This murderer was too cunning. He did not leave any evidence (bgcf) for committing the crime. If he tried to catch him, he could not be caught. He came out to commit crimes so frequently and killed four people one after another. This is already a very bad criminal case.

Relevant leaders of Zhengshan County know how much impact this case will have and what consequences it will cause if it spreads out. ~)

In order not to let this case affect their future, they pressed the case down and prevented the insiders and the victim's family from spreading it out.

They also have a set of rhetoric about not letting the victim's family members go out. They say they are honest and abide by it. One of them is that if it spreads out and lets many people know about it, it will make the murderer alert. It is not necessary to leave Qingshi Town. Useful for catching the murderer.

The relevant leaders who suppressed the case breathed a sigh of relief after calming down the impact of the case.

The appearance of the fourth victim, Li Shiting, led them to set up an auxiliary police team. This auxiliary police team has more than a dozen people, dedicated to serving Qingshi Town. At night, they will go to Qingshi Town and surrounding villages in batches. Patrol to prevent the murderer from committing the crime again.

Since Li Shiting was killed on April 4, this auxiliary police team has been patrolling Qingshi Town every day, and until the early hours of the morning, there are people on duty.


In the past, the murderer of the midnight sawing corpse serial murder case would come out to commit a crime every more than a month and kill a victim.

However, after killing the fourth victim, Li Shiting, on the night of April 4 and in the early hours of April 3, the murderer remained silent for more than four months and never came out to commit any more crimes.

For more than four months, the police in Zhengshan County have been investigating the case, but they have not found any valuable clues.

They also made some speculations. After killing four people, the murderer may have killed enough and stopped doing it, or he saw that the police had set up some surveillance probes, and also let the auxiliary police team patrol at night, and felt that it was difficult to commit the crime. , I didn't commit the crime for fear of being caught.

Or, he went abroad.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that the murderer just did not want to commit the crime for the time being and was hidden.

If the murderer is not caught one day, he may continue to commit the crime one day. After more than four months, the police and auxiliary policemen who were originally nervous because of the case have also lost their energy as time passed. Tension, began to relax.

Of course, there are still night patrols that should be there.

However, on the 7th of this month, the murderer came out to commit the crime again.

For the first four victims, the police can use methods to calm the emotions of the families of the victims, so that they don't make trouble and wait for the news that the police have caught the murderer.

And the father of the fifth victim is a big taxpayer in Zhengshan County. He is rich and has a certain network of connections.

His precious daughter was killed by the murderer, and he was so angry that he directly stabbed the case into the city and the province.

When the provincial department saw that the relevant leaders of Zhengshan County had concealed such a serious case, they immediately punished some leaders, revoked their positions, and asked the special case team from Mohai City to investigate the case.

The fifth victim, Guan Xiaoyuan, is 16 years old and is a freshman in the best school in the city.

Guan Xiaoyuan's father, Guan Yan, runs a clothing factory in Qingshi Town, where he processes all kinds of clothing. The clothing he processes is almost not sold locally, but shipped to other places.

Guan Yan has a daughter like Guan Xiaoyuan, and a son who is older than Guan Xiaoyuan.

Usually, Guan Xiaoyuan went to school with her mother in the city. This time, she will come to Qingshi Town. It is the summer vacation. She came to Qingshi Town to play for a few days. It is surrounded by mountains and the temperature is not too high. Nice summer town.

On the day of the incident, after saying hello to Guan Yan, Guan Xiaoyuan and a few playmates in the town went to the KTV to sing.

In the ktv, Guan Xiaoyuan drank a little wine. When they played around [-] o'clock in the evening, Guan Xiaoyuan suddenly said that she had a stomachache, and ran out of the ktv's private room to go to the toilet.

Unfortunately, there was some problem with the toilet of ktv, so I couldn't use it.

According to KTV's monitoring and employees' feedback, Guan Xiaoyuan ran out of KTV with her stomach covered at that time, and it was convenient to go to a public toilet not far away.

However, after Guan Xiaoyuan left KTV, she never came back. .


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The public toilet Guan Xiaoyuan went to was in an alley diagonally opposite the Kt. The toilet was not far from the main street, but there were paths and alleys in front of and behind the public toilet.

There are no surveillance probes near this public toilet

That night, after Guan Xiaoyuan went out to the toilet, some friends who were still in the ktv private room after a long delay, some people asked why Guan Xiaoyuan had not come back.

A female friend of Guan Xiaoyuan said: "Xiaoyuan said just now that she has abdominal pain and diarrhea, how can it be so fast.

Several people drank a lot of wine, and their sanity was not very clear, so they did not realize that Guan Xiaoyuan had not returned, and went out to find her.Guan Xiaoyuan's friends were average drinkers. In the end, they all fell into the ktv's private room. Several girls lay down and slept together.

As for Guan Xiaoyuan's father, Guan Yan, on August 8th, he was very busy with a tricky thing in the factory.

Guan Xiaoyuan's body was found by a woman

Speaking of skill, this woman works in a garment factory in Qingshi Town. The garment factory she works for is the one owned by Guan Qiaoyuan's family.

In the early morning of the same day, Wang Li, a garment factory worker who found Guan Xiaoyuan's body, worked overtime late at the factory.

After the overtime, she went to the factory parking shed to pick up her bicycle and rode it towards the town.

She bought a late-night snack on the roadside in the town, and on the way home with it, she found Guan Xiaoyuan's body in a cross-shaped alley.

Guan Xiaoyuan's body was lying next to a green trash can in a cross-shaped alley. She was covered in blood and her head was deformed by the murderer's blunt object

Her belly down, the lower abdomen up from the thigh, the upper part of the baby and the private parts of the genitals were brutally sawed off by the murderer and taken away

When Wang Li, an employee of the garment factory, saw this scene, she was so frightened that she immediately called the police.

Guan Xiaoyuan went to the public toilet and did not go back. When she was found, she was already lying in a cross-shaped alley and became a cold body

She must have been on her way to the public toilet, or encountered the murderer in the public toilet

If the murderer is a perverted murderer who randomly selects a target, then Guan Xiaoyuan's death has a certain degree of bad luck in it.

If Guan Xiaoyuan didn't go out on August 8th, if Guan Xiaoyuan didn't go to ktv to sing, if the ktv toilet wasn't broken, if Guan Xiaoyuan didn't have diarrhea, if she didn't go to that public place, it's very likely that she's still alive and well. The murder case has already happened in the early morning of August 6th. Guan Xiaoyuan is already dead. It is useless to say more.

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