The King of The Worlds

Vol 5 Chapter 52: Gura

While Frieza was thinking about this issue, King Kurdish and his subordinates laughed before everyone.

"Frieza, my good son, you look good."

I was surprised, Kurd smiled.

Frieza looked somber and snorted, "What are you doing here?"

Kurd's gaze flashed, instead of answering Frieza's question, he looked at Qin Yi and King Vegeta and others.

"Why do Saiyan monkeys stand with you?"

"Oh? Have they already trusted you?"

Kurt grinned, Kurdish smiled.

觉得 He felt strange, and the news was that Frieza was defeated by the Super Saiyan. Today, I see Frieza and Saiyan here. There seems to be no other background behind this.

"Kurd, to be precise, Frieza turned to me."

Qi Qinyi heard this, stepped out, with a slight smile on his face.

Frieza was standing behind him, but he seemed unguarded. The three men next to him, including Vegeta, were all nervous at this moment.

"Frieza trusts you? Who are you?"

Kurd's face suddenly changed, and asked gloomily.

"I am the Super Saiyan you say!"

Qin Yi said lightly.

"It's you!"

He stunned King Kurd, then looked at Frieza, and whispered, "Frieza, what's going on?"

"what happened?"

Frieza blinked, then laughed.

"Originally, I wanted to find you and my brother and the three together to kill this guy. I didn't expect that your father came here first!"

"It's annoying me!"

When King Vegeta heard these words, his face changed greatly: "Frieza, do you want to rebel?"

Qi Qinyi was calm, and he waved to stop King Vegeta.

"Kurd, as Frieza said, originally I was going to find you, but I didn't expect you to come to your door."

"This saves me a lot of effort."

He took a step, his breath suddenly swelled, and with an agitation, the whole body had already risen a golden flame, the momentum became extremely arrogant.

那么 "So, right here, beat you directly."

Qi is another flashing body, Qin Yi's breath is violent, and her dark green hair rises upright and turns yellow-green, her eyes are sharp and crazy.

The surging breath swept out, leaving Frieza close at hand, his face suddenly changed, and the king of Kurdish shrank his pupils, and fully guarded.


The ripples in the air opened up layers of ripples, and Qin Yi's figure was rushed out. Above the ground, a huge fissure appeared in an instant.

Frieza clenched his fist suddenly, but soon he let go again, staring forward.

"Come on! Asshole !!!"

"I'm not afraid of any Super Saiyan!"

King Kurd roared, and the whole man also roared and rushed out, attacking Qin Yi.

After dying, the two streamers collided with each other at an incredible speed, making a loud noise.


The fierce collision caused the ground to collapse in circles, spreading ripples, followed by a roar of air roaring and bombarding the spaceship from the Kurdish king behind, and it was instantly blasted and a strong air flow erupted.

After a couple of breaths, King Kurd opened his mouth wide, spurting a spit of blood, the abdomen was sunken deeply, and his eyes were about to stare out.

"How, how is that possible ?!"

He stared at Qin Yi in front of his eyes, eyes full of incredible, deep fear.

Frieza was trembling all over, staring at the man who had only one punch, wearing a black martial arts suit, and King Vegeta and Badak and others clenched their fists and were very excited.

"You are weaker than Frieza. Now, I am not my opponent at all!"

"Submit, otherwise, kill you in the next blow!"

Qin Yi retracted his fist and said lightly.

收敛 The breath on his body has a convergence, returning from the Super Saiyan state.

王 King Kurd was lying on the ground, vomiting blood, and the whole body's strength was completely disintegrated by this fist, deeply fearing the wild man in front of him.

Stubborn! too strong! He did not expect that the Super Saiyan would be so powerful.

Gritting his teeth and struggling a few times, Kurdish did not get up, only to realize the power of the opponent's punch, has completely dispelled himself.

Not only the body, but also the will!

"Choose it!"

伸出 Outstretched her right hand and shone golden light waves, Qin Yi looked down and said lightly.

王 Kurdish shivered, raised his head, looked at the Qigong waves close at hand, and gritted his teeth and yielded: "I, surrender!"

Qin Yi smiled lightly: "Very well, then you stay here to heal yourself!"

"When I come back, I have my own tasks for you."

I let out the light in my hand, Qin Yi turned her head away.

Then they set foot on the spacecraft prepared by Frieza, and in a loud noise, went away instantly.

王 King Kurd lay on the ground, slowed for ten minutes before he got up, his face was pale, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

"Too strong, this guy !!!"

"Gulla, it's up to you now."

The Frieza tribe are the rarest race in the universe ~ ~ They are born with powerful power. He also has two sons, both ruthless kings of the universe. One of them is Frieza, which is powerful and the most well-known strong in the universe.

The second is Gula, who is also Frieza's brother. Its combat power is more powerful than Frieza!

Even King Kurd, it is not clear where Gula's ultimate power is, only he and Frieza are deeply afraid of that guy.

At this moment, Qin Yi, who was sitting close to Fuli, squinted slightly.

According to his understanding, Gula's fighting ability is far beyond Frieza and his father, and even he has four stages of transformation, and the fighting ability is several times more than Frieza.

He relied on the blood of the Saiyans to purify him, and his strength did increase, but after getting familiar with it during this time, he found that he was not as scary as Broly.

Today, his ultimate fighting power to become a Super Saiyan should be around 400 million. But Broly, the combat power that can be reached in adulthood is more than 10 billion. No, to be more precise, there is no upper limit for that guy.

The true legendary Super Saiyan's strength starts from birth and increases daily by a few multiples, and will continue to play stronger.

The stronger the desire for destruction in Your heart, the stronger they will be.

This point, the more peaceful the attitude of ordinary Saiyans, the more S cells, the easier it is to become Super Said. These are two completely different directions. As mutants, synonymous with evil, the worse they are, the stronger they are.

However, Qin Yi does not seem to have such conditions!

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