The King of The Worlds

Vol 4 Chapter 93: Fear

The spot pupil narrowed. It was at this moment that I felt that my strength had just faded and strengthened. At that moment, it suddenly decreased again.

Speed, strength, reaction, and various physical functions are all reduced at this time.

"this is!?"

The weird state, so that the spot is a moment.

At the same time, Yasuo's sword had reached his eyes, and the sword flashed.


The blood splattered out, and the sculpted figure quickly retreated. Even if the abdomen was wrapped in bone bones, a bright red blood mark appeared at this moment, and the blood penetrated quickly.

But soon, the white bone covered it again, and the wound recovered quickly.

Super speed regeneration!

"Be stronger!"

Cricket murmured.

The man in front of his eyes, holding a long sword, has already surpassed thousands of troops, and his strength is beyond his understanding.


Low roars like thunder, black and red beams of light hovering up to the sky, white skulls on the body, more and more bones.


Even, at this moment, there were lightnings chopping down and falling on the ground around.

At this moment, the vertical pupil of his forehead also suddenly opened, the slender tailbone extended, and in a blink of an eye became the most aggressive weapon. At the same time, there seem to be long and narrow bone wings protruding from both sides of the body.

斑 All over the body, the spots have been covered with white bone, and become a complete and complete virtual.

Qi Qi looked up at the sky, his body filled with a terrifying horror. This strength of strength has even exceeded the limits of this world, breaking the void, breaking the boundaries, and surpassing the past.

Ji Yasuo looked at the new spot in front of her eyes, her eyes were slightly calm.

"There is no heroic power in the body, it is really troublesome!"

不过 "But I can win!"

With his right hand pressed against his waist, his eyes became extremely sharp.


此时 At this moment, the opposite spot suddenly raised his head and made a loud roar. The violent force sweeping around him shook the ground, shattered, blasted off, and ran across, tearing everything on both sides apart.

As fast as lightning, he had reached Yasuo.

The slender, white bone claws were pressed with a black-red spherical energy wave in a moment.

"The barrier of the wind!"

Cried Yasuo.

Instantly, a wall appeared in front of him, blocking him.

The blazed bone claws pressed against this wall, but they couldn't get in at all, followed by the black-red energy ball to blast away, pushing his body back.

But soon, the spotted figure rushed up again.

"Step forward!"

He Yasuo stepped forward, his body suddenly rushed forward, and he came to the spot almost instantly.

Even if it was a spot with full strength, it was a stun at this moment, and then quickly reacted and bent back sharply.


Long sword swept across, almost brushing across the tip of his nose.

The speed of this blow surpassed imagination, and came suddenly.

"Cut Steel Flash!"

But soon, the spot was about to straighten up, and the words above him came.


Suddenly, a strong wind swept across his body, and the whole wind was swept up into the sky.

"嗤嗤 嗤嗤!"

The powerful sword air swept the whole body, cutting the whole body quickly. Instantly, his blood sputtered out, and the whole person was lost in the tornado and rotated with the sword wind.

Beneath the bottom, Yasuo looked up, watching the tornado that rolled forward, stepped forward, and the sword was about to swing out again.

At this moment, the spots in the tornado seem to be feeling.

His forehead opened his eyes suddenly, hooking jade, lines, and white, emerging at this moment, the black silk line outlined these three kinds of strangeness together, forming a daunting panic.

"Fear of forest!"

Freckles read these four words in his mouth.

His forehead flickered, his eyes shuddered, and an extremely shocking light burst out.

Yasuo, who was about to attack below him, trembled suddenly and froze, his body could not move, and his sword could not be waved out, as if he had been captured.

The tornado disappeared naturally, the spots rushed out of it, and the whole body was like blood, but soon, the speedy regeneration restored his body.

Beyond the seventh level of Xinghua to obtain a new power, the ability to spot, extremely tyrannical. The forehead of this forehead has extremely powerful bloodstaining ability. Even, it has reached the point where it will approach the little magical power.

Ji Yasuo was deterred by spirit, and immediately afterwards, a force from all sides approached and rushed towards the center of him.


The bones, muscles, and body were deformed at this moment, as if they were squeezed inward by people.

After three or four breaths, this force disappeared, but another force burst out suddenly.

Ji Yasuo flew to the sky in an instant, fell to the ground fiercely, and bounced a few times before lying on the ground motionless.


The loquat stooped down, breathing heavily, and the sweaty beads of beans dripped down from the ground.

This move is extremely powerful, and its huge power is enough to subvert a small world in an instant. Xinghua is below seven strong, he is confident that no one can withstand this power.

Today, focusing this force on a person will be extremely horrifying.

Even if it is spotted, it feels like death.

The first is the spirit, the soul is deterred, let him be distracted, into a sluggish state, unable to escape. Immediately afterwards, the force from all directions was forced to squeeze. This force can instantly destroy a mountain ~ ~ Finally, repulsive force burst out from the center, causing its body to break.

No one can resist such an attack.

No one can resist horror 铮铮!

Yet the next moment.


Suddenly two faint voices came out. Above the ground, Yasuo, who had been lying down, actually stood up slowly again.

His body is filled with green light, like a spring bathed in life, and the whole body is broken and collapsed, and it is quickly restored to its original state at this moment.

After only a few breaths, he already appeared in front of the spot again.

"It's the glory of your life that can hurt me like this!"

但是 "But that's it!"

The long sword slowly pulled out, rubbing against the scabbard, making a sound of infiltration.

As soon as her body shape moved, she wanted to attack again, but at this moment, Yasuo spoke again.

His eyes were sharp, and Han Han, an unparalleled breath erupted in his whole body, and he caught the spot in an instant.

"Don't do anything, I win!"

Suddenly, Yasuo stepped, striding across the distance in front of the two, and suddenly came to the spot.

The speckled eyes widened and the pupil narrowed to a point.

Long sword waved suddenly, Yasuo's body twisted at this moment, turned into a point.

Suddenly appeared, but suddenly disappeared.

"Gust of Wind!"

A faint voice drifted into his ears. Until then, the spotted figure turned and flew up, and then fell to the ground.

"One sword, one thought!"

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