The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 600: You ca n’t wash your socks, so you can bring good children?

The Beijing entertainment industry said that it was not big, and that it was not small. Tian Liang was selected to participate in the new program and the news spread out within an hour. This can not be blamed for Tian Liang's lack of mouth. He notified his wife and elders at home. It was leaked from the popular media, and there are many places in that place.

At this time in Zhongjing, an undercurrent was surging. Those who had attended Li Dongze's wedding called each other to ventilate each other. Now, except for one field, no one has received the call.

Huang Bo and Guo Tao ventilated each other by phone. After questioning each other, they both felt lost.

Yang An didn't call them. Does this mean that they have lost the election?

"Forget it, Yang An, Lin Zhiying, Tian Liang, three groups of them are enough."

Huang Bo comforted Guo Tao: "Oh, don't inquire about it, he must have his own ideas. We asked a lot but it was not good. After all, this is his show."

Guo Tao thinks so too. Since it is a fact already established, he shouldn't complain anymore. He can't be elected. It can only be said that he is not the most suitable or the best.

Suddenly, Guo Tao prompts a new phone call in his ear. He glanced at him and was stunned. He almost called out, Yang An!

Huang Bo didn't hear the opposite voice, thinking that Guo Tao was not in a mood to chat, so he said, "OK, let's go, I'll hang up first!"

Guo Tao shouted, but before Huang Bo hung up, he still shouted, "That ... Yang An called me at this time ..."

Huang Bo's heart is almost broken, is there anything wrong! This is to worry about death! Just now two people were adding wounds to each other, but before you hung up, you came to Yang An to find you. What do you make me think?

"I'll hang up first and I'll call you back later!"

Guo Tao didn't have time to explain. He answered Yang An's phone before talking.

Sure enough, Yang An's clear voice came: "Lao Guo, will you come to sign a contract?"

Guo Tao's blood surged up, and a suffocation in his heart swept away. He shouted, "Sign!"

What about him? Call me up, I'll go up!

Guo Tao didn't even ask about the schedule. He directly agreed and said he would come in the afternoon.

Hanging up the phone, he jumped up and down like a child in the house, quickly ran out, drove to the city to pick up his wife, and held her around for a while after meeting, making passersby laugh around.

"You are sick!"

"I'm not sick! I was selected, I was selected! He just called me, and I'll sign in the afternoon!" Guo Tao clenched his fists, squatted down excitedly, regardless of the amazement around him, and held up again Wife.

The wife was dumbfounded, she knew the reason why her husband didn't think about tea these days, and she whispered excitedly: "Don't you lie to me? Did he really choose you?"

Guo Tao quickly pushed the trolley, took his wife to the parking lot, and explained in a low voice: "I was really chosen, you quickly call your mother and let her and look at the stone at home. Let's go in the afternoon and hurry up Let's conclude the contract! "

The wife was excited, panicked and drew her mobile phone: "Yes, lest night long dreams, he will not regret it?"

Guo Tao haha ​​smiled: "Yang An is a man of promise!"

Guo Tao's couple were excited, and Huang Bo's family was in tears.

I learned that Yang An called Guo Tao, Huang Bo was about to fall into hell. At that time, he was helpless, anxious, and panicked. It was really a collection of flavors.

Who knew Yang An called him five minutes later, and he felt like he had become a wandering soul, floating in the sky, rising from **** to heaven, and his tears fell down.

Yang An said: "Brother Huang, let me tell you, I have no requirements for others, but for you, I have some other ideas, hey, hey, are you still listening?"

Huang Bo choked and said, "Listen, don't say anything. I'll be here in the afternoon. I will agree to anything you ask."

This is a good one, but it ’s not easy. Yang An actually has a strong preference for Huang Bo. He challenged him to prepare Huang Bo to play. Now he gave him his place in the first season. What is this concept? This is intended to be treated as a brother!

Yang An's requirements are also simple, that is, a ten-year long contract. Huang Bo's agency relationship must be transferred to him, because the extreme challenge is not an ordinary program. Like the brothers who run, they must have their own talents. This is the kind of Hu Ge, even if the artist cannot be transferred, but all the variety TV contracts must be transferred to Enron. This must not be discounted!

That afternoon, on the flight from Zhongjing to Hongfeng, the three families unexpectedly met on the plane.

Tian Liang watched the two men sneer, Guo Tao and Huang Bo hugged each other, and patted each other's back to encourage them. The three wives gathered together to laugh and laugh. Bozhong "Three groups of celebrities and husbands flew to Hongfeng together. Could it be Yang Geer's new show?"

The Internet spread quickly. The next day, the entertainment industry headline was occupied by Yang An. Yang An finished the new variety show. The four groups of stars were all exposed. 99.99 netizens thought that Yang An would definitely participate. Everyone looked forward to it. Large-scale outdoor variety show of group stars, this is the biggest expectation next year!

Dayton and Sun Li were really disappointed and never received a call from Yang An.

But life still has to continue. Without Yang An, the earth is still changing? What should the two do, filming, rest, business performance, they use their busy work to divert their eyes, and the sullenness seems to have finally dispersed.

On New Year's Day, Yang An called Dunton and said that he had come to Zhongjing. They sat out together and were all friends.

The two couples took the indoor rock climbing with them and waited. After hearing the news, the game was no longer played. A family of three drove to the appointment and saw Yang An at a tea house.

After the meeting, Yang An took the initiative to make amends, and then held up and kissed him.

There were Guo Tao and Huang Bo with the guests, and at a glance they were angry: "What's the matter, are you two here to show off?"

Guo Tao hurriedly said, "Where we are, we also got the call."

Huang Bo said: "I signed the contract, but I didn't say anything, I just waited for it! I thought I should add you!"

Yang An put down and waited, explaining: "It is impossible to add more people, five groups of families, five adults, six children, enough people."

"Five adults?"

"Isn't it a family trip?"

Both Huang Bo and Guo Tao were confused, and the couple were also curious. The six children understood well. Two Yang An, how could they be five adults?

Yang Andao: "This show is called Where is Dad going? Only five of our dads are on screen, and my mother can only be a logistician."


The three grandfathers were dumbfounded, except that Sun Li applauded and laughed: "Hahaha! Where is dad? My God, this show is interesting! I really want to see you guys Why do you bring a child, you have n’t even washed a pair of socks, can you bring a good son? Would you dress and wait for the shoes? Would you help him take a bath?

Sun Li hugged and smiled on the sand. The mother and child laughed happily. The remaining men looked at each other, all watching Yang An drinking tea slowly.

Guo Tao asked, "Is it really only the dad and the child who participate?"

Yang An drank the tea and nodded, "Yes, and it's already started at this time. Look around and look."

The crowd was startled, looking around, no one else!

Huang Bo's eyes were sharp and he saw an unusual thing. He walked over and was surprised, "This is a hidden camera?"

"Yes! In the future, these hidden photo opportunities will be arranged in each of you's rooms to take the most realistic side of the children."

Yang An came over, opened a paper box disguised as a logistics turnover box, and a ball-shaped hidden camera came out. He waved at the camera: "Hi!"

The gimbal rotates and the lens moves up, aiming at Yang An's face.

"Our team is next door, Lao Zhang. Come over and say hello to everyone."

After half a minute, the door was opened, and several strangers came in with a smile, shaking hands with everyone.

Yang An introduced: "This is our main vj team ~ ~ Let's get to know each other first. In the future, everyone will be assigned to the team."

Vj is the closest person to a star. The shot is not beautiful. Can those fleeting opportunities be grasped and whether the picture can appear in the feature film? Many of them depend on the level of vj. Not dare to offend vj easily, Guo Tao of course they have something in mind, they are enthusiastic about others.

Suddenly pretending to be angry, he hummed, "Your team is so intimate, what are you calling us for?"

Yang An smiled, holding his shoulder and said, "We are really full in the first season. I want to invite you to the second season. Don't worry, listen to me. This show will be very interesting, but Personally, it ’s not easy to make a lot of money. The character such as waiting is the most lively among our five children. It ’s not suitable for our group. Stand out. "

Don didn't quite understand: "What do you mean?"

Sun Li understood, and pulled back her husband: "Yang Yang, I understand. Outdoor star reality show, talking about distinctive personality!"

Yang An thumbs up and applauds: "Yes!"

Dayton also wanted to ask, Sun Li said, "You trick men's team did it for nothing? Who do you know best? In short, it's not you, you have no characteristics!"

Everyone laughed. Among the elder sisters, Sun Li was definitely the best. In the early days, she and Rong Feifei both got high praise. With the essence of the reality show, her limelight slowly covered Rong Feifei. This is really her strength. The strength behind it is not blown, Rong Feifei is still slightly inferior!

During jokes, Guo Tao took a call. After a few seconds, he stood up quickly, his face suddenly becoming quite anxious.

problem occurs!

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