The King of The Worlds

Vol 5 Chapter 50: Friezacin

"Brother, are you going to find my brother and father?"

Frieza narrowed his eyes, a smile rising from the corner of his mouth.

"Is there a problem? Since you can't be Lord, then they should be able to?"

Qin Yi raised an eyebrow.

"Of course!"

Frieza grinned.

He lost to the Super Saiyan in front of him, but his brother and father are stronger than himself. At that time, he will not know what the result will be.

Three hours later, Qin Yi left Qin Xing with King Vegeta, Barbuda, Badak, Frieza and others.

Entering Frieza's spacecraft, Qin Yi was sitting on the throne originally belonging to Frieza.

After shaking his neck a few times, he found that although the chair looked ugly, the material from which planet it was found was not quite comfortable.

"Dodoria, how long is it from Qin Xing to Brother?"

Frieza glanced at Qin Yi, but didn't say much, and asked Dodoria, who was standing on the console.

"It takes a month, King Frieza!"

Qin Yi narrowed his eyes and smiled, "It's still three months, so you guys can have a good rest."

King Vegeta said, "Sir, we don't need rest."

"Let ’s go and do it on our own. I need to get acquainted with the new strength in my body!"

Qin Yi Road.

Frieza's eyes flickered: "On the space ship, there is a special practice room, brother can try it!"

Qin Yi's interest arose, and he jumped from his chair: "That's good."

"One month is enough for me to get used to this new power."

He raised an eyebrow and looked at Frieza with a smile.

"Your brother seems to be very powerful!"

After that, he walked out of the operation cabin and walked towards the practice room.

Frieza and others did not keep up. He first sneered and glanced at King Vegeta and others, making Barbuda angry.

"Frieza, what are you arrogant about, we are level now!"

Badak stopped Barbuda: "Brother, don't give him general knowledge."

Frieza grinned, his eyes casual: "I would never think of ants as being at the same level as me!"

He spoke to the indifferent youth standing next to Dodoria: "Sabo, call up the practice room, I am very interested in the new power of the big brother."

The majestic strength that was agitated before that moment was only a flash, but the feeling at that moment made Frieza hard to forget. The shocking feeling was really terrible. He even had a scalp tingling Feeling.

"Yes, Lord Frieza!"

Saab nodded, immediately sat down and personally operated.

He and Dodoria are two strong men who have always followed Frieza. In Frieza's team, their position is only under the Kinut team.

Soon, the screen of the console flashed, and Qin Yi's figure appeared.

At this time, the eyes of the three Vegeta kings also turned to this side. As for Qin Yi's change, they naturally felt clearer as Saiyans.

Different from the previous time, first Qin Yi ’s hair turned dark green, and second was the feeling of oppression from the blood veins on his body, which gave people a sense of depression from the depth of the soul, as if facing their ancestors Suffocating.

The Saiyan people know that the super Saiyan in this tribe will inevitably produce wonderful changes and become stronger, but it is not clear what the changes are.

At this time, Qin Yi was already standing in the practice room.

"The legendary Super Saiyan!"

"This month, get acquainted with this power!"

He smiled at the corner of his mouth, walked to the table in the practice room, and pressed the gravity button one hundred and fifty times at will.


After a while, the lights in the practice room turned red.

But Qin Yi had no pressure at this time. Although he felt a lot of weight, he was still able to move easily.

With his two fists clenched, he quickly punched, then kicked, tumbling in the practice room, and ran.


The oscillating sound in the air kept coming out, and the dark green hair swayed with it.

This practice is that without time, Qin Yi seems to feel no fatigue, and in a blink of an eye, ten days have passed.

Frieza and others watched Qin Yi, but soon found that the other party was like the usual way of **** and kicking, without any special, slowly lost interest.

"It must have changed, but what has changed?"

Secretly, Frieza kept thinking about this question, but still couldn't get the answer.

He felt that Qin Yi must have a secret, which was different from the previous hair color and represented a very serious problem.

Five days later, the spacecraft sailed into its base.

"I heard that your team in Kinut is very strong. I see it, Frieza!"

At this time, Qin Yi changed into a black martial arts uniform and had left the practice room and came to the operating room.

"All are nameless."

Frieza said lightly.

Qin Yi smiled. Looking out, he could see a huge green planet in front of the spaceship, which was about five times the size of Vegeta. What's more interesting is that the stars of this solar system emit white light, shining in front of them, showing a pale blue color, which is very beautiful.

The spacecraft slowly passed the fleet under the outer space of the green planet, docked at the space port under the serious guard of the soldiers under Her Majesty Frieza.

"King Frieza, welcome your return. The subordinates have prepared rich food and are waiting for your enjoyment!"

The hatch opened slowly, two rows of arms in hand, and the burly warriors of the universe stood by.

Frieza stepped out indifferently.

Qin Yi went out like King Vegeta and others, and looked around curiously.

This is just a transit point in space and has not yet reached land.

"Let the Kinut team come to me."

Frieza said lightly that he had taken Qin Yi and others to the restaurant first.

After a while, Qin Yi and King Vegeta looked at the 100-meter-long dining table, and the food piled up in the mountains was a bit stunned.

"I don't know if you are accustomed to eating, but I heard that Saiyans are not picky eaters. I prepare high-nutritional food here, shouldn't it be okay?"

Friezapi said with a smile.

Barbuda snorted, stretched out his hand, opened his mouth, and ate.

Qin Yi also smiled lightly ~ ~ start eating.

As they started, the rest were also very happy, and for a time only the sound of food chewing came out.

I have to say that Saiyans are big stomach kings. The speed of eating is incredible, and both hands are turned into phantoms. Frieza looked elegant, but when she ate, it was like a beast, and the sound of a rattle made her scalp numb.

Several people ate this meal for eight hours and swept away the food on the long table.


Lying on a chair, Qin Yi took a nap.

"I have to say, Frieza, the food here is really terrible!"

Frieza looked pale: "Oh?"

"The best food I've ever had. On a planet called Earth, if you have a chance, you should try it!"

Qin Yi said casually. (https: //)

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