unnecessary. As long as the police of the Public Security Bureau worked harder to solve the case, they could save a lot of money and use it for their own use.

Qiu Mingkai also briefly explained these reasons to everyone.

After listening to Kiko, he said: "I have studied the satellite map of Qingshi Town. There are various small roads and alleys in the town. It is very complicated to monitor without dead ends. However, it is still necessary to add some monitoring probes appropriately. helpful in handling the case.”

"There is this." Qiu Mingkai said: "Although the county magistrate and the others refused to invest a lot, they still invested in some monitoring probes. We have deployed monitoring probes in many places in Qingshi Town."

After communicating for a while about the surveillance, the female detective Mei Zuo of the island country said to Qiu Mingkai: "Please tell us the identity information of the fourth victim."

Qiu Mingkai nodded, and the screen on the LCD screen of the conference hall flashed, and the scene photos, ID photos and life photos of the fourth victim appeared.

The fourth victim, named Li Shiting, is unmarried and has no boyfriend. She is 24 years old and lives in Xiaosong Village, Qingshi Town.

Xiaosong Village is a village belonging to Qingshi Town. The village is near Qingshi Town. From the entrance of the village to Qingshi Town, if you ride a bicycle, it will take about an hour.

If you ride an electric bike or motorcycle, the speed will be much faster.

In short, if there is a motorcycle, this Xiaosong Village is very close to Qingshi Town. The fourth victim works in the town. After get off work, she will ride her motorcycle and go back to Xiaosong Village.

On the night of the incident, something happened to the liquor wholesale department where the fourth victim, Li Shiting, worked.

A male employee in the store, while using the warehouse faucet to fill the plastic bucket with water, answered a call, then went to work on other things, and forgot the fact that the faucet was on.

When he came back, many of the goods in the warehouse were soaked in water.

Wholesale are some beverages and drinks, all of which are sealed and packaged. It’s okay to soak in water, but once soaked in water, the packaging cartons of those drinks and drinks will be damaged and sales will be affected.

The warehouse was soaked in water in the afternoon. That night, the victim, Li Shiting, was busy in the warehouse with other employees of the liquor wholesale department.

Move the goods, check the condition of the goods being soaked, some packages are broken, return them to the manufacturer, and let the manufacturer replace the packing box.

The warehouse was soaked in blisters on the 4rd of April (by Li Zhao) this year. Li Shiting worked late that day and then went back on a motorcycle.

Li Shiting's parents knew that their daughter was working overtime in the town's warehouse, and they had been waiting for her daughter to come back.

After waiting until after twelve o'clock in the morning, before Li Shiting came home, Li Shiting's parents called Li Shiting again.

The call was made, but it was prompted that Li Shiting's mobile phone had been turned off.

Li Shiting's parents were a little anxious now. They called the boss of the liquor wholesale department and asked if Li Shiting was off work.

The boss of the liquor wholesale department answered the phone and said that Li Shiting went home from get off work around [-]:[-] and had already left work.

When Li Shiting's parents heard this, they realized something was wrong.

My daughter got off work at [-]:[-]. According to the speed of her motorcycle, she could be home at [-]:[-] at most. .


1182 Roadside Woods [2 more for subscription]

Li Shiting usually rides home after get off work, it only takes [-] minutes, sometimes less than [-] minutes.

But now it's past twelve o'clock in the morning, and my daughter hasn't come back yet, and the phone is turned off. Something must have happened.

Li Shiting's parents panicked. After they put down their mobile phones, they started getting dressed. Then the couple rode another motorcycle at home and headed towards Qingshi Town to find their daughter.

On the way there, Li Shiting's parents flashed various thoughts, some good and some bad.

The good idea is that the daughter went to sleep at a friend's house, and the phone happened to be out of power and turned off. The bad idea, they dare not think about it.

But just seven or eight minutes after they set off, a motorcycle appeared on the side of the road ahead.

This is a women's motorcycle, the body is gray, the car is parked on the side of the road, and there is a helmet on the car seat.

After seeing this motorcycle, Li Shiting's parents' hearts jumped. This motorcycle belongs to their daughter. Now the car is parked on the side of the road, but people don't know where it is going.

Li Shiting's father immediately stopped the motorcycle, and the two went to check it together.

They all had flashlights in their hands.

Soon, they found their daughter in a forest by the roadside.


The moment they saw Li Shiting, the couple almost fainted. They were worried about their daughter before they set off, but they didn't expect to see such a scene after they set off. +]

I saw Li Shiting lying under a tree in the woods by the roadside.

She lay flat all over, and the skull of her head was broken and deformed.

The clothes on the upper body and the trousers on the lower body are also neatly dressed, but the part of her stomach and waist where her chest goes down and her navel goes up has disappeared.

Seeing that her daughter had lost a large part of her body, her intestines, blood, and coins fell to the ground.

The daughter died, and a piece of her body was sawed off, and her entire waist was lost. The couple were heartbroken.

After the police came to the scene and saw the situation at the scene, the police handling the case immediately notified the criminal police brigade of the county public security bureau, telling them that the perverted murderer came out to commit the crime again and killed the fourth victim.

Another victim was added to the midnight sawing serial murder case, and the police from the county public security bureau were overwhelmed and didn't know what to do.

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