It's summer now, and it's more than nine o'clock in the morning. The sun at this time is already a little bit poisonous. The trees, flowers and grasses on both sides of the township road. Under the scorching sun, the cattle grow very lush, and there are green scenes everywhere.

After driving on the country road for more than ten minutes, through the car window, you can see a town appearing ahead

The road sign indicated that this town was Qingshi Town.

Before Lin Chen and the others just looked at Qingshi Town in the photos, but now they came here in person. I have to say that this town is not small in scale and has developed very well. There are some factories built on the edge of the town. is rich in mineral resources

Ouyang Chuying glanced at Qingshi Town in the distance, and said to Lin Chen, "Go to the hotel arranged for us by the Public Security Bureau first?

For the convenience of Lin Chen and the others, the Zhengshan County Public Security Bureau has already booked a hotel for them in a hotel in Qingshi Town. Lin Chen nodded, and then the car quickly drove towards the hotel.

A few minutes later, the car stopped at the door of a hotel. Lin Chen and the others got out of the car and looked at the street. The street is very long and wide, and there are a lot of people coming and going.

This street is the most prosperous Qingshi Third Street in Qingshi Town.


1186 Concealed the case [2 more subscriptions]

Qingshi Third Street is the most prosperous street in Qingshi Town.

Wang Er, the third victim of the midnight sawing serial murder case, the women's clothing store she opened, just after Lin Chen glanced at the third Qingshi Street, the light fell on the hotel in front of her. above

The name of this hotel is called Huaxiang Hotel. The name of the wine is not evaluated, but the decoration of the hotel is still very good.

Lin Chen took his luggage, took Ouyang Chuying and the others, and walked into the Huaxiang Hotel

The lobby of the hotel is very wide and scattered. There are two women talking at the front desk. The two women, one is the front desk lady in work uniform, and the other is bending over and pointing at the computer screen to say something to the front desk lady.

This bent woman, Lin Chen and the others couldn't see all her features. She was wearing a peach pink fashion dress.

After Lin Chen walked to the front of the counter, he reached out and knocked on the counter: "Hello."

After hearing the words, the bent woman immediately straightened up, revealing a fair and delicate face.

This woman in a pink fashion dress is straight and beautiful, with delicate facial features, black hair, and bright eyes. Judging from her age, she should be in her twenties.

This woman is very beautiful, but when she saw Lin Chen's face, she was slightly stunned.

Lin Chen's handsome face with a different temperament made this woman's heart beat faster for a while.

Hello, the woman showed a sweet smile at Lin Chen, she stretched out her hand to Lin Chen without any restraint, and wanted to shake Lin Chen. Wang Linchen also reached out and shook her casually, then said: "The county police The people from the bureau arranged a room for us in your hotel, we are here to check in Wang Xu

Lin Chen explained the purpose of his visit. When he said that, the woman in the floating pavilion and the lady at the front desk were also looking at Ouyang Chuying and Wu Tianyu.

The members of the entire special case team are all staying in this wine, a large group of people is very eye-catching

After hearing Lin Chen's words, this beautiful woman's eyes were slightly remembered, and she said with a smile, "Oh, yes, the rooms you live in are reserved for you II.

After that, the woman asked the lady at the front desk to give the room card to Lin Chen and the others.

When the lady at the front desk registered Lin Chen and the others, the woman started chatting with Lin Chen and the others: "You are the special case team from Mohailai who investigated the midnight sawing serial murder case in our town, right?"

um, yes. "Wu Pu nodded, saying yes.

"It's great that your special case team can come. Such a terrible case has happened, and the murderer has not yet been caught. People in our town can be said to be panicking." The woman sighed.

Wu Xuan briefly said a few words to this beautiful woman, and the woman also introduced herself: "My name is Axiang, the owner of this hotel. These days at the hotel, if you have any dissatisfaction with the hotel, just bring it up

After the female boss, A Xiang, said these polite words to everyone, Qi Guang subconsciously glanced at the face on the side.

Lin Chen and the others got their room cards, and walked upstairs with their luggage. The female boss Huixiang was very polite and showed Lin Chen and the others the way in person.

The hotel has six floors, and an elevator is installed. There are many people in the special case team. This small elevator cannot go up all at once. Anyway, Lin Chen lives on the third floor and they climb the stairs.

The female boss Huixiang walked beside Lin Chen and said a word to Lin Chen from time to time. She had perfume on her body, and the scent smelled very good. Following Axiang's walking posture, the faint scent of perfume also moved towards her. Attacked by Lin Chen's nose

You people in Qingshi Town, do you all know about the Midnight Saw Corpse Serial Murder? ' a member of the special case team asked Axiang

A Xiang nodded and said, "We all know about this case, but we never thought about it. Since December last year, all the murderers started committing the crime, and it wasn't until August this year that we ordinary people knew about it. Listen to them. The murderer's modus operandi was so cruel, I was a little scared. I used to go out alone at night.

From the mouth of the female boss, Axiang, you can hear her inner fear and some dissatisfaction with the police.

In this case, the relevant leaders of Zhengshan Tool really did something wrong. In order not to be punished, they concealed the case, so that all the people in the town did not know about it, so that they did not have a sense of precaution, resulting in one victim after another. killed

If it weren't for the fact that the father of the fifth victim was a rich and capable man, after the fifth victim appeared, he might still cover his head and ignore the outside world's knowledge.

I talked to the female boss Axiang without saying a word. From her mouth, she could also learn some local people's opinions on the case. She went to Lin Chen's room on the third floor, and it was the countdown at the end of the corridor on the third floor. second room

Lin Chen walked at the front, the female boss Axiang was beside him, while walking in the aisle, a man in overalls came towards Lin Chen and the others.

This man has short hair and dark skin. There is a scar on his cheek. There is no smile on his face. When he sees his eyes, he will feel weird. Words are needed to describe his eyes. , the negative test is still very suitable

The suit was worn on the man's body, and it seemed a little ill-fitting. He glanced at Lin Chen, and after looking at Lin Chen and the others, his dark eyes quickly retracted.

The dark-skinned man glanced at Lin Chen and the others, and Lin Chen also noticed him.

The man's eyes made Lin Chen frown a little, but Lin Chen didn't say anything (Is Li Hao?

The man retreated to the edge of the aisle and gave the wider aisle to Lin Chen and the others to pass by. When Lin Chen and the others passed by him, he always lowered his head so that no one could see his dark face clearly.

After Lin Chen walked past them, he took a step forward and continued to walk.

The members of the special case team stopped at the door of their room, took out the room card, opened the door and walked in.

Ouyang Chuying's room is opposite Lin Chen, Wu Tianyu's room is next to Lin Chen, and Wu Ying's room is by other special case team members.

next door

Seeing that Lin Chen and the others had opened the door, A Xiang said, "If you have anything, just call the front desk, I'll go first.

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