The King of The Worlds

Vol 5 Chapter 53: Go to war

"It seems that a peaceful state of mind has affected me!"

Qin Yi helpless.

But he is not sorry, after all, if you want to reach a state like Broly, you have to sacrifice more. It can be regarded as an evil machine that only knows destruction, and has no consciousness of its own.

What's more, the potential of the Saiyan blood in his body, whose purity is superb, seems to be hidden, waiting for a big explosion in the future.

Although it is not so powerful at this time, the potential is even greater than it was!

The high purity of the Saiyan blood has made him faintly go back to the ancient times, changing towards the ancient Saiyan or an unpredictable trend. Without Browley's abnormal explosive growth, it has a solid foundation step by step.

His breath became more and more steady, the thicker and more ancient, giving a unique sense.

If the breath of Broly is like a volcanic eruption, it gives a strong sense of shock and trembling. Then Qin Yi's breath is like the vast earth, the infinite sea, standing eternally, and letting time pass, but there will be no change, and there is a long-lasting, strong power.

According to legend, the outbreak of super races will lead to blurred consciousness and desire for bloodthirsty destruction. Qin Yi, however, was extremely calm.

Except that his hair color has changed and his combat effectiveness has increased slightly, everything has not changed.

"Frieza, do you know your Gula?"

I sat on the spacecraft, Qin Yi suddenly asked.

He only knows about Gula, who performed strongly in the Dragon Ball theater version. It is not clear how strong it will be in reality.

"He is a arrogant guy, but very calm."

Frieza said lightly.

"What about combat effectiveness?"

Wu Qinyi asked, the Gula he knew was only expressed in anime.


Frieza just sneered and spit out the three words directly.

"do not know!"

Qin Yi was speechless, but was not angry.

Ugula is very low-key in the universe, and compared to Frieza's popularity, it can be said to be unknown.

He closed his eyes slightly and let himself rest.

敌人 This enemy must be stronger than Frieza, which makes him a little excited. The gains in Dragon Ball will surpass any world in the past, and one powerful master is his greatest value.

Like a strong man like Frieza, pull out of the Dragon Ball World, that is, star-level players, and even when it broke out, it can instantly destroy the solar system.

According to Qin Yi's judgment, this strength is already equivalent to Yuehua Level 2!

Unlike Xinghua Ninth Level, the Moon China is only sixfold, and to the last day China, it is only threefold!

The further you go to the back, the greater the difference in strength!

Although the Dragon Ball World is a Japanese-Chinese civilization, the strongest who really stepped into the Japanese-Chinese realm are afraid of only a handful of twelve universes. The number of truly powerful Japanese-Chinese civilizations and Japanese-Chinese powerfuls is extremely large. The majestic, vast, breathtaking, and suffocating world of that world.

Twenty-five days later, the spacecraft approached the galaxy where Gula was.

Qin Yi slowly opened her eyes, a flash of cold light flashed in her pupils, and the dark green hair on her head fluctuated slightly.

Frieza next to him hugged his hands, expressionless. The three Vegeta kings sitting in the back row were nervous.

Two hours later, the spacecraft landed on Gula's planet.

When the hatch opened, Gula led his men and was already waiting here.

Everyone walked out of the spacecraft, and at a glance they saw Gula, which looked like Frieza.

听说 "I heard that Super Saiyan, are you coming to me? It's interesting!"

Pouting the corner with a sneer, Gula stared at Qin Yi, the coldness in his eyes was undisguised.

"Your family, it seems very unclear about your own position!"

King Vegeta and others immediately panicked, the trembling breath in Gula's body was too powerful.

"He wants you to fight!"

Frieza said lightly.

Qin Yi stepped out, crooked his neck, grinned at the corner of his mouth, and smiled.

"Position this thing and only know it after the battle!"

"Gullah, come to war!"

Gula smiled: "Stupidity and pride are the death knell for the dead!"

"I will make you die terribly!"

After a few words, he turned and left.

"This planet is huge and dense, and it can be used as a place for you and me to fight."

Qin Yi glanced around and found that the whole body was red, the gravity seemed to be four or five times that of Qin Xing, and the temperature of the air was 38 degrees, which was very hot.

He moved, keeping up with Gula.

The two went one after the other and came to an uninhabited desert island to fight face to face.

Behind you, King Friezabeggita and others, followed closely, watching the war from a distance.

"You have defeated Frieza, then I will not delay with you and face you in the strongest posture directly!"

Gurula fainted, then turned pale and yelled.

The rapid sound of the whole body quacked, the breath of energy suddenly swept out, making the dust on the entire desert island, and the turf on the ground was quickly scraped away. After a few breaths, his body changed, Barbs are growing on the arms and legs, and the whole looks aggressive.

Qin Yi's eyes flickered, and he realized that the opponent's combat power had skyrocketed, and had far surpassed Frieza.

"So scary! Too strong!"

"Such breath of energy!"

"Master, can you beat him?"

King Vegeta, Badak and Barbuda clenched their fists, feeling cold all over.

Unlike the previous battle between Qin Yi and Frieza, the transformation of Gula is not so volatile, it can even be said to be silent, but the expansion of Qi is even more terrifying, giving people a sense of depression and fear from the soul .

At this time ~ ~ Qin Yi was also windy, and the dark green hair trembled. The ground around him was buzzing three times, the layers were sunken, and the last roar was golden. Surrounded by the flames, the hair turned golden green, and the breath was equally tyrannical.

"The transformation of adults has become lighter and more casual!"

Barbuda exhilarated.

Frieza embracing her arms, looking at them, expressionless.

"Is this a Super Saiyan? Sure enough, no wonder you can beat my stupid brother!"

Tugula was a little surprised.

But soon, cold light flashed in his eyes, his knees were slightly bent, and he was ready to attack.

"Fight then, let's get started!"


The dust was flying, the ground was cracking, and Gula's figure had suddenly disappeared.

At the same time, Qin Yi hurriedly hurriedly, and ran quickly forward.

Like electric light, the two collided fiercely the next moment.

"Da Da Da Da!"

Roaring in their pouts, the two hurled their fists as fast as they could avoid them, leaving behind a phantom. Ripples erupted from the ground they stepped on, as if the bomb exploded, shocking.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

After about a dozen breaths, the two rushed into the air again.

Fang Gula first took off, then dived down, and struck Qin Yi, but Qin Yi reached out and grabbed his ankle, then shouted and threw it toward the ground fiercely.


The island trembled, cracks appeared, and Gula was buried in the ground.

"it is good!!"

King Vegeta was excited and shouted loudly.

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