The King of The Worlds

Vol 4 Chapter 94: Fight a great battle


There was an uproar in the crowd, and in the Qin State Army, all eyes widened and they looked at this scene incredibly.

他们 In their hearts, Uchiha, who is at the top of the country's strongest, and bursts beyond the limit, is not even the swordsman's opponent!

What an incredible scene!

至 A Xeon has failed! This is a blow to the speed of the entire Qin State Army.

Even this moment, it even affected the entire battlefield. Let the rhythm of Qin's offense all stop and stagnate.

不好 "Not good, something happened!"

On the side of the House of Representatives, the clerk changed his face, noticed the picture projected by the drone, and immediately got up and drank.

"what happened?"

Gandalf asked, immediately.

"An unknown powerhouse appeared on the battlefield, he defeated the spot!"

Glancing a little, Gandalf called up the picture and quickly passed the battle between the two just to reveal a solemn look.

After blurring the spot, his strength reached its peak. He has even touched the threshold of Xinghua's eighth level. But even so, they still lost to the opponent in such a short battle.

This result made Gandalf feel incredible and shocked at the same time.

Every move that the vicissitudes swordsman showed was simply incredible. But it happens, it can erupt unexpected power and results.

Can cause such a result, Gandalf can only think of one reason.

"Total transcendence of the current level of civilization we are in!"

但是 "But his power seems to be sealed and can only be used a little bit!"

Murmured, Gandalf's complexion was more solemn.

This is just speculation, but if it is true, then for Qin Guo, it is definitely not good news!

敌人 Enemies that completely surpass the current level of civilization and strength. Once they run away, the impact on the entire country will be fatal.

After groaning for a moment, Gandalf suddenly ordered.

"Notify the country and be ready to cut off the ties between the two circles!"

"Once an adverse situation occurs in the realm of death, immediately sever the connection between the two realm gates!"

"You can't let the enemy enter the country anyway!"

The members of the House of Representatives, after hearing it, were all confused, with doubts on their faces.

"Dean, this!"

"Order now, don't doubt it!"

Gandalf shouted.


The parliamentarians realized the importance of this matter, and they immediately took it upon themselves.

"Unknown strong!"

"This war is really not that simple."

Murmured Gandalf.

In the market.

The mottled spots fell on the ground, and the state of blur collapsed instantly, and white bone fragments flew out, gradually dissipating in the air. Exposing the body of Chitan's upper body, his condition at this time is definitely not good.

He blew blood stains deep into the body, and the blood flowed out. His face was pale, lying there, his eyes were floating, his front eyes were closed.

one move!

A tactic of Yasuo made him lose his combat power directly.

Lying on the ground, a burst of weakness and dizziness emerged, making the spot unwilling, but helpless.

For the first time, he felt his weakness.

I walk out of the world, knowing the broadness of the outside world and my own smallness. The first war between foreign nations made him see the power and feel what is called a more vast world!

"I want to be stronger!"

Murmured in the mouth, Bian wanted to burst out a more powerful force.

But then he realized that he had reached the limit and closed his eyes slowly.

"Limit, it really exists!"

Unwilling, longing for more powerful forces, all kinds of emotions swept the heart at this moment.

Unconsciously, he had closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Xia Yasuo's stab not only pierced the surface of his body, but also penetrated the epidermis, attacked him, and made the power in his body chaotic.

"Rescue the spot!"

In the Naruto Legion, the complexion between Qianshouzhu was dignified.

In a moment, a golden streamer burst out instantly.

With a touch of golden light, a young figure appeared in front of Bian.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk!"

He followed closely, and a few strangely shaped pains were stuck in every corner of the battlefield.

Ji Yasuo's eyes were dull, looking at the young man who appeared suddenly.

听说 "I heard that your country is called Qin Country!"

"The strong, there are many."

His voice is heavy, as if remembering something.

"I teach Po Feng Shui Gate, can I take back the wounds of the seniors?"

Xi Bo Fengshui Gate stared diligently and asked with a deep voice.

The weird man in front of me was beyond imagination. He looked very carefully in the distance. The other party's flash appeared like a teleportation, which was even more incredible than that of space jutsu.

It seems that there are no restrictions before it can be used.

"Respecting the strong is also the glory of my generation, and glory is my life."

"Can withstand my attack undead, even if it is not ten strengths after being sealed, but it is also worthy of respect, take him away!"

Yasuo said lightly.

Pu Bo Feng Shuimen shrank his pupils and took a deep look at Yasuo: "Thank you!"

Then he flew away.

Wu Yasuo glanced at the audience, his eyes gradually sharpened, he pulled out his long sword, pointed his sword in front of the army of the Qin Kingdom.

"I'm only interested in the strong, come on!"

"Today, I drank and pulled my sword!"

He froze, and Yasuo's eyes flashed coldly.

"Simply ~ ~ Happy fight!"

After a while, Qin Guojun calmed down.

The failure of the dark spots shocked the soldiers of the Qin Kingdom. Also to this vicissitudes of the man holding the sword, my heart was afraid of extremes.

Today, this man has such a discourse, making it clear that he wants to challenge the entire Qin Guoqiang.

One person, one sword, even delusioned to deter them!

How confident and arrogant?

The next moment, among the thousand hand pillars, the thousand hand kami, all the movie-level powerhouses stood out one by one.

"Your Excellency is strong, I wait to admire!"

"If it is normal, I would be happy to fight one-on-one with you, but at the time of war, I hope you understand!"

Qian Qianshou was polite, said Shen Sheng.

Pan Yasuo glanced and saw that the strong men standing out in the Qin State Army were without exception Xinghua Grade 5.

"Come on, save time!"

As soon as his voice fell, the right hand between Qianshouzhu slowly touched the upper Pang, and Qin Guoqiang behind him also did the same.

After two breaths, a tyrannical breath bloomed suddenly, and the unknown momentum diffused out, covering half the sky.

"It's an interesting transformation!"

"I feel my sword is excited too!"


"Death is like the wind, always with me!"

Murmured a smile on Yasuo's mouth.

下一 The next moment in his figure, he pulled suddenly and hurried forward.

At the same time, the Qin country side, the thousand strong also roared and moved suddenly.

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