The King of The Worlds

Vol 5 Chapter 16: Mighty Saiyan

Qin Xing. & 1t; /

General Yang stared at the display. In outer space, the Saiyan vehicle that was getting closer and closer to Qin Xing was fisted tightly, and his eyes were full of tension. & 1t; /

"Are you ready?" & 1t; /

His voice was low and full of madness. & 1t; /

Fighting against an enemy that has never been seen before but shows extremely powerful information, no one is sure. & 1t; /

One is bad. All the efforts they have made on Qin Xing during this time must be put to waste. & 1t; /

"Guide the Saiyans to Dongda 6 on the east side of Qin Xingzhuda 6 and there is a set point!" & 1t; /

General Yang followed immediately. & 1t; /

The soldiers controlling the flying ship immediately obeyed, and controlled the deep-sea whale to approach Qin Xing's atmosphere quickly. & 1t; /

In outer space, Barbuda squinted at the huge planet in front of her, and smiled at the corners of her mouth. & 1t; /

"Although the mission goal was delayed, such a beautiful planet can also sell for a good price!" & 1t; /

"Good!" & 1t; /

He was somewhat satisfied. As a fighting nation Saiyan's self-confidence, he was not afraid of these technologies at all. & 1t; /

There is no doubt that the guys who use science and technology have their own strength. If it was in outer space, he would have to be more careful, but once it landed on the planet, the strength of Isaiah, destroying the planet is the same as playing, he didn't care. & 1t; /

In the blink of an eye, the deep sea whale in front had broken through the atmosphere and headed towards Qin Xing. & 1t; /

Barbuda controls the aircraft and keeps up. & 1t; /

At this moment, the entire Qin Xing was wrapped in a tense atmosphere, and the war was about to begin. The Saiyan was too bold and did not consider any ambush at all, so he followed the deep-sea whale and rushed into Dongda No. 6. & 1t; /

Unlike their main University 6, which has been opened by Qin Guo Technology, Dongda 6 is still barren at this moment. & 1t; /

"Boom!" & 1t; /

Along with the sound of a blast, the entire East University 6 was setting off a violent wind, and a circle of shock waves spread out in all directions. & 1t; /

In the smoke, the snoring sounded, the air flow was tumbling around, a figure wearing a combat suit, strong, black fluffy figure pointed towards the sky. & 1t; /

"Did you land? Oh, interesting!" & 1t; /

Laughter erupted, and Barbuda stood in the smoke, glancing left and right. & 1t; /

After a while, the smoke dissipated, and he saw the dark spaceship about two or three kilometers away. & 1t; /

"It's you!" & 1t; /

With his legs slightly bent, a smirk appeared on Barbuda's face, then. & 1t; /

"Boom!" & 1t; /

The ground was cracking rapidly, and the cracks were spreading. Its shape was like a flying arrow at this moment, and it burst out. & 1t; /

The air was bursting with a series of squealing sounds because of the height he burst at this moment, and the ground was cut apart by a large knife. All the places he passed by were split apart. & 1t; /

Less than two seconds before and after, Barbuda had stood on the deep sea whale. & 1t; /

"Get out!" & 1t; /

With a loud shout, Barbuda kicked him fiercely. & 1t; /

"Oh!" & 1t; /

The skin of the deep-sea whale immediately sunk in a piece, and the brilliant electric flower flickered, followed by a loud bang, and a small-scale explosion sounded. & 1t; /

Barbuda looked down, and there was no one in his cabin, making his pupils shrink and he understood instantly. & 1t; /

"Asshole!" & 1t; /

His eyes were angry, and he flung his right hand down. & 1t; /

Suddenly, the Qigong bombs flew out, and they were severely blown onto deep-sea whales, letting them explode into a flame. & 1t; /

"Are you kidding me?" & 1t; /

Barbuda spit fire into his eyes and glanced around. & 1t; /

Faintly, he expected it to be bad, but he was not afraid, and even felt that the blood in his body was boiling at this moment. & 1t; /

Fight nations and never fear any challenge! & 1t; /

"I don't know who you are, but challenge the Saiyans, dare to play with me like this!" & 1t; /

"I will let you know what cruelty is!" & 1t; /

He said so stupidly that Barbuda shuddered and flew towards the air. & 1t; /

Looking down from above, you can clearly see more clearly, and you can also look at the whole picture. & 1t; /

However, while he was flying upwards, on the 10,000-meter-long ground, there was a sudden rumbling. & 1t; /

Immediately afterwards, the whole body was dark, and the huge barrel protruded from the ground, quickly adjusted the direction, and then aimed at him. & 1t; /

Seeing the changing Barbuda on the ground instantly, the pupils contracted immediately. & 1t; /

"Boom boom boom boom!" & 1t; /

However, at this time, the hot flames and brilliant light spewed out of the gun barrel, and shot directly at him. & 1t; /

In the planetarium, General Yang yelled. & 1t; /

"Fire me!" & 1t; /

In a short time, Qin Xing's Dongda 6 was full of roar. & 1t; /

The Saiyan Barbuda blocked his arms in front of him, and the first shell bombarded him, causing his shape to blast into the air. Immediately following, the second, third, dense and fast all hit up, making him tremble all over his body and his face changed rapidly. & 1t; /

Balls of flame followed, covering, wrapping, hot temperatures, and the heat wave of the explosion of the cannonball, which made the air suffocate at this moment. & 1t; /

"Asshole !!" & 1t; /

At this moment, I don't know how many shells were shot straight at him, and his body was completely buried in it. & 1t; /

"Hit!" & 1t; /

In the Astronomical Academy, many ministers clenched their fists and said excitedly. & 1t; /

The deployment on Dongda 6 was carried out urgently. It was not enough, but the firepower was definitely not weak. It was the highest configuration of Qin Kingdom at the moment. & 1t; /

In the blink of an eye, it was seen on the screen that Barbuda had been swallowed by flames and smoke. & 1t; /

And even if I saw such a scene, the buried gun barrel did not stop firing the shells. & 1t; /

As if fireworks were exploding in the air, the sound of trembling sounds came out. & 1t; /

Such shelling lasted for almost a minute before it stopped. & 1t; /

"All the barrels have been fired, a total of 1,368 shells were fired, and the shells were automatically filled. It took 30 seconds to cool the barrel!" & 1t; /

There was a voice reported by the soldiers in the ear. General Yang nodded and stared at the air with a stare in his eyes. & 1t; /

At this moment, a figure also entered the planetarium, looking at the screen. & 1t; /

Seeing that the person's face changed slightly, he was exclaimed, but was stopped by that person. & 1t; /

The planetarium was also silent at this moment, and everyone was staring at the screen, wondering if the Saiyan was wiped out by this terrible cannonball attack. & 1t; /

After more than ten seconds, the wind blew through the air, the smoke was blown away, and a flickering white body reflected in their eyes again. & 1t; /

"How is that possible !?" & 1t; /

General Yang clenched his fists, his pupils contracted, and his facial expression was extremely shocked. & 1t; /

The other ministers were shocked at this moment. & 1t; /

The 1,368 shells of Qin's scientific and technological civilization did not kill the other party, no, not even serious injuries. & 1t; /

At this moment, Barbuda was standing in the air, his battle suit was damaged in many places, and he was breathing heavily, his head was exploded, and blood leaked out. & 1t; /

He was injured but not dead. & 1t; /

And if he doesn't die, it means someone is going to die! & 1t; /

"Ah!" & 1t; /

A high-pitched roared ~ ~ Barbuda's right hand suddenly held up. & 1t; /

"Oh!" & 1t; /

A halo flashed, and an energy ball appeared in his hand, and it swelled into the size of a house. & 1t; /

"Let me die!" & 1t; /

With a loud roar, Barbuda bent his right hand, his face was sloppy, and he swung fiercely downward. & 1t; /

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