He looked at Kiko with a serious face and said lightly: "It takes a little luck to break most of this kind of things, but for Wang's Chen Gaoming, I don't think my strength and luck are worse than his.

Lin Chen's remarks didn't make it clear, but he also showed his confidence in himself.

After iko heard the words, he somewhat agreed with what Gan Linchen said.

To solve a case, sometimes it does require some luck and some mediocre clues. You ignore it when you investigate the case. Once you suddenly realize the ignored clues, you will find the key evidence for Wang's case.

Luck still played a small part in solving the case.

Kiko looked at Lin Chen and said, "What about me? How do you think your strength and luck compare to yours?

you? "Lin Chen looked Kiko up and down, and said lightly, "See for yourself. "

Kiko waved a small fist in front of Lin Chen, and said: "I was in the conference hall just now, after seeing the materials of this case, I still have some confidence, Lin Chen, let's take a gamble.

Do not hit. "Lin Chen shook his head, he was not interested in betting with Kiko.

Why don't you fight?I didn't say anything about fighting," Kiko said.

Lin Chen didn't want to make a bet with Kiko, but this girl was pestering Lin Chen and insisted on making a bet with Lin Chen.

Seeing her eagerness, Lin Chen asked casually, "What bet?

Ouyang Chuying, Wu Tianyu, Wu Xuan and others were already in the car. They were farther away from Lin Chen and Kiko than K. What they were saying to Wang at the moment could not be heard at all.

Of course, it depends on who solves the case first, Kiko said.

bet. "Lin Chen asked

Well, kiko is also a little unpredictable about bets.

After hesitating for a moment, she Yiri didn't say why she came

Seeing this, Lin Chen turned around and wanted to leave, and said, "I don't even think about the bets, so what are you going to bet with me?

After that, Lin Chen will leave.

Seeing that Lin Chen was about to leave, kiko panicked and said quickly, "I've made up my mind on the bet.

Lin Chen stopped, turned to look at Kiko, and said a word

Kiko fiddled with the bangs on his forehead and said, "If I catch the murderer first, you must teach me your hacking skills, teach me everything you know, and don't hide a little secret.

Lin Chen knew that this girl had been thinking about her hacking skills all the time, so she was not surprised by what she said, but it was reasonable.

What if I catch the murderer? "Lin Chen asked Kiko.

Kiko said: "If you catch the murderer first, I will stay with you

stay with me? "Lin Chen frowned slightly and asked, "Is it too big to sell yourself with one bet?Furthermore, there are a lot of women around me, more than one of you is not much, and one less of you is not more.

Iko heard this and said quickly: "Oh, you misunderstood what I said about staying by your side, I'm staying by your side to be your assistant, if I lose, I'll be your assistant for half a year.

Lin Chen laughed and said, "I'm not interested in warming the bed for me if you lose, let alone being my assistant for half a year.

After Lin Chen said Zong, he turned around and walked towards the car where Ou Zhe Chuying and the others were sitting, and dropped a sentence: "If you want to bet, think of a bet that will interest me.

Kiko looked at the back of Lin Chen's departure, pouted his mouth slightly, and stomped his feet in place.

Kko is very upset at the moment, but it's not because Lin Chen doesn't fight her, but because Lin Chen's bag is lost to him to warm the bed, he is not interested

Hearing this in Kiko's ears is really hurtful.

She's a beautiful woman after all, isn't she?What is the difference between looks and body?

You Lin Chen actually don't look down on it?

After kiko was sulking in place for a while, he got into the rented car and drove towards Qingshi Town.

On this side, after Lin Chen got into the car that Ouyang Chuying and the others were in, Wu Tianyu, who was driving, immediately started the car and drove towards the front.

Ouyang Chuying and Lin Chen were both sitting in the back seat of the car, Ouyang Chuying turned to look at Lin Chen, pretended to be nonchalant and asked, "What did that kik0. whisper to you just now?

Wu Tianyu and Wu Xuan, who were sitting in the front, also pricked up their ears and wanted to hear what Lin Chen said next.

Lin Chen said lightly: "She wants to bet with me.

bet? "Ouyang Chuying said: "Who will catch the murderer first?

Besides this, what else can you bet on? "Lin Chen said

"What's the bet?" Ouyang Chuying asked curiously

Lin Chen said: "I lost, I taught her hacking techniques, and she worked as my assistant for half a year."

When Ouyang Chuying heard the first part of Lin Chen's words, the first part was fine, but after hearing that, Kiko stayed by Lin Chen's side as his assistant for half a year, and frowned.

Ouyang Chuying knows Lin Chen's charm to women. If he wins, and if Kik really stays by his side as an assistant, one or two people will get along for half a year, handsome men and beautiful women, sooner or later something will happen.

"You agreed?" Ouyang Chuying asked

Lin Chen looked at the object that was quickly retreating outside the window, and said, "I didn't agree.

Ouyang Chuying didn't say anything after hearing that Lin Chen didn't agree.

The Public Security Bureau is located in the urban area of ​​Zhengshan. It is not wrong that Zhengxian County has developed in recent years, and the urban construction is very good.

After Lin Chen's car left the city, they came to the country road with a flat concrete road.

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