Ouyang Chuying looked at the scarecrow in clothes in the closet without saying a word.

Lin Chen was standing in front of the wardrobe, which was the one he opened. He was also the first to see the scarecrow, but the sudden appearance of Chengcao would not surprise him.

After hearing the movement, the old lady also walked in from the outside, and as she walked, she muttered: "What's the scarecrow, what is the scarecrow?

While talking, the old lady had walked in, and after seeing the scarecrow in the closet, she had a stunned expression on her face and said, "This is your son's room, your son put a scarecrow in the closet, don't you know? "Lin Chen looked at the old lady and asked the old lady with a blank expression on her face, she shook her head and said, "I don't know, I don't come to my son's house very often, he keeps this kind of thing in the closet. what, it's scary

Lin Chen looked at the wardrobe again and found that there was nothing else in the wardrobe except the scarecrow in clothes.

Lin Chen took the scarecrow out of the closet. The scarecrow was not big and the weight was not heavy. After Lin Chen took it out, he put it on the bed beside him.

At this time, footsteps came from the outhouse, and someone walked in.

Ouyang Chuying saw that the person who walked in was Zhao Fang's husband

After Wu Xuan saw Zhao Fang's husband, she immediately pointed to the scarecrow on the bed and asked, "You made this scarecrow? Zhao Fang's husband's face was fine just now, but now he has a different face. , with a stern expression on his face, he also chose to ignore Wu Xuan's question.

He walked to the bed and glanced at the clothed scarecrow. From his eyes, he could not tell what he was thinking.


Lin Chen looked at Zhao Fang's husband and said, "The height of this scarecrow is about 150, and your wife's height is 149. The scarecrow is wearing women's clothes. The style of this clothes is very fashionable, it won't be your mother's, definitely it's your wife's

"You made a scarecrow who is about the same height as your wife and wears your wife's clothes. Are you missing your wife and treating the scarecrow as her?

Zhao Fang's husband looked bad and said: "This is my own business, you can't control it, and, without my consent, why do you open the wardrobe in my room?

Before Lin Chen could speak, Wu Xuan said, "Our police will check your house, and they will definitely open it everywhere. This is normal. Zhao Fang's husband went and immediately put the scarecrow in clothes back in the closet. , put it back in its original place, and then closed the wooden door of the wardrobe

Lin Chen's eyes were taken away from the scarecrow's body, and he looked at Zhao Fangzhang's actions with a thoughtful expression on his face. Lin Chen's expression was captured by Ouyang Chuying on the side.

Ouyang Chuying wanted to ask Lin Chen if she had found something, but Zhao Fang's husband was by the side, so Ouyang Chuying held back her question.

"My house, have you read it yet?" Zhao Fang's husband said, "If you're done, please go out.


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Ouyang Chuying, Wu Tianyu and others felt that Zhao Fang's husband was a little strange. At first, his attitude towards the police was very bad. After Lin Chen said something to him, his attitude improved and he accepted it. ask

During the process of being questioned, he was quite normal. When Lin Chen said that he was going to come to his house, he hesitated, and Jing didn't want these people to come into the house to have a look.

After his mother agreed, Lin Chen came to the room and took out the scarecrow in Zhao Fang's clothes from the closet. His expression and mood changed again.

"Why do you suddenly become very unwelcome to our police again?" Wu Tianyu asked, frowning

Zhao Fang's husband said angrily: "My wife has been dead for a long time, and you haven't caught the murderer yet, and don't let us publicize it. Until you catch the murderer, I won't have the slightest affection for you police officers.

Saying that, Zhao Fang's husband glanced at the two daughters of Ouyang Chuying and Wu Xuan, and then quickly withdrew his gaze. Lin Chen watched Zhao Fang's husband's every move, smiled slightly, and greeted Ouyang Chuying. They said: "This house, there's nothing to see, let's go and look in other houses.

As Lin Chen said that, he walked towards the outhouse first.

Ouyang Chuying, Wu Tianyu, Wu and the others saw this, and Guang took it back from Zhao Fang's husband, followed behind Lin Chen, and walked out.

After Lin Chen came to the front hall, he walked to the opposite room. The opposite room was lived by the old lady. There was no furniture in the room, and everything was so simple.

On the old lady's bed, I saw two pillows, one was black and flat, the other had a cartoon pattern, and there were children's clothes on the old lady's bed.

Judging from the things on the bed, Zhao Fang's son should usually sleep with his grandmother, and the old man sleeps with children, which is very common.The old lady also followed, and she said, "There is nothing to see in my room. The drawers in the wardrobe are full of worthless things. You can read them, just open them up."

Lin Chen shook his head and said with a smile, "Madam, let's just take a look and finish it, so we won't bother you."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he walked outside.

Ouyang Chuying, Wu Tianyu, Wu Xuan, and the others followed Lin Chen, a member of the special case team, and had a few more words with the old lady. The content of what they said was that they might visit again, so they kept the call. kind of speech

Pedestrians walked out of the wooden house of Zhao Fang's husband's house. After walking a distance, Ouyang Chuying turned her head and glanced at the wooden house. She saw the old lady holding Zhao Fang's son's hand and standing at the door of the wooden house.

Zhao Fang's husband did not come out to watch the departure of these people.

When walking towards the entrance of the village, Wu Tianyu took a few steps, came to Lin Chen, and said, "Brother Lin, now let's go to the second victim's house?

Um. "Lin Chen said: "According to the order, visit all the five victims' homes.

After Wu Tianyu heard the words, he flipped through the information in his hand and said, "The second victim, Wu Min, lives in Qingshi Town." Then go back to Qingshi Town. "Lin Chen said

Ouyang Chuying also stepped forward to talk to Lin Chen at this time.

In the room where Zhao Fangzhang went just now, Ouyang Chuying saw from Lin Chen's eyes that this guy must have found something. I didn't ask it just now. Now those people in Zhao Fang's family are not around, you can ask Lin Chen. chen

Just when Ouyang Chuying walked over to Lin Chen and wanted to ask, the phone in her pocket suddenly rang.

Ouyang Chuying didn't know who was calling her at this time. She took out her mobile phone and glanced at it. It was her father who called her, "Dad, why are you calling me at this time?" Ouyang Chuying murmured and walked away. Go aside to answer the phone

Ouyang Chuying's call took a while, Lin Chen and the others got into the car, Ouyang Chuying was still holding Wang Ji, standing there talking on the side of the road, not knowing what to say on the phone

After another minute, Ouyang Chuying put down the phone and walked towards the car

Wu Tianyu wanted to ask Ouyang Chuying's phone call for so long, if something happened, but after seeing that Ouyang Chuying's expression didn't change much, he didn't ask any more questions.

Ouyang Chuying, who got in the car, sat silently in her seat, looked out the window, and was in a daze, not knowing what she was thinking, and forgot the question she was about to ask Lin Chen just now.

The car drove towards Qingshi Town, Wu Tianyu was driving, Wu Pu was sitting in the passenger seat, Lin Chen and Ouyang Chuying sat side by side in the back seat of the car for a while, Lin Chen saw Ouyang Chuying still looking out the window In a daze, he asked Ouyang Chuying, "Who called you just now?

Lin Chen's words made Ouyang Chuying, who was in a trance, come back to his senses slightly.

After Ouyang Chuying came back to her senses, she turned her head to look at Lin Chen and said, "My dad.

What did your dad tell you?Let you answer the phone for so long, and now you still look preoccupied? "Lin Chen looked at Ouyang Chuying's expressionless face that made people think she was cold, and asked

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