The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 277: "Huang-Duanzi"

Shabe asked, "Yang, why don't you buy a house in Zhongjing? You made hundreds of millions last year, right?"

Yang An denied this number: "Where did you hear the hundreds of millions? Don't make fun, hundreds of employees, based on the annual salary of 100,000, I pay tens of millions! Taxes, equipment upgrades, venue maintenance Where can I not spend money? The city government stated that they would grant me land in the next year and build a larger new theater, but it would be hundreds of millions of dollars thrown in casually. Poor! "

It sounds miserable, but it's actually much better.

Yang An's various projects are operating very healthy. For example, "Comedy Comedy 2", advertising and sponsorship fees will earn more than 200 million, and the cost is only tens of millions. Excluding various expenses and taxes, even if it is shared with Blue Ocean TV, it is not his There are also more than 50 million in his own pockets. This is real money.

He deliberately said it was a bit miserable, mainly because he didn't want to stimulate these people in the car.

Gao Yuanyuan made a movie, worth 2 million yuan, made a TV series, an episode of 150,000.

She has been waiting for her to win the Golden Eagle's most popular actress through this "Let's Get Married", but her price has risen, but the price is 300,000 episodes. A TV series is calculated based on 40 episodes, and the maximum is more than 10 million. It's not enough to look for money in front of Yang An. He has five variety shows and earns money as fast as a money printing machine.

Not to mention Shabei and Liu Yuxi, who used to earn dead wages at CCTV. Shabei earns 600,000 yuan a year. Liu Yuxi has a monthly salary of 15K. After they resigned, they did not give money for "Crazy Stone". Being unemployed, Yang An paid them a basic salary of 10K a month.

Yang An said: "The Crazy Stone should be released at the end of this month. When the box office comes out, we will divide the money according to the contract we signed. In addition, I will pay for it myself and give you a red maple house. Let ’s live in a community It ’s easy to meet. "

Shabei was happy: "Released early, pay early! The other casts are worth hundreds of thousands of millions of actors. You have to make a difference, and the actors will split the box office income ..."

Yang An asked in return: "Isn't this still trying to improve the cohesion of everyone? If I offer you a value of 100,000, would you like to give up your box office dividend income?"

Shabe smiled and said, "No!"

Yang An spread his hand: "It won't matter! In the second half of this year, we will live on this box office dividend. Brother Sha, you will also host" Happy Comedy Man 3 "in December, and I will open a network show with you and Teacher Huang. It's called "Huang-Duanzi". After the Spring Festival, let's participate in "Great Challenge 2". "

Shabeiha laughed, and the two women laughed so astray that Liu Yuxi held her shoulders on the shoulder for a long time: "You man ... what is" Huang-Duanzi "?"

Yang Anzheng Bajing said: "Huang Jianxiang, he uses the stupid form to comment on the hot topics in the sports world right now. He is called Duanzi on the Internet. What does the show call" Huang-Duanzi "?"

Gao Yuanyuan screamed with a smile, grabbed the front headrest with one hand, and fisted with the other, and gently rubbed Yang An's left shoulder to keep him from talking.

Liu Yuxi was speechless, but he couldn't hold back anymore, he laughed out loud: "I can't stand you ..."

Shabei saw this scene from the rearview mirror. She was envious. She was a funny type. She did n’t lose humor to Yang An. She was still a single diamond dog. Even though he was not as handsome as Yang Geer, but He's mature! How could such a good thing between the two Americans not be his own?

After arriving at the appointed place half an hour later, a group of people met. Although they were unfamiliar, they were basically public figures who often appeared on television.

Today the men are just the two of them. The others are all beauties. They shook Xiaosha's classmates into amusement, playing his funny expertise and making a group of girls laugh.

However, no one dared to come here for wanton arrogance. Li Xintong said at the beginning that Rong Feifei was her best girlfriend and she came to supervise.

"Calling you, I want you to supervise, and by the way, serve as a shield for me, the entertainment girls are too great, keep going up!"

Yang An thought to himself, looking at Liu Yuxi, who was vying for a song and punching and drinking with Shabei, thoughtfully.

In terms of career, running men and unlimited challenges, these two programs are variety shows that he very much wants to continue. After the indoor variety shows have reached the top, he will do an outdoor variety show for more than ten years, until his successful retirement at the age of 40. He left a lot in the history of television, life is perfect, the rest of the years is to enjoy life.

Infinite Challenge. It ’s easy to say that pure men ’s gangs will never be short of people. After “Fantastic Challenge” became famous, there were dozens of phone calls to him, all male artists, hosts, and singers who want to participate in outdoor reality shows , Actor, all lines, he can group people casually.

But running men are different. Running men have fixed female guests. Yang An intends to strictly require himself in accordance with the Korean version. If he chooses to participate in the show with a weak female artist like Domestic Baby, he guarantees that the third period will be replaced!

Not dare to go down the quagmire? Go away!

Don't dare to tear up the brand? Sorry you still go home!

Can't afford the game? Isn't princess temper? Well, running men don't need you!

Get rid of one and change another. I am afraid that in the next half year, no actress in China will come to participate in the show.

But if he relaxes his request and allows the coquettish sisters Lin to exist, then there is no need for the running boy show to continue. He might as well concentrate on the infinite challenge!

Domestically, it ’s really not easy to find actresses who agree with the conditions. First, high-value, dare to be photogenic, second, smart, independent and strong, brave and confident, fast running, quick response, and physical fitness to keep up with the whole Rhythm, third, high emotional quotient, not contrived, unpretentious, the official CP should also make a joke, humorous, careful, and fourth, to be able to continue for a long time, at least five years, the best ten years, each issue We must do it professionally and grow up with the running man.

Which female star in China meets these conditions?

So for Yang An, Liu Yuxi is a very optimistic person. As long as he trains well, he will not worry too much about who to choose as a regular female guest within five years or even longer.

The key is to impress her and make her willing to follow her. This is Yang An's biggest headache.

money? Forget it, this is the most unreliable. All relationships based on money can be turned at any time.

Dedicated? This can be there, but people will have a tired day. Because of their love for running men, dedication for one year or two is justified. Who can do it for five years and ten years? Korean artists are dedicated enough, but how many fixed male artists did the Korean version of running men change? Forget it, the iron show, the running soldiers, with the exception of Yang An himself, can't expect anyone to follow along.

Then there is only one thing left, and that is emotion.

But the only feeling is that Yang An can't give it, not to say that he is a saint, not close to women, and he doesn't care about anything. He just has a strong restraint, because there is too much temptation in the entertainment industry. If we open this mouth today Then, I ca n’t stop the car in the future, the second and third will appear, and I will never go back. How can I end it later? Might as well stick to the principles and reject everyone.

"Have a frank talk today!" Yang An thought to herself, and it was time to show off with her.

Two hours later, Shabey drank too much. He was drunk by several beauties, and he couldn't find the north.

Everyone else was very happy. Some people wanted to persuade Yang An to drink. Yang An pointed to the drunk Shabei and said, "I want to send him back, save it, don't drink and drive."

A man swayed and carried Shabei into the car to lie down. Liu Yuxi sat next to him to take care of him. Yang An drove farewell to many beauties and quickly stepped on the accelerator.

First go to Shabei's house. Yang An parked the car at the door of the corridor, half-carrying and supporting Shabei.

After washing her face in the bathroom, Yang An stepped out and saw Liu Yuxi standing in the living room. She smiled and said, "Well, let's talk in the car?"

Liu Yuxi nodded, and she also wanted to spend time with Yang An alone and listen to his true words.

The two sat in the second row with a gap in the middle, the tea plate fell down, and two bottles of mineral water were placed on the cup holders, just like two insurmountable mountains.

Yang An pondered, saying, "My ideal is simple. I retire at 40 and drive around the world to enjoy this beautiful world. But before I retire, I will always be busy with my variety show career. The next ten I have completed my four-year work plan. I want to find a good friend who can always accompany me to do variety shows ... a good partner who is as reliable as a brother ... "

Good friends, like brothers ...

Liu Yuxi finally came to her senses, and she understood Yang An's meaning. She always thought that Yang An was so good to her, probably because she had a good impression on her, so under the suggestion of herself, she sank unknowingly. She also said to herself Ever: "I can do nothing, as long as I can do shows with him, make movies, and do whatever I want."

But these words made her wake up ~ ~ It turned out that this man really only thought about his career, she couldn't help but feel a little lost, just like the girl's fantasy heart was broken.

"Even if it's broken!"

She secretly warned herself: "I shouldn't have liked him, he was married."

Yang An explained the strict requirements of the male and female guests a little bit and said, "You can go back and think about it, don't rush to reply to me. If you don't want to join, I will send a group invitation to other female stars in the entertainment industry to select from them. Rest assured, your decision will not affect my previous commitment to you. I dug you from CCTV, but it is not for you to be a vase. I have other work to do for you! "

Liu Yuxi was silent, she really needed time to consider.


PS: The selection of male and female guests is very important. Four requirements have been put forward in the text. Book comments are welcome. You can nominate in the QQ group 230142457, or you can nominate in the book review area. The alternatives are: 1. Liu Yuxi (written according to the Korean version of Song Zhixiao's model and experience), 2. Song Qian, 3. Li Bingbing, 4. Jiang Shuying, 5. Zhang Junning (to be continued.) Please search for "" or Enter URL:

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