The King of The Worlds

Vol 5 Chapter 49: Saiyan ideological education

Compared to Qin Yi's transformed Super Saiyan, Broly should no doubt be the Saiyan Super Saiyan!

He was born with a combat power of 10,000, and because of the horror, he scared Sun Wukong into tears. As he grows up, his strength keeps skyrocketing. By the time he reaches the end of the year, he has already possessed the terrible strength of Sun Wukong and others, even if he doesn't practice much.

Its strength is doubtful by the mother. Unlike ordinary Saiyans, his appearance is more like a genetic mutation, allowing his Saiyan blood to reach an extreme purity.

After the battle with Frieza, Qin Yi did not see Broly, guessing that the other party had fled Vegeta in accordance with the original plot.

Otherwise, if you can control Broly, subdue the opponent or plunder its blood, you can make your combat power soar instantly.

But at this moment, absorbing the rest of the Saiyans to purify their own power will undoubtedly reach the same state.

This makes Qin Yi even more excited. The biggest difference between him and Broly is his ability to control his own reason.

Next, the Saiyans were arranged one by one, and Qin Yi continued to draw blood.

Because of the different genes in the blood veins, each time he draws a person's blood veins, he will supplement his original Saiyan blood vein defects. Gradually, the breath of Saiyans on Qin Yi's body became bigger and bigger and more and more majestic, and there was a feeling of returning to the original, returning the wild vicissitudes of the ancient Saiyans.

His bloodline became more and more complete. After absorbing 1,000 people, Qin Yi's hair color even changed.

The original black hair gradually became green in part and became black and green.

But Qin Yi's face was also getting more and more joy, and that powerful feeling made him obsessed. When 1,500 people were absorbed, his hair had become dark green, his body was rippling with a halo of expression, exuding a depressing horror outward.

It is as if he has stepped out of the ancient times to the present day, and once again shows the power of the Saiyan once.

A fluffy black hair turned dark green, longer than before, and the eyes were flashed with wild and powerful light.

Although there is no change in body shape, the heavy, heavy sense of power is shocking.

"Super Saiyan!"

Qin Yi fists in one hand and slowly stands up.

He knew that by the moment he had absorbed it, he had reached completion. Even if you absorb other people, there will be no effect. His bloodline is complete, from the ordinary Saiyan, to the level of the legendary Super Saiyan. At this moment, he would not be any different from Broly's bloodline.

The biggest difference is the difference between him and Broly.

The bloodline of 1,500 Saiyans pushed him to a peak and achieved a terrible state. He even had a faint feeling, because this is the fusion of Saiyan blood, if he can awaken the ancient genes in the blood, he can even reach the realm of God!

The Super Saiyan God seems to be the state of awakening of the fusion of five Saiyans!

Of course, that's not easy, but Qin Yi now sees a glimmer of hope, albeit very slim.

It can be said that at this time, he has great potential and possesses a strong background in which he can stand in this universe.

Subsequently, Qin Yi left the physical examination room, this new blood, he still needs some time to become familiar with.

Because of the difference in blood, his combat effectiveness and other aspects must also be greater.

Half a month later, Qin Xing was inside the Saiyan Ideological Education Training Research Center.

"How are you, Badak?"

Barbuda frowned, asking.

"It's hard! It's too difficult for Saiyans. What are the realms of Buddhism and Confucianism?"

"If you want to be strong, you have to be calm."

"Is it really useful? I feel like I've almost become a lovely woman after studying this time!"

Badak said wryly.

Since that day's physical examination, that Qin adult asked them to conduct ideological education, saying that it was because they had been monitored that their brain movements were too large, their emotional changes were violent, and their control of strength had a heavy influence. They must cultivate and study. Remodeling.

Later, he entered the Qin Xing Saiyan Ideological Education Training Research Center.

They have a lot to learn, and for the Saiyans, the difficulty is bursting. At the beginning, there were even Saiyans rioting, but they were directly suppressed by Frieza, who had been sneering and supervising.

"The origin and history of the Saiyan!"

"On the right and wrong of the Saiyan dark blood age."

"The defect of the Saiyan character of the universe fighting nation."

"Facing yourself, Saiyans must learn to be gentle."


I heard a book from the history and thought research scholars of Qin Kingdom placed in front of them and had to learn every day. Not to mention, after studying for this period of time, the Saiyan people only discovered that they originally had such a history, and that they were clearly aware of their shortcomings.

King Vegeta has even gone deep in, taking notes while reading.

For half a month, the Saiyan's mentality was much more peaceful.

Once a weekly brainwave test, Saiyans who pass can go to the next level of learning, but those who cannot pass must be bombarded with more painful ethical education.

Under such high pressure, Saiyans made rapid progress.

And Frieza was sitting beside him for a long time and sneered: "The rude stink monkeys have become Jiao Didi girls who are embarrassed, really interesting!"

Then, he was also rushed into the classroom by Qin Yi and followed along.

For the cruel fellows of Saiyan and Frieza, Qin Yi sighed for a long time.

"Strong is powerful, but Sanguan must be transformed!"

Otherwise, if they are to survive with the people of the Qin Kingdom in the future, they may not be able to make much trouble.

On this day, Qin Yi ordered people to call Frieza.


Frieza came quickly, and Pi Xiaoyi was not smiling Qin Yi.

Rather than learning that disgusting ideological education, Frieza is more willing to face Qin Yi, the nasty stinking monkey.

"Frieza, how do you feel during this time?"

Qin Yi asked with a smile.

"very bad!"

Frieza snorted.

Qin Yi shrugged, too. It was too difficult for a cosmic villain like the other party to educate.

"Since you don't like it, I won't force you."

"Now, I want to tell you something!"

Frieza's eyes stared: "You said."

"The universe you rule ~ ~ I need the resources in it!"

Qin Yi directly spoke.

Frieza narrowed his eyes, and he smiled: "You are stronger than me, you can take away mine."

"Just, you want this huge star field, I can't decide."

Qin Yi interrupted: "You mean, do you still need the consent of your brother and your father?"

Frieza's eyes narrowed, a little surprised.

Immediately after, Qin Yi stood up abruptly, the dark green hair on her head fluctuated, and strange waves flickered around her.

This strength made Frieza's pupil immediately startle.

"I will subdue them!"

"You just need to lead the way!"

"Frieza!" (Https: //)

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