Wang Kang pushed open the glass door to signal Lin Chen and the others to come in

After Lin Chen and the others walked into this clothing store, they looked at the clothing store.

In this clothing store, all women's clothes and pants are sold. Some are hung on the wall, some are hung on the iron rack. There are many clothes in the whole store, which is not very neat.

There is a cash register in the clothing store. There is a desktop computer on the cash register. Next to the computer, there is a stack of thick newspapers. When Ouyang Chuying and Wu Xuan were looking at the clothing store, they noticed a detail that is After they came in, Wang Kang's wife, the sister-in-law of the victim Wang Duo'er, rolled her eyes at her group of people, then turned her head away, ignoring the police officers who walked in, showing no good expression.

Wu Xuan murmured in her heart, why is the third victim Gan Duo'er's brother so unhappy about her death, and why is her sister-in-law disgusted and disgusted by the police?

After Wang Kang let Lin Chen and the others into the house, he said, "My shop is small and there is no place to sit. If you want to ask anything, just ask Lin Chen, looking at Qian Kang, and said, "You are from Gan Duo'er. Brother?

"Yes." Wang Kang nodded immediately, indicating that there was nothing wrong

Lin Chen looked at Gankang's face, shook his head slightly, and said, "It's not like that."

Why not? "Gan Kang said: "My sister and I were born from the same mother, and they all said that I looked a bit like my sister. I used to walk on the street with my sister, and people could see that we were siblings at a glance.

Lin Chen said: "Really? Since you are Gan Duo'er's younger brother, Xue Nong aqua regia, why do you look like you don't care about her death at all? We are here for your sister's case, but both It doesn't matter if you do a single business.

Wang Kang originally thought that what Lin Chen said was different was because of his appearance, and he refuted it.

What he didn't expect was that Lin Chen meant something, not a matter of appearance.

What Lin Chen said made Qian Kang a little embarrassed.

He nodded twice and defended: "No, it's not that I don't care about my sister's death, it's just that my sister's death, it's been so long and we haven't caught the murderous king, and we have given up on catching the murderous king. hope

Lin Chen shook his head and said, "I see from you that you are not hopeless, but that you don't care about your sister.

At this time, Wang Kang's wife stepped forward and said, "It's not how we don't care about my sister's death. It's just that I'm disappointed with your police officers, and I don't have any hope.

Wang Kang's wife spoke well, and she kicked the ball back to the police.

Lin Chen glanced at Yukang's wife and said, "Before we came to find you, we also went to other victims' homes. Although the police let them down, they were still very eager to find the murderous hair. you

After Wang Kang's wife heard the words, she stopped talking. The clothing store fell silent for a while, and no one spoke.

Immediately, Lin Chen asked the third victim, Duo'er's brother and sister-in-law, some questions. These questions have been asked by the police of Zhengshan Gear before, and they are some routine questions.

After a simple question, Lin Chen said to them, "Where were you a few days before Gan Duo'er was killed?

Wang Kang frowned when he heard Lin Chen's question, and asked, "Why are you asking this question?"

"Don't worry about it so much, just answer me." Lin Chen said to Kang

Wang Kang and his wife looked at each other, and the two exchanged a look, and then Gan Kang said, "We are from Zhengshan Gu. Before, my wife and I worked in our own city, and it was only after my sister had an accident. Coming to Qingshi Town

"That is to say, when your sister was killed, they all worked in the registered county town? Lin Chen asked.

Yup. "Wang Kang and his wife looked at each other and said nothing was wrong.

After saying yes, Gan Kang asked, "Comrade police, is there any problem?

"No problem." Lin Chen shook his head with a smile on his face

Ouyang Chuying, Wu Tianyu and others in the special case team asked Kang's wife a few more questions, and someone asked where their parents were from.

Wang Kang asked, "Are you going to ask my parents to find out more about the situation?

Yes. "A member of the special case team nodded.

My parents are in the county next door. If you want to find them, I can give you the address and you can find them. "Kang said

Just as Qian Kang's voice fell, the phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

Wang Kang picked up the phone and glanced at it, then walked aside to answer the phone.

From what Gankang called the caller, it was his father who called. After saying a few words, Gankang walked back and said to everyone: "You want to find my parents, you don't have to go to the next city. Now, my dad called me just now. They came to Qingshi Town and got on the bus that was already coming.

How long did your parents go to Qingshi Town? "Wu Tianyu asked

Wang Kang replied: "It should take more than an hour, that kind of old bus 5.7 car can't drive very fast.

After learning that Qiankang's parents were on their way to Qingshi Town, Lin Chen and the others naturally didn't need to go to the neighboring city of Gucheng to find them. Wang Duoer's parents still had more than an hour to arrive. During the time, I can go to the relative's house where Wang Duoer lives. I want to say that before Gan Duoer died, who knows how much she is in the relative's house where she lives. Wang Duoer's parents, brothers, sisters-in-law are all Not around, just now Lin Chen and the others asked Kang and the others few questions.

From the shop opened by Gan Duoer to the house of Qinwei where she lives, there are several alleys to pass. After Lin Chen and the others walked through these alleys, they stopped in front of a house.

After Lin Chen stopped, his eyes turned to the alley he had just walked over.


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Lin Chen turned his head to look at the alley behind him, so that Ouyang Chuying and the others also followed Lin Chen's gaze subconsciously and looked behind.Lin Chen came to this alley just now and said, "From the clothing store of the third victim, Wang Duo'er, to the house of her relatives, it is almost a distance of more than [-] meters. This alley of more than [-] meters There is a street lamp every other section of the road. Along the way, every house is inhabited by several square meters.

On the night of the crime, Wang Duoer closed the door of the clothing store and went home along this road. It should be on this road that she encountered a murderer. When she encountered the murderer, why didn't she make a call for help? After the attack, her body appeared behind a building more than [-] meters away.

After hearing Lin Chen's words, Ouyang Chuying said, "Do you think that the murderer and Gan Duoer knew each other, so Duoer didn't make a call, and was suddenly attacked by someone he knew?

As soon as Ouyang Chuying said this, a member of the special investigation team on the side said: "On the road of King Guan, no one heard Yu Duoer 15's calls on the night of the crime, which is very easy to explain.

After a slight pause, the member of the special case team explained, "The murderer used a blunt weapon to smash the victim to death. Maybe the murderer was hiding in a dark fish fall, waiting for an opportunity, and walking by Gan Duo'er. In the past, he knocked Gan Duo'er with a single blow, so the households on this road did not hear Duo'er's cry for help.

Or, Doer called for help, and the resident next to her called for help fell asleep and didn't hear it.

Lin Chen glanced at the member of the special case team, smiled slightly, and didn't say anything more.

He took a step and walked towards the door of Gan Duoer's relative's house

This house also has a front yard, but the front yard is pitifully small.

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