This little boy looks somewhat similar to the first victim, Zhao Ruo. Needless to say, this must be Zhao Fang's son.

When Lin Chen and the others approached, both the old lady and the little boy who were throwing vegetables saw Lin Chen and the others.

The old aunt stopped what she was doing, looked at Lin Chen and the others, and asked hesitantly, "You?

"Hello, we are a special case team from Mohailai to investigate the case of the serial murder case in the middle of the night. Is Zhao Fang's husband at home?" Wu Xuan stepped forward and politely said to the old aunt.

After hearing Wu Xuan's words, the old lady's face became very complicated, she said, "My son is in the house, I will call him out and after the old lady finished speaking, she walked towards the house.

Zhao Fang's son was a little afraid of life. When he saw his grandma entering the house, he looked at Lin Chen and the others, and followed him in, for fear that Lin Chen and the others would be bad people and would take him away.

A minute or two after the old lady entered the house, a man walked out of the house slowly.

This man was wearing a pair of old-fashioned beach pants and a vest with holes on his upper body. His hair was messy, and his beard was too long to be picked up. From his body, it was easy to feel a decadent atmosphere.

This man is the husband of the first victim, Zhao Fang. Zhao Fang is very beautiful. He was able to marry Zhao Fang. It was a blessing. Zhao Fang also gave birth to a son for him. The son was brought by his parents. I and my wife are working in Qingshi Town, but who would have expected that on December 12 last year, Zhao Ruo would be killed, without his head and without a whole body

After Zhao Fang's husband came out, he glanced at Lin Chen and the others. Then he sat down on the stone steps by the door, and said in a nonchalant tone, "What do you want to ask me? Ask me.

Wu Xuan stepped forward and said, "Are you Zhao Fang's husband?

Zhao Fang's husband nodded: "Yes

"We are the special case team from Mohailai, to investigate the murder case of sawing corpses in the middle of the night, and to track down the murderer." Wu Tianyu said

Hahaha" Zhao Fang's husband smiled disdainfully and said, "My wife was killed in December last year. You police lied to us and said that the murderer would be caught. I gave you time, but the murderer has not been caught yet. I read it recently, and it was revealed that the murderer had killed five people. I thought it was only my wife who was killed.

Zhao Fang's husband had a grin on his face: "Now you are all pressured to act like before, to show your determination to catch the murderer, and then sit in the office and blow the air conditioner, right?"

He is full of distrust, sarcasm and hatred for the police. Although he has a very rude attitude, Lin Chen, Ouyang, Chuying, Wu Tianyu and Wu Xuan can all understand his inner feelings.

It's been more than eight years since my wife was murdered, and the murderer has not been caught yet. The police still won't let them go out and say that everyone will have grievances.

Lin Chen walked towards Zhao Fang's husband and sat beside him slowly

Lin Chen's divine eyes looked at Zhao Fang's slack husband, and said, "I can understand your inner complaints, if you want to catch the vicious king and give justice to your wife, whatever I ask, you will be truthful. What's the answer, don't hide anything

ask for flowers

Zhao Fang's husband was very disappointed with the police, but after hearing Lin Chen's words and Lin Chen's eyes, he felt that the young man in front of him seemed to be different from other police officers.

Wei Wei was silent for a few seconds before Zhao Fang's husband said, "If you ask, I will tell you everything I know.

Seeing Zhao Fang's husband showing willingness to cooperate, Lin Chen began to ask: "In the previous questioning of you, you said that you and your wife have no enemies, right?

"That's right." Zhao Ruo's husband nodded.


The information that was asked of you was many months ago. Now I ask you the same question. Have you ever thought of any enemies you have? "Lin Chen asked

Zhao Fang's husband said, "I've been thinking about it for a while, and I've been thinking about it. We really don't have any enemies except the owner of the supermarket where my wife works, but you police say he's not the murderer.

There are five victims involved in this case. The supermarket owner has an alibi. I know you hate him for harassing your wife, but he does have nothing to do with this serial murder case. "Lin Chendao

After Zhao Fang's husband went to hear Lin Chen's words, he sighed deeply and immediately stepped down on his shoulders.

In the days before your wife was killed, did you think there was anything unusual about her? "Lin Chen asked again.

After hearing Lin Chen's question, Zhao Fang's husband was not so quick to answer this time.

After being silent for a while, he raised his head and looked at Lin Chen, and said, "A few days before my wife was killed, I had two sleep talk. Does this count? Lin Chen heard the words and immediately asked, "She talked in her sleep twice. the same content?

more or less. "Zhao Fang's husband nodded and said.

"What did she say?" Lin Chen asked

Zhao Fang's husband went and said, "What she said in her sleep was to find him, find him.

Find him, find him, right? "Wu Tianyu frowned slightly: "Your wife said this sentence twice in her sleep?


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It's gel. Zhao Fang's husband nodded slightly and said to Wu Tianbao, "The two dreams I said were about finding him, let's find him." Everyone can talk in dreams. I didn't care when my wife said such dreams at the time. , if you have to ask me about my wife's unusual behavior a few days before she was killed, the only thing is talking in her sleep

Exactly how many nights before she was killed? "Wu Xuan asked

Well, I think Zhao Fang's husband had a thoughtful look on his face, and after he thought about it, he said, "It should have been said three nights before and two nights before she was killed, two nights in a row, but I just said a few words, and I didn't directly say in my dream, look for him, look for him. "On the third day before the murder, a member of the special case team muttered on the second day.

The murderer in this case was preliminarily sentenced to [-]" as a perverted murderer who killed at random, but it does not rule out the possibility that he knew the victim or the first few victims.

Three days before and two nights before he was killed, Zhao Fang said in a dream, "Find him, let's find him, let's find him". Is this just a pure dream, or is this sentence related to the murderer?

When your wife said in a dream two nights to find him, find him, didn't you ask her the next day? "Wu Tianyu asked, "No, I didn't take this matter at ease. "Zhao Fang's husband said

After Ouyang Chuying heard this, her eyes swept across the crowd, and said, "Do you think, look for him in Zhao Fang's dream, look for him, the word for him, is he who represents a man, or she is a woman, or another it

The three characters he, she and it have the same pronunciation, there is no difference, but the meaning they represent is very different. "Two days before and two days before the murder, I said to find him, would Zhao Fang think? Let the murderer choose someone else, not her?" Someone made an assumption

"No." Lin Chen shook his head slightly, and retorted: "Zhao Fang is just a girl from an ordinary family, and an ordinary person's ability to bear is very ordinary. If you know that he is being targeted by the fierce king, then Before Zhao Ruo was killed, she must have behaved abnormally. She could also choose to call the police. However, Zhao Fang's husband said that she did not have any abnormal behavior. I think Zhao Fang must be unaware that the murderer wanted to kill her.

Wu Tianyu groped his chin and said, "After listening to what Brother Lin said, I think Zhao Fang's words in his dreams, let's find him, let's find him, it's very likely that he said it to a person.

"Who?" Wu Xuan asked immediately after hearing what her brother said.

When Wu Tianyu was about to speak, Lin Chen spoke one step ahead of him, and Lin Chen said, "Zhao Fang's boss.

Yes. Wu Tianyu nodded quickly and said, "From Zhao Fang's colleague's side, you can understand that Zhao Fang's pursuit of Wang's supermarket boss is in line. Every time the supermarket boss harassed her, she was extremely annoyed, in order not to lose her job. , she dared not tell her husband. "

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