The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 276: 3 competitors

Today, Yang An is explaining the program framework in detail for the first time: "I plan to choose 24 female guests, each with different looks, looks, wisdom, talents, wealth, different. They come from all walks of life, different ages, personalities Different, we strive to achieve it. There is always one on the stage that is in line with the audience's view of spouse selection, so the audience will love to watch this show, and I look forward to seeing who is taking away their favorite female guests. value."

Sister Wang is the pure audience who knows the blind date show best. She said: "This model is quite new, but will 24 female guests be too much?"

Yang An smiled and looked at Lao Cui: "As long as Lao Cui can remember the files of each female guest!"

Shabe interjected suddenly: "Gonggong Cui, who cares which emperor's concubine's brand, you must be able to open her mouth and say her file!"

Everyone laughed, Lao Cui had no choice but to shake her head with a smile!

Today I called Ning Hao to come, in addition to the party between friends, there is also a movie of the same name.

In Yang An ’s view, the blind date show using the name "Let's Get Married" is really great, easy to remember and good, but Ning Hao rejected: "The TV" Let's Get Married "crew must have registered such trademarks, and In the exclusive rights of film, television and literature, you don't have to deal with them for the name of a show. The interests are too complicated. "

Yang An just asked, he also has the ready-made name of "If You Are the One", you can choose.

In addition, as long as "Crazy Stone" is released, the movie of the same name can be prepared for filming. This will be the first film adaptation based on the Yang An variety show, which will inevitably cause audience curiosity and pursuit.

Therefore, the matter of brand registration, Yang An commissioned Ning Hao to help.

Sister Wang talked about one thing, but he had to think carefully.

Sister Wang was a little worried and said, "Yang Geer, you can do a blind date show, it can be, but this is not an innovative program like" The Great Challenge "and" I Am a Singer. "Nowadays in the domestic TV market, marriage and emotion The genre shows have become very mature. Family women like us usually see three programs of marriage and blind dates. They are all old programs that have been broadcast for several years and have ratings higher than 1%. "

Yang An said with a smile: "So Sister Wang introduced them from the perspective of an audience. What are their characteristics?"

Sister Wang opened the screen. The first file was "Married Men and Women" of Northeast TV. It aired two episodes a week with a ratings of 1.32%. It ranked third among similar programs in China. The hosts were Dai Jun and Jiang Ni.

The mode of this program is the most traditional. It is similar to the common blind date conferences. Ten men and ten women are invited to sit in each issue. Then the host takes everyone to play games and answer questions. The guests had a good impression of each other, and they could form a temporary couple pairing, which represented that the blind date was successful, and continued to develop after going down.

Sister Wang introduced: "The biggest feature of" Married Men and Women "is the quality of male and female guests, and the male and female guests cooperate very well. Each issue matches at least three pairs, and the largest issue matches six pairs, and many issues are due to a certain A male or female guest is too good. Several people are fighting for each other, two women and three women are fighting for husband, and four guys are often fighting for women. This is also a very important point. "

"Haha! How many women are fighting for husband?"

"Of course, I remember there was a period last year. The young man was particularly good and handsome. He was still a senior engineer at China Railway Construction. The salary of the RV was impeccable. The only bad thing was that he had to travel in Algeria for ten months a year. In the first phase, four girls almost fought for him, crying two on the spot, and finally succeeded by a French-speaking female translator. This year they were married, and the two went to work in Algeria together. Envious others! "

Sister Wang was so excited, Liu Yuxi was very sensitive to the topic of blind dates, and Gao Yuanyuan was very gossip. Even old Cui nodded frequently, and he also had an impression.

Yang An has been laughing. Based on his experience, this production team is definitely moving. The audience really likes to see male and female guests hand in hand, but there are so many women fighting for a husband. Several men are fighting for a woman. The shots were all gimmicks from bloggers. 10VS10 matched up to six pairs in one issue. There would be no actors and scripts in it.

"This is a team that doesn't master the core essence of the blind date show, and low-level hype." Yang An made his own judgment in the heart, and the rival had nothing to fear.

The second program is Blue Ocean TV's "Love War", which is once a week and has a ratings of about 1.4%. It can only be regarded as a medium level in Blue Ocean TV. The host is Yan Hao, and there is an auxiliary host. Two special invitations Guest, an emotional analyst.

This show is very interesting. In each issue, three pairs of lovers with problems or divorced couples will be found. For various reasons, they are lost at the crossroads of love. They invited them to give each couple corresponding love guidance through various means such as VCR and on-site communication, debate and analysis.

Sister Wang said, "The War of Love" is particularly lively. Every time a young couple appears, their respective friends, family, and colleagues will come out. Sometimes, they will fight for a problem, and they will fight. I was particularly worried that they would definitely break up. But the host's team is very powerful and can be handled perfectly in most cases. Professional analysts have extremely sharp reviews and often can cry the parties. The last golden 60 seconds is for the parties to do The selection process is also the most exciting moment. Most of the parties will choose to be together and see them re-embracing and returning to good. Everyone is very happy! "

This trick is also cruel!

Yang An frowned. There are too many things to repair the relationship between couples, such as long distance relationships, how to choose an ex-girlfriend and an ex-girlfriend, seven years of itching, door-to-door love, how to balance his wife and mother, all kinds of controversial Topics can be used to select topics.

As the saying goes, it ’s better to demolish ten temples instead of destroying a marriage. It shows how important marriage is in the minds of Chinese people. The ratings must be high for this kind of recovery program, because Chinese people like to watch this kind of program. Hilarious gossip, and like to see GoodEnding, it is really great to persuade a couple of lovers!

The third most powerful program is called "Gold Medal Mediator". This is a comprehensive program produced by CCTV and promoted by the Ministry of Culture with the support of the national publicity and implementation of the "Mediation Law." The rate is as high as 2.1%, which is quite powerful. It is hosted by CCTV's famous mouth Wan Jun and his team.

The program invites the parties to the conflict to come to the scene, and the VCR broadcasts the reasons for the dispute between the two parties. Then the observer asks, and the audience can also call to participate in the inquiry. Diversified, all are very acute social problems, such as flash marriage couples, husbands and wives, brothers fighting for housing, mother-in-law war, father and son against each other, husbands gambling owe huge debts and leave their wives and children without help.

Sister Wang is a little excited: "The most memorable thing about" Gold Medal Mediator "is that they are updated every day, starting at 10pm every day, every 45 minutes, and with advertisements, it can be finished before 11pm. Like me Housewives, once they get into the habit of watching shows, they can't stop everyday. "

This is the general pattern of national emotional programs. Everyone understands it and sees how Yang An responds.

Ning Hao grinned with his chin and said, "Yang Yang, your competitors are very powerful! These three programs basically occupy more than 90% of the market share of similar programs. Are you new, okay?"

Yang An laughed: "Who do I fear?"

Lao Cui asked: "Everyone changes every day, 45 minutes for the first period. Can you get the update amount?"

Yang An shook his head: "One day is too fierce. Even if I can do it, 24 female guests will not be able to do it. Whoever does not have their own work and life, it is impossible to record the program from day to night. We still do that, once a week set!"

Gao Yuanyuan was a bit worried: "The first and second are mediation programs. Our blind date model is a bit similar to the third place" Married Men and Women ". It can only rank third. Does it mean that the domestic audience My preference is not on blind dates, but on the shorts of parents, the fight between mother-in-law, brother-in-law, and trivial matters? "

Yang An is very confident: "Of course not ~ ~ married men and women" such a pure blind date show ratings are not high, because they are not doing well, and I was to correct this, I want to let everyone See what the blind date show should do, and it will definitely be us with the highest ratings! "

This was enough self-confidence, arrogance, and everyone laughed.

But because it was Yang An who said this, the credibility was high, and everyone was inexplicably happy, as if seeing a blind date show with super high ratings.

Everyone was tired after eating this meal, and they dispersed and moved freely.

Let's talk about the four younger ones. Come on, call some friends. Let's go to K song, drink, and get together.

Yang An called Li Xintong, who had a good relationship, and Gao Yuanyuan shouted to the two girlfriends who were close to her. Shabei ordered a well-known singing place and everyone went to go.

Shabe drives, Yang An sits in the middle of the back row, two beautiful women leaning on him, one left and one right, causing the driver to keep sighing and sighing: "I'm the real King of Diamonds. Why don't you wait for someone to see you? "(To be continued.) To find this site, please search for" "or enter the URL:

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