The King of The Worlds

Vol 5 Chapter 17: Thunder

The dazzling smooth sparkle, huge energy ball, fell from the air at an extremely fast speed, and crashed towards the ground.

Almost instantly, the energy ball has hit the ground.


The deafening explosion sounded, and the orange flames rushed out in all directions. The severe vibration wave centered on the ground below Barbuda and spread rapidly toward the surrounding area. After three or four breaths, a huge cloud of mushrooms appeared on the ground.

"Bang Bang Bang Bang!"

He followed closely, and on the ground of the eastern mainland touched by the shock wave, a dull explosion came out.

Chain reaction, like the countless black barrels on the ground exploded at this moment.

This scene makes General Yang and others who are standing in the planetarium difficult to look at.

"Our new weapon is destroyed!"

After silent for three or four seconds, a trembling voice came out.

"Enable drone bombing!"

General Yang shook his fist and shouted in a deep voice.


Qin Guo soldiers obeyed the order and acted immediately.

East continent.

Barbuda sneered and fell to the ground.

He glanced around his eyes, quickly found the gun barrel in the explosion, and then the shock waves in his hands were sent out one after another. On the ground, from time to time, explosions and shocks appeared, and Qin's weapons were being rapidly destroyed.

These seemingly powerful technological means are so vulnerable in his hands.

The strong fighting ability of the Pasirians was revealed at this moment. Barbuda is not the strongest among the Saiyans. He is a medium warrior among the Saiyans, and at best is only a second-class Saiyan.

But even at second-rate, his single-handed combat ability can be described as excellent in the entire universe.

And, after transforming, his strength can soar tenfold in an instant, reaching the realm of terror.

After a while, almost all the black barrels on the ground were cleaned by him.

Barbuda looked up, he did not find any enemies around, these broken copper and iron made him a little upset.

Leaping in shape, he dashed into the sky.

A few hundred meters into the air, a series of whistling sounded suddenly in the distant sky.

"Are you here?"

With a gaze fixed, Barbuda looked forward.

I saw a dense aircraft coming fast. When the distance between the two sides reached 300 meters, the aircraft ejected a brilliant brilliance.

"咻咻 咻咻!"

A burst of laser light shot fast at Barbuda.

"It's these steel again!"

"When is my Barbuda?"

Barbuda was angry.

Since he came to this planet, he hasn't even seen a living creature. These broken copper and iron have been annoying himself.

With his fists clenched around his waist, Barbuda shouted.


Suddenly, the violent air flow swept up in his body and burst into a terrible momentum.

Then the next moment, his speed suddenly increased, and his body rushed forward.

For a moment, Barbuda had dodged the laser and came to a drone.

Raised his elbow in his right hand and barked a loud roar, and Barbuda slammed into the drone.


He sang heavy smoke, and the drone was directly blasted by him.

He followed, his body flashed again, and he came to another drone, stepping on his right foot severely, and exploded, the drone under it was shattered.

But at this time, the remaining drones also responded, firing lasers at him.

Bobuda's thick right arm waved, and the laser hit his right arm. The powerful force made him stun, and his body rolled in the air a few times.

After the reaction came, Barbuda had a light curtain in front of him.

瞳 His pupil contracted, his hands were lifted immediately, and there must be a ray of light in the palm of his hand, and then he faced the laser fiercely.


A bang, a scorching flame, and a pungent heat wave came towards Barbuda, causing him to roll out.

After 反应 reacted again, Barbuda looked dull.

These broken copper and iron in his eyes hurt him.

Speaking of him, how long has it been since the advent of the planet, and his body has already been injured.

This made Barbuda angry, but it also made him alert.

His gaze was serious, his body flashed out again, but in an instant, he had already reached the drone, and his hands shone with a dazzling light, followed by trembling.

"咻咻 咻咻!"

For a moment, I don't know how many powerful shock waves came out of his palm. Hit the drone around its body with amazing precision.

Suddenly, a series of explosions came out.

"It's no use, you are too underestimated Saiyan!"

"Think it's the only way to destroy me?"

Barbuda said coldly.

At the end, he grinned at the corner of his mouth.

"On the contrary, this planet, I'm determined!"

However, at this moment, he suddenly looked up and his pupils contracted.

"this is?!"

At the Astronomical Academy, more than ten seconds ago, General Yang looked at the drone that basically did not cause any damage to Barbuda, and his face became abnormally solemn.

After hesitating for a moment, he waved his right hand.

"Use Thunder!"

With the four words exit, the ministers in the planetarium were all surprised.

Biao Honglei is definitely the most powerful offensive weapon in Qin's new civilization. In other words, Honglei is a nuclear weapon, but it is more advanced than the nuclear weapons of the Earth's era. When it exploded, it was like a thunder in a dark cloud roaring fiercely, so it was named Hong Thunder.

Similarly, this powerful missile can definitely destroy a terrible attack on a continent in an instant.

However, at this moment witnessed the combat effectiveness of Barbuda firsthand ~ ~ No one was present.

Barbuda looked up and looked at the sky.

There, I do not know when, a pointed head emerged, the entire body folded, like a thunderbolt-shaped object, at this moment is striking at him with extremely terrifying speed.

Barbuda didn't know what it was, but the instinct of the fighting nation made him feel creepy. A huge dangerous atmosphere invaded the whole body, making him instantly alert.

"It's broken copper and iron again, what are you guys doing when I'm Barbuda!"

Howl shouted, and Barbuda raised his hands sharply.


The crimson energy light mass is also expanding suddenly at this moment. Just two breaths are as huge as a playground.

This scene let the ministers of the Qin Kingdom in the planetarium breathe in and not see it with their own eyes. How could they think that human beings could emit such a shock wave of terrifying energy.

下一 At the next moment, Barbuda yelled, his waist was bent, and he threw the energy ball into the air fiercely.

At the same time, the thunder exploded with thunder, and the hot lightning permeated around it, fiercely chopping on the energy ball.

At this moment, the world was fading, and everything was still.

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