The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 601: Man, minor injuries can't get worse!

Everyone looked at Guo Tao, and couldn't help but nervously. Yang An asked, "What happened?"

Guo Tao took the coat from the hanger, but it was not stable. He fell to the ground. He picked it up and put it on, and said with a trembling voice: "I'll take a step first. The stone arm broke and I'm being taken to the children's hospital."


Sun Li exclaimed, she was really taken aback.

The others also stood up and prepared to leave. Yang An said: "Calm down first, Guo Tao, don't worry, the doctor will handle it! Lao Zhang, arrange a car, let's go to the hospital to see the child."

Huang Bo also pulled Guo Tao: "You are emotionally unstable, don't drive anymore, take my car and go."

Guo Tao was only 4o years old when he was born with a stone. Of course, his son is a treasure. His wife called and cried and said that his son's arm was broken. He couldn't tell the specific situation. He only knew he was crying and let him go to the hospital. There was a blank in the middle. If it wasn't for Yang An and they had an idea beside them, he would probably make something irrational.

The group left in a hurry, Lao Zhang stayed to pay the bill, Yang An and Guo Tao sat in Huang Bo's car, and Vj followed him in the co-pilot. The family drove behind and followed by several cars. Rush to Zhongjing Children's Hospital.

On the way, Guo Taoping calmed down and contacted his family again. The situation was okay. The stone fell when playing sports equipment. His right hand landed on the ground first. The hospital film showed that the two bones were slightly broken, and everything else was fine.

Sun Li heard the news from the walkie-talkie, comforted Guo Tao, and then turned off the walkie-talkie silently.

After a while, she hesitated and said, "Although it's not this time, but husband, do you say where can Stone go to join Dad this time? Will Yang An change us?"

Suddenly, he was still thinking. It was too unfortunate that Guo Tao had such a thing. If they raised it at this time, it would seem too cold-blooded.

The green light turned on, and Don swung the steering wheel to the left and sighed: "Let's see what happens and see if the stones can come on. They said that there will be two weeks to record the program on January 15."

Wait while sitting in the rear safety seat and shouting, "I want to be on TV, I want to be on TV!"

Sun Li slaps him up and shuts up, annoyingly: "Two broken bones, how can it be so easy! It hurts to move the bones for a hundred days, don't they show on plaster?"

He said, "It's uncertain, isn't it something to watch?"

Sun Li disagrees: "It's too loyal to build on the child's pain."

Don't know what to say: "Go to the hospital and see!"

In the car in front, Yang An and Huang Bo were thinking about it. Guo Tao was relieved after learning that the child's condition was not serious.

The three remained silent until they were about to enter the hospital, and Guo Tao said, "Yang brother, otherwise, shall we quit this time?"

Yang Andao: "Look at the children first, then, uh, no matter what, vj will shoot all your processes. If you decide to go on the show, remember to perform better."

Guo Tao's face was bitter: "Do you really have no room for buffering, then you started filming?"

Yang An was sorry: "I'm sorry, I know it's a bit cruel to do this, but we didn't deliberately take this as a selling point. You should know, hey, what do you say?"

Huang Bo helped buffer: "This is an unforgettable experience, right? Brother Tao, this is a great test for you, for stones, and even for each of us. Do it!"

Guo Tao bit his lip and nodded. "I know."

The car was parked at the gate of the emergency center of the Children's Hospital. Yang An and Guo Taoxun got off the bus. Huang Bo went to find a parking space. Vj followed Guo Tao all the way and filmed all the actions of the anxious father.

The doctor had confirmed the diagnosis, Xiao Shiti was sitting in his mother's arms and wept, Guo Tao rushed over in three or two steps, took the little stone from his wife's arms, squatted down, and anxiously asked where it broke, it hurts.

When Xiao Shi saw his father, he cried even more. Yang An quietly beckoned his wife Guo Tao to signal her to come over. Only the father and son crying in the camera.

"Sister, I'm sorry, I discussed it with Tao brother, this, a photographer followed, I'm sorry ..."

Yang An whispered next to explain that the Sun Li family was also here, and everyone comforted his wife Guo Tao together. So many people were together, even if they didn't do anything.

Adult thinking is much more mature. The injury is not fatal. The bone fracture is there. There is a slight fracture. It did break two, but the doctor quickly treated it, fixed it with plaster, and tied it with a triangle towel. After explaining all the precautions, I suggest that you should never touch the wound again within the next month.

There were many people standing in the ward. Guo Tao and his two arms were holding stones. They looked at the doctor, Mr. Dun, Huang Bo, and Yang An. They were all celebrities. The doctors also knew that. All heard the news rushed over and were very polite to these stars. This doctor's office kept them alone, and other patients arranged for other doctors.

After a few minutes of discussion, Guo Tao finally agreed to let Guo Tao, the head of the family, make a decision.

It ’s really difficult. Guo Tao is fighting with his inner man. He sincerely asked the doctor: "We will have an outdoor reality show variety show in half a month. It ’s Yang An. You also know that this opportunity is extremely rare. I do n’t want to Missed. But I want to hear your professional opinion? "

Three vj shot at them, the doctor probably understood Guo Tao's situation, and it was clear that the doctor knew Yang An very well.

But the doctor's duty made him unable to relax easily. He said: "This is a bit difficult. The secondary injury of bone fracture is more serious than the first fracture. For safety reasons, I suggest you still not participate."

Little Stone heard about going to TV before, and was excited for half a month. When she heard that she couldn't go on, she was sad again, her nose was sore, she choked with sobbing.

Guo Tao was distressed, holding a small stone, comforted in his ear for a long time, and gave his son to his wife.

He stood up, as if with great determination, turned around and came to Yang An, biting his lower lip, blinking his eyes and not daring to look at everyone, and said hardly, "Guide Yang, I think we should quit, letton Come on, wait, we are like this, I'm afraid we can't do it, we can also participate in the second season next year ... "

Yang An thoughtfully, he was really inconvenient to make decisions for the other side. If Guo Tao was really unwilling to go, he couldn't force it.

But Dun reached out and stopped Guo Tao: "Brother Yang, talk to the doctor and see if you can be accommodating. Brother, you listen to me, people may suffer misfortunes and break in their lives. Bone, drowning, serious illness, or spiritual, such as parents quarreling, divorce, domestic violence, family decline, etc. I was almost drowned by water when I was young, but I was scared when I saw water. But my father forced me It took me three full days to swim in the water to correct me. Since then, I have nothing particularly scared. I believe this principle should be universal. If you are all afraid of facing some difficulties, if you encounter similar problems in the future Frustration ... "

I do n’t need to say anything later, everyone understands, Guo Tao looked at Yang An who was talking with the doctor, and sighed, "I know what you mean."

Sun Li also expressed support for the show to be available at any time. It is not anxious to wait for it now. It doesn't matter if it is one year later or one year later, but if the frustration of the man is not immediately conquered, it is likely to leave for himself The shadow of a lifetime.

As a woman, she might not have thought of this at first, but this house is all men, so is Little Rock, so are her sons, and so on. The man who understands men best should be themselves, so Guo Tao's persistence, Persuasion, Yang An All of your efforts seem cold-blooded, but they all make sense.

Yang An explained the general content to the doctor. The doctor pushed the glasses and thought about it: "Sports can never be done. It is better to be careful. I suggest you bring your doctor with the team. This is for you. Take responsibility. "

Yang An repeatedly nodded: "At this point, you can rest assured that we have a team doctor. In the past, we took him on jungle adventures and were very experienced."

The doctor looked at Guo Tao's family again, and asked a few words with the deputy dean around him, and smiled bitterly: "If you really want to go to shoot ~ ~ it is not impossible, but I hope you must add more Note. Also, it is very difficult for us to sign this form. "

Looking at the hospital exemption letter in hand, Guo Tao chuckled. The hospital was also self-protection. They did fulfill their obligation to inform. All future consequences must be borne by Guo Tao himself.

Rewriting his own name, everyone has mixed feelings.

Dun squatted down, wiped the tears on the corners of the eyes, and smiled and encouraged: "Brother Stone, come on, our family and so on will watch Brother Stone on TV at home and watch the wonderful performance of Brother Stone, right?"

Wait a moment and blink your eyes and say, "Brother come on!"

Stone is still very strong, focusing on the main point, Guo Tao holding his left hand, everyone left the hospital together.

The selection was enough, and the knot between Dayton and Sun Li was finally removed. Yang An let the director group leave two sets of follow-up vj. Both Guo Tao and Huang Bo can shoot the highlights. He also returned to Hongfeng.

Because of the stone incident, the show crew had to rush to change the content of the show in a hurry to reduce the scenes of outdoor sports. It was really impossible. They could only let the stone stand by as a spectator.

Everything is ready, the production team has arrived at the destination in advance to prepare.

Just when everyone was about to start shooting, a shocking news broke suddenly in the domestic TV circle. Mountain City TV cooperated with Zhongjingyuan Pure Media Company to create an original parent-child variety show for the first time in life, which will soon be broadcast!

What is surprising is that the producers dug a corner from the original crew of our parent-child travel show from Chuanfu Satellite TV. Chuanfu Satellite TV and Shancheng Satellite TV began to tear up and scold each other!

What is even more irritating is that the name of this show is exactly the same as He Jiong ’s planning plan left on Huangmang TV!

What this shows is self-evident!

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