Ouyang Chuying's eyes looked at Lin Chen, the two were in the car, and the distance between them was very close at the moment, less than half a meter, her lips moved, she seemed to want to say something, but she was shaking. After a few moments, Ouyang Chuying chose silence

"Is there anything bad to say?" Lin Chen asked.

The conversation between the two also attracted the attention of Wu Tianyu and Wu Xuan in front of them. Although they both looked straight ahead, they both pricked up their ears and listened.

In fact, Ouyang Chuying's tone was hesitant, she said: "Actually, it's nothing (Li Nuo's), nothing.

Ouyang Chuying's performance reminded Lin Chen of the last time Ouyang Chuying proposed to have a barbecue dinner in the backyard of his villa.

The dinner party that day was proposed by Ouyang Chuying. After Ouyang Chuying brought her younger brother Ouyang Jie to the villa, Lin Chen felt that Ouyang Chuying had something on her mind.

Lin Chen also asked her at that time, but Ouyang Chuying did not say

Now, after Ouyang Chuying answered her father's call, her face showed a worried look again, and Lin Chen was even more convinced that there was something in this girl's heart.

Having known Ouyang Chuying for so long, Lin Chen no longer regards Ouyang Chuying as an ordinary friend

Lin Chen said: "I know you have something on your mind. If you have something, just say it and I can give you an idea." After hearing Lin Chen's words, Ouyang Chuying warmed her heart and smiled. :"thanks


1192 Know something [2 more for subscription]

After thanking Lin Chen, Ouyang Chuying smiled and said, "It's important to investigate the case now. I'll talk about my business when the case is finished." Lin Chen heard the words and knew that what happened to Ouyang Chuying was not the case. If there was something urgent, he nodded slightly and said nothing more about it. When Lin Chen and the others returned to Qingshi Town, it was already ten o'clock in the morning, almost eleven o'clock in the morning.

The second victim, Wu Min, is from Qingshi Town, Zhengshan County, where she was born ten years old and ten years old. Her family lives in Qingshi Town. I was sent to work in an electronics factory on the edge of Qingshi Town.

Because of her acquaintances, Wu Min became the junior leader of a department in that electronics factory. She didn't need to sit in the office so hard every day to get money.

And the current salary is much higher than that of ordinary employees. She is a girl, and she can get that salary in a township like Qingshi Town, which is already very good.

Wu Min's parents have also figured out the future for their daughter. That is to continue this job, find a suitable husband, and live in Qingshi Town for a lifetime. 397 Worry-free

However, on January 1 this year, Wu Min's experience changed everything in this family

According to the information provided by the Zhengshan Furniture Police, Wu Min's home lives in Xiaoshi Lane on Qingshi Fourth Street. The easiest way to get to Wu Min's house is to walk along Qingshi Third Street to the end of Qingshi Third Street. , through a small alley, there is

After Lin Chen and the others drove from the bustling Qingshi Third Street to the end of Qingshi Third Street, everyone got off the car and went to Wu Min's house.

Wu Min's home is a three-story building with tiles. This three-story building also has a small yard. Judging from the decoration of this building, the home of the second victim, Wu Min, should be in good condition. is not bad

Lin Chen and the others came to the iron gate of the yard and looked inside, there was no one in the yard.

Wu Xuan shouted twice before she spoke. After a while, a gray-haired middle-aged man walked out of the house. After seeing a large group of police officers standing outside the iron gate, the middle-aged man hurried over. Come here, open the door for Lin Chen and the others, comrade bfag, fast forward, fast forward "After the middle-aged man opened the iron fence door, he very politely invited Lin Chen and the others to come in and take a seat. Are you Wu Min's father?" Wu Tianyu asked .

The middle-aged man nodded and said, "That's right, I'm Wu Min's father.

When he mentioned his daughter, the middle-aged man's eyes turned a little red.

"Hello, we are here for the case of Wu Min's murder. In some cases, we need to check with you again." Wu Tianyu said, "Okay, everyone please come in and talk in the room." "Wu Min's father said very politely.

Compared with the coldness of the first victim, Zhao Fangzhang, the father of the second victim is very enthusiastic

Walking into the living room of Wu Min's house, you can see that the decoration of the living room is also very good. The sofa placed is a solid wood sofa, and the carving is very delicate.

After greeting Lin Chen and the others to sit down, Wu Min's father called his wife and asked her to pour tea and fruit for Lin Chen and the others

Seeing this, Lin Chen waved his hand and said, "We understand some things and leave right away, no need to bother.

At Lin Chen's request, Wu Min's father and mother both sat down

Wu Min's father sat down and said eagerly: "I heard that the provincial department has asked the special investigation team of Mohai to investigate the case of my daughter's murder. I heard that your accent is not from our Zhengshan County side, you are the devil. Hailai's special case team?

That's right. Wu Xuan nodded: "We are the special case team from Mohai to investigate this case."

After getting Wu's exact answer, Wu Min's father and mother showed slightly excited expressions on their faces.

It can be seen that the couple is very eager for Wang to find out the murderer of their daughter. Wu Min was killed on January 1 this year, which also added a large piece of white hair to the head of the ex-wife.

Immediately, Lin Chen and Ouyang Chuying began to ask the couple some regular questions.

Wu Min's parents were very cooperative with Lin Chen, Ouyang Chuying and the others.

In their mouths, Wu Min is a very good girl. When she was in school, she never fell in love. She studied in the city.

After graduating from university, Wu Min was originally going to look for a job in another place, but Wu Min's father and mother were just a daughter like Wu Min, and they were selfish. They hoped that their daughter would work in Qingshi Town and find a local husband in the future

If the daughter works in another place, she is likely to find a foreigner to marry in the future. Most of her parents do not want her daughter to marry far away. Wu Min has no arrangement with her parents. She is a good girl. After returning to Qingshi Town , I was working well in that electronics factory.

Every morning from home, I go home for lunch at noon, and naturally I have to go home at night.

Because his home is not very far from the factory, Wu Min mostly chooses to ride a bicycle and sometimes walk.

In Qingshi Town, in the electronics factory, Wu Min, a girl who just left school, has no enemies.

After asking some questions, Lin Chen said, "I want to know, which way does Wu Min usually go to and from get off work?

Wu Min's father replied: "It's the third Qingshi Street in our town. This street is the busiest and the most convenient way to get to and from our house. Another point is that sometimes Xiaomin works overtime and gets off work late, so he walks from Qingshi Third Street. , it will be safer

Lin Chen nodded and said, "Did she behave abnormally a few days before Wu Min was killed?"

This question, Lin Chen asked Zhao Fang's husband, and his answer was that a few days before Zhao Fang was killed, he said the same dream in two nights in a row to find him, find him

Regarding Qian Linchen's question, Wu Min's parents shook their heads decisively, and said, "No, in the days before our family's Xiaomin was killed, there was nothing unusual at all, if there were, we would definitely find out immediately. of.

In the conversation between Lin Chen and the couple, they could also hear their guilt towards Wu Min

If they hadn't called Wu Min back to work and let her find a job there, then the tragedy would not have happened, and they would not have lost

The only baby girl

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