Since Guan Yuan died just a few days ago, Guan Xiaoyuan's family has been immersed in pain, and Guan Xiaoyuan's father Guan Yan has not made it easier for the relevant leaders of Zhengshan County.

After Guan Xiaoyuan was killed, the relevant leaders of Zhengshan Tools were destroyed. The leaders of relevant departments were turbulent, coupled with the announcement of the reward for solving the case, and the arrival of the Mohai special case team, the investigation of Guan Xiaoyuan's death has also been progressing very well. slow

When Deputy Director Qiu Mingkai was talking about this, everyone's eyes at the meeting either fell on the relevant information displayed, or stared at the photos on the LCD screen.

On the LCD screen, from Guan Xiaoyuan's life photos, it can be seen that this is a girl who is not very good-looking, but she is a sweet and youthful girl

She has shoulder-length short hair, a round oval face, and her height seems to be at least 160. For a girl in the first year of high school, her height is 160. She is already quite tall.

It was such a 16-year-old girl who was full of youthful vitality, but in the early morning of August 8, she encountered the murderer's poison king, sawed off the area of ​​her abdomen, and became a girl who once lay beside the trash can. corpse, dead body

Qiu Mingkai glanced over the crowd and said, "The fifth victim, Guan Xiaoyuan, is studying in the city this year. She usually spends her time in the city, and she seldom comes to Zhengshan Guqingshi Town this time. I didn't want to travel after the summer vacation, so I came to Qingshi Town on the 30th of z

Judging from Guan Xiaoyuan's interpersonal relationship and background, as well as the fact that she was murdered in Qingshi Town within a week, it can be concluded that the murderer is a random murderer. The possibility that he and Guan Xiaoyuan knew each other is very small, but the murderer wanted to kill, and happened to bump into Guan Xiaoyuan, and then he went down .ask for flowers

Qiu Mingkai said a few more words, and everyone in the conference hall listened quietly.

After finishing speaking, he said: "I have already said all the victims of Guan Wang's case and the investigation situation, if you have any questions

If you have any doubts, you can bring it up and I will try my best to answer it for you.

After Qiu Mingkai's voice fell, the voice of the female detective Meizuo of the island country was the first to sound.

She looked at Qiu Mingkai and asked, "Director, the five victims of this case, except for the missing parts of their bodies, which were taken away by the murderer, did they have other things on their bodies that were taken away by the murderer?

After hearing this, Qiu Mingkai immediately replied: "There are no five victims, they have nothing missing, but a part of their body is missing. Among them, the fifth victim, Guan Xiaoyuan, has three dry dollars in cash in her wallet. The killer didn't move. 0

The murderer kills just to take the body parts, not interested in dry money and other things. "Ouyang Chuying muttered.

Have any of the five victims been sexually assaulted? "Kiko said that although Kiko is usually reluctant to mention this aspect, she will be shy, but after handling the case, there is no need to be embarrassed about such things as the king.

"No." Qiu Mingkai said: "The murderer has never sexually assaulted the victim.

The five victims who were killed were all killed by blunt strikes and then sawed? "Billy asked

"Yes, according to the forensic identification, the murderer first killed the victim and then sawed the body." Qiu Mingkai replied

When Kiko Mezzo, Wild Billy and the others started to have some doubts about Qiu Mingkai, Lin Chen was in a daze with the photos of the corpses of the five victims at the scene of the death.

While listening to Kiko's questions and Mingkai's answers, Ouyang Chuying paid attention to raising Lin Chen.

Ouyang Chuying found that Lin Chen seldom spoke at this case discussion meeting. At this moment, he was holding five photos of the crime scene, belonging to the five victims.

In each of these photos, there is a corpse that has been sawed off once it is not finished. The corpse is dripping with blood, and there are Zhang Ming coins scattered around the body.


1184 Reasoning of the case [2 more subscription]

it is good. "Lin Chen also only said one word, and didn't say anything more.

The case discussion meeting has come to an end. Now what everyone has to do is to go to Qingshi Town to start Wang's investigation of the case.Wang's three million case-solving reward motivates detectives like Kiko Mizuo

Lin Chen and the others got up from their seats and walked towards the outside of the meeting hill.

Lin Chen and the others walked in the front, Kiko. Meizuo, Buffalo Billy, Chen Gaoming, Qin Feng and the others walked in the back

While walking, Meizuo looked at the back of Lin Chen's departure in front of him, and said, "I really didn't expect to come here to investigate a case, but I actually witnessed the emergence of the new No. [-] detective ranking.

When Wild Billy heard Mezzo's words, he said in a strong tone: "But this guy doesn't care about the crime master's detective ranking, even if he is number one now, he still doesn't care."

"Ha ha

Chen Gaoming, who was next to him, opened his mouth with some insidiousness. He said, "Don't care? He just pretended not to care. He is now number one in the detective rankings. I love to pretend, I just can't bear to show it. Chen Gaoming, you are wrong. "Qin Feng said to Chen Gaoming: "After Brother Lin became the first on the detective list, I looked at Brother Lin from time to time. From his eyes and expression, we can be sure that he really doesn't care about our detective ranking.

Tang Ren put a hand on Feng Feng's shoulder and interjected, "My observation is the same as Lao Feng's.

"Hehe, Chen Gaoming laughed a little, he's the kind of person who doesn't smile, he looks very disdainful, and he doesn't bother to argue with Qin Feng and Tang Ren about this matter.

When Iko saw Chen Gaoming turned her head to the side, she asked Human: "Everyone, how are you going to investigate now?

Buffalo Billy said: "I don't like sharing my opinion on the case with my opponent."

Meizu smiled slightly and said, "How to investigate, it depends on the individual. I am used to handling cases by myself, and I will separate at the gate of the public security bureau in a while.

Chen Gaoming did not speak, but his attitude was the same as that of Wild Billy Mezzo and the others. He was unwilling to share his inner reasoning and did not want to say more.

This kind of response from them was already expected by Kiko, she smiled and said, "Well, let's separate at the gate of the Public Security Bureau to see who can catch the murderer and get the [-] million reward for solving the case. .

Although Chen Gaoming didn't say anything after hearing this, he was secretly determined that he must catch the murderer before Lin Chen. In this way, he could put the face he just lost on Lin Chen's body in front of the public. got it back

After Lin Chen and the others came to the gate of the Public Security Bureau, kio and the others also came one after another.

Iko and the others, everyone has rented a car from the car rental company of this orthodox mountain gear, and they do not need a police car for 0.1

Mezzo and Buffalo Billy got into their respective cars and headed for Bluestone

Chen Gaoming took a look at Lin Chen and got into the car with the bodyguard.

Qin Feng and Tang Ren came over to say hello to Lin Chen, and then drove away.

Kiko stayed at the end, she walked slowly to Lin Chen, said to Lin Chen with a smile: "Lin Chen, I just asked them how they are going to investigate the reasoning about the case that they refuse to share, how about you?

Lin Chen said: "Go to Qingshi Town first, and after the five corpses are thawed, I will go for an autopsy."

so. "Kiko nodded and said: "I have to remind you, that Chen Gaoming, who swears every day, seems to be very confident in this case, don't let him find the murderer first.


1185 What to bet 【Subscription】

After Lin Chen heard Kiko's words, a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

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