After learning about the relevant situation, Lin Chen and the others stood up and left

When they walked towards the parking place outside the alley, everyone was silent, thinking about the question to Wu Min's parents who asked Ouyang Chuying to support Lin Chen, and said, "You asked Wu Min the route to and from get off work just now, what was your intention? where?"


1193 Why do you still need to investigate 【Subscription】

After Lin Chen heard Ouyang Chuying's question, he slowly turned around and glanced at Ouyang Chuying's body

Lin Chen said: "The first victim, Zhao Fang, was killed on the way from get off work, the second victim, Wu Min, was killed on the way from get off work, and the third victim, Gan Duoer, was killed after closing the door. , was killed on the way back

The fourth victim, Li Shiting, was killed on the road after get off work, and the fifth victim, Guan Xiaoyuan, was out to play at night and was killed after going to a public toilet.

Ouyang Chuying, Wu Tianyu, Wu and the others listened to Lin Chen's words, but they didn't say anything.

After a slight pause, Lin Chen continued: "Of the five victims, the first four were all killed on the way off work at night. I think the murderers knew something about them, maybe even knew them.

Not necessarily this. "A member of the special case team said after Lin Chen's remarks: "Four of the five victims were killed on the way from get off work. This is not wrong, but I think they are because they got off work. Later, I happened to meet the murderer who came out to commit the crime, so unfortunately he was killed. "

The murderer of this midnight sawing serial murder case was a perverted murderer who committed the crime at random. Every time he committed the crime, it was random. If he hadn’t met Zhao Fang, Li Shiting and the others, the murderer would have met other women who got off work at night. by other women.

In the previous case discussion meeting, there was a discussion on whether the murderer knew the victim, whether it was premeditated or random. Some people thought that the murderer was a perverted murderer who randomly selected targets, and some people thought that the murderer might know the victim. After Lin Chen heard the words, he stretched out a finger to the member of the special case team who was speaking and waved it left and right, saying, "These five victims, Wang Jing was not randomly selected, on the contrary, these five Personally, it should be the murderer's long-planned search

As soon as Lin Chen's remarks came out, Ouyang Chuying, Wu Tianyu and the others were shocked.

Lin Chen's tone is very confident in his inference. I don't know how he saw that the murderer was deliberate for a long time rather than randomly selected.

"Brother Lin." Wu Tianyu looked at Lin Chen and asked curiously, "How can you be sure that the murderer did not kill randomly, but planned it for a long time? This is not difficult to find." Lin Chen looked up after saying this. Looking at the scorching sun in the sky, he said: "I am too lazy to explain without all the relevant information. After visiting the relatives of the five victims, I will sit down and tell you.

it is good. "Wu Tianyu was the first to nod, and after visiting the families of the five victims, it's the same.

Although other people are curious, they really want Lin Chen to say now that he thinks the murderer has been plotting for a long time, not the reason for randomly selecting the target.

However, Lin Chen said it very clearly, and he didn't bring all the relevant information, so no one urged Lin Chen to say it immediately.

As he walked, Wu Tianyu looked at the document in his hand and said: "The third victim, Wang Duoer, the clothing store she opened was at No. 131 Qingshi [-]rd Street with relatives who lived in Qingshi Town before her death. My parents and family live in the next county, and it takes more than an hour to go from Zhengxian to the next county on the highway.

After Lin Chen heard Wu Tianyu's words, he said, "First go to Qingshi Third Street, the clothing store opened by Wang Duo'er.

Qingshi Sanhang is very long, but Lin Chen and the others are not far from the clothing store opened by the third victim, Gan Duoer.

The third victim, Gan Duo’er, was killed on the 217th of this year. Before Qian Duo’er died, the usual operation of the store was done by her alone, without asking her family to help or hiring small workers.

It's not easy for a girl to open such a store by herself.

Before February 2, Wang Duoer was the owner and employee of this clothing store. After Yu Duoer died, Gan Duoer's younger brother-in-law took over the clothing store opened by Wang Duoer.

When Lin Chen and the others came to No. 131 Qingshi [-]rd Street, they saw a few female customers lining up clothes in the clothing store opened by Gan Duoer.

Next to the female customers stood a man and a woman, smiling and introducing them to clothes.

This smiling man and woman are Gan Duo'er's younger brother and sister-in-law

When Lin Chen and the others walked to the door of the store, the arrival of a large group of police also attracted the attention of the people in the store.

Wang Duoer's brother ran out of the store immediately after seeing the police

ask for flowers

His eyes swept across the crowd and smiled: "Comrade police, who are you looking for?

Wang Duo'er's younger brother asked Lin Chen about their intentions with a smile on his face

His question made Wu Tianyu, Wu Xuan and the others a little stunned.

Wang Duo'er's own sister was killed, and this younger brother, Wang Kang, could not imagine that the police came because of his sister's incident and smiled very happily. This is a strange thing.

find you. "Lin Chen said to Gan Duo'er's younger brother Gan Kang

Wang Kang was slightly taken aback and subconsciously pointed to his nose and asked, "Looking for me? What are you looking for me for?

Ouyang Chuying on the side said: "We are the case team from Mohailai to investigate the serial murder case of Shengye sawing corpses. Your sister is one of the victims of this case. Naturally, we will come to you and investigate."

oh oh. "Qiankang sighed twice, with a stunned expression on his face, and said, "It turned out to be because of my sister's business. Didn't the police from Zhengshan Tool investigate us before? Why do we still need it? Investigate?

If you need to handle the case, please cooperate. "Ouyang Chuying has no good feelings for Wang Yukang, a guy who doesn't take his sister's death seriously.

Oh fine. "Gan Kang turned his head and glanced at the store behind him, and said to everyone: "My store is doing business, it is not convenient for you to come in, or if you want to ask anything, just ask at the door.

The husband of the first victim, Zhao Fang, went to Lin Chen and the others.

The family of the second victim Wu Min was very polite to Lin Chen and the others

The younger brother of the third victim, Gan Duo'er, did not take his sister or the police investigating the case seriously. Sister, how can you be like this

Unhappy Wu Tianyu said to him: "If that's the case, then you can go back to the public security bureau with us, and go to the public security bureau to learn about the situation, so that it won't bother you.

When Wang Kang heard that he was going to take him to the Public Security Bureau, he was stunned for a moment, and then he shook it like a rattle.


1194 Why are you asking this question [2 more for subscription]

After shaking his head, Wang Kang said to the crowd: "There is no need to go to the Public Security Bureau, I don't have time to go, and there is still business in this store. My wife is too busy by herself.

Lin Chen said, "There are some things that are hard to say at the door of this store. Let's go back to the Public Security Bureau."

No no no. "Gan Kang Yiri waved his hand and said, "Let's just ask here. If it's inconvenient for others to hear, just say it in a low voice. "

The few female customers in the clothing store came out when Qiankang's voice just fell, and left without buying clothes. In the clothing store, only Yu Kang's wife was left.

Seeing this, Wang Kang immediately said: "Okay, the guests are gone, now you can come in, if you have any questions, please hurry up and ask, we still need to do business after asking.

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