Seeing that Ah Xiang was leaving, Lin Chen said, "Wait a minute.

What's wrong? "Axiang looked at Lin Chen curiously.

ps: ask for flowers and evaluation tickets, thank you brothers for your support


1187 The idea of ​​​​usually handling cases 【Subscription】

Ah Xiang doesn't know why, since she saw this Lin Chen, she always wanted to talk to him more and look at him more.

At this moment, Lin Chen told her to wait, which also made her feel a little excited. I don't know what Lin Chen told her to wait because Ouyang Chuying, who was going to enter the house, heard that Lin Chen asked her to wait. After Xiang waited, he stopped at the door of the house, but did not go in. Lin Chen looked at A Xiang who was dressed in fashion, and asked her, "The dark-skinned person just now, wearing your hotel's clothes, is your hotel's waiter. ?

The dark-skinned man with dark eyes walked past Lin Chen and the others, and Ah Xiang naturally saw it too.

A Xiang nodded and said, "Yes, he is the waiter of our hotel, Mr. Lin, what's the matter?

nothing. Lin Chen glanced at the stair aisle on the other floor of the corridor, and said, "Just when I passed him by just now, I thought his eyes were a little weird."

Oh, this one. "A Xiang smiled, put her hands in front of her gracefully, and explained to Lin Chen, "Just now the waiter named Zeng has been working in our hotel for several years. There are some problems with his personality and brain. Does not like to talk, is relatively withdrawn, and looks at people in strange eyes, making people uncomfortable

Once, a little girl who came to our hotel with her parents was 30 years old. After seeing Zeng Tai like this, she was scared to cry, Mr. Lin, he is like that, don't mind."

"Scared the child to cry?" Lin Chen muttered

yes. "A Xiang said: "Zeng Tai didn't do anything to the little girl, just glanced at her, and the little girl was scared to cry. Since this Zeng Tai has some problems with his personality and brain, he even scared the guests and cried, why? Do you still keep him?Don't you guys pay attention to service? "Lin Chen asked Ah Xiang.

Hearing this, A Xiang explained to Lin Chen: "Well, the guest is only scared to cry once, and he is still a child. Although Zeng Tai has a weird personality, and the way he looks at people makes people uncomfortable, he is still a child. He is a very hard-working and capable guy. The staff in my hotel belongs to him who has the most work and is not afraid of hardship.

When Ah Xiang said this, she seemed to have opened a chat box and said to Lin Chen, "This Zeng Tai is actually quite pitiful, and he lost his parents when he was very young. Relatives and friends don't care about him, and he lives alone in Qingshi Town. He was a prostitute. Before he came to work in my hotel, he was often beaten and bullied.

"It was Sister Shi who saw him pitiful a few years ago, took him in, and kept him working until now,"

After Lin Chen heard what A Xiang said, he nodded slightly and asked, "If Zeng Tai has a problem with his personality, he is really easy to be bullied, who is the sister Shi you're talking about?

Sister Shi, it's the manager of my hotel. I usually leave everything in the hotel to Sister Shi to manage it." Ah Xiang said that when Ouyang Chuying heard this, she didn't listen any more and walked into the house. span

When passing by Zeng Tai just now, Ouyang Chu also saw Zeng Tai's insidious gaze, but among some of the people she came into contact with, some people with problems in their brains and personality, their actions were all the same. It is unacceptable to ordinary people

Zeng Tai's eyes are obstructive to others, maybe in his cognition, it is a very ordinary look at people and light.

That's it. Lin Chen nodded and said, "It's alright, you go to work."

A Xiang said: "Well, Mr. Lin, if you have something to do, just give it your order.

After Ah Xiang finished speaking, she walked away from Lin Chen and walked into her house.

The single room in this floral hotel has new decoration and facilities. It is not large in size, but people feel very comfortable in it. Just like the name of the hotel, there are some flowers and plants in the room, and there is a faint floral fragrance in the air.

Lin Chen put his luggage on the table, went to the bathroom to wash his face, and then walked to the window of the house

Lin Chen's house is on the side of the street (bfdj), standing on the window, looking down at the wide Qingshi Third Street, because in recent years, Qingshi Town has built a lot of high-rise buildings, the height of the third floor where Lin Chen is located, and the height of the third floor. can't see far

Lin Chen put his arms on the edge of the window, leaned slightly, and stared at the people coming and going on the street below.

After watching this quietly for more than a minute, there was a knock on the door of Lin Chen's room.

Come in. "Lin Chen didn't close the door just now, the door was just left open.

As Lin Chen's voice fell, Ouyang Chuying pushed open the door and walked in.

Seeing Lin Chen standing by the window, Ouyang Chuying asked, "What are you looking at?"

"Nothing, just take a look." Lin Chen replied

Ouyang Chuying also walked to the window at this time, and looked at the street outside the window, she said, "My house is opposite you, and there is a small alley outside the window, but there is no window on your side to see the blue stone three. I'll change rooms in a while, and I'll change to your side. Lin Chen and Ouyang Chuying chatted for a while, and then they talked about the main topic.

Ouyang Chuying said: "The five corpses in the Midnight Saw Serial Murder Case are still being thawed, and the autopsy is not so soon, what are we going to do during this time?

Lin Chen looked at Ouyang Chuying and said, "According to your usual way of handling cases, what will you do during this time?

Well, I will first visit and investigate the family of the first victim. The police in Diaoran Zhengshan County have already investigated every family member of the victim and friends around the victim, but I am afraid that they will miss something. Going to investigate again. "Ouyang Chuying said. Let's go." Lin Chen walked directly towards the outside, and while walking, he said, "Go to the first victim's house first."

Ouyang Chuying walked out behind Lin Chen, and Wu Bao and Wu Pu also walked out of the house.

Immediately, a group of people took the elevator down to the first floor. After arriving on the first floor, the figure of Axiang Nana Piaoting was no longer visible in the lobby on the first floor. There was only one receptionist in the front desk.

Lin Chen and the others didn't stop in the hall. They got into the car and headed towards the place where the family of the first victim lived.

According to the information provided by Zhengshan Tools, the first victim originally rented a house with her husband in Qingshi Town, but after the first victim was killed, her husband was exhausted physically and mentally and returned the rent. The house I came here, I went back to live in the countryside

The village where the husband of the first victim was located was not far away. Lin Chen and the others arrived at the entrance of the village within two minutes' drive.


1188 Track down the murderer [2 more subscriptions]

The first victim and her husband are from the same village. The village is not big. As children study, adults go to the city to rent and buy houses. Now there are not many resident villagers in the village.

The road into the village is very small, and it is not easy for a few cars to drive in. Maybe they can't find a place to turn around.

After the car stopped at the entrance of the village, it followed the yellow mud road and walked towards it.

Now that the case is officially started, Ouyang Chuying, Wu Tianbao, Wu Pu, and the others have just changed into their police uniforms in the Huaxiang Hotel. Some villagers in the village came out to see such a large group of policemen coming to the village. lively

Wu Tianyu walked up to an old man and asked him where the first victim, Zhao Fang's husband, lived.

As people from the same village, the old man naturally knew it. After the old man pointed the way, Lin Chen and the others came to the door of Zhao Ruo's husband's house.

Zhao Fang's husband's house is a common wooden house in the village, because the mountain behind the house is a forest, and many dead branches and leaves fall on the roof tiles of this wooden house.

At the door of the house, there is an old lady who is flipping a vegetable and drying it under the scorching sun. It looks like she is going to be the king of vegetables. Beside this old lady, there is a three or four year old child. Boy, although a little face is a little dark, but his facial features are very correct, he should be a handsome guy when he grows up.

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