The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 671: Netizens have speculated about new program types

Yang An stayed at home on Wednesday. As long as it was not necessary work, he would usually stay with his children at home. In the third season, the running man and star detective occupied almost all of his working time, and he is 30 years old. In the program, the human body is aging faster. If he does not take some expensive health products often, he is likely to be unable to keep up with energy and strength.

At 9 pm, Yang An gently closed the door of the child's room and returned to his own room on the second floor. After washing, he found that Rong Feifei was ready for red wine and candlelight, wearing a silk nightgown waiting for him, Yunya shawl, Xiafei cheeks, The v-neck on the chest is very deep, and the fiber hand gently rubs the mouth of the red wine bottle, fiddles up and down, winks like silk.

This grinding little goblin, Yang An smiled, held a kiss, and touched her waist by the way, biting her earlobe and laughing: "Is there a good day today?"

Rong Feifei wrapped his neck and raised his head: "Every day with you is a good day"

Yang An laughed with a smile: "My husband and wife are bothered, nausea! Come on, you must be killed if you want!"

Having said that, he simply hugged Rong Feifei and hugged his foreplay directly in the sound of music. Rong Feifei was originally sensitive, and was quickly killed.

When Yang An sprinted for the last time, Rong Feifei resisted the numbing pleasure from his body, stretched out his hands and pushed her husband's waist, panting and said, "Husband, husband, don't wear ..."

Yang An hesitated and didn't listen to her, but the movement stopped, wondering, "What do you mean?"

Rong Feifei sounded like a mosquito: "Take it down ..."

Yang An was really weird. He guessed something: "Do you want to have another one?"

Rong Feifei panted, struggling, holding him as he pleased, and put his face on his sweaty chest, coquettishly said: "I recently was ovulating and I was still alive while I was young. Let ’s have another child, no, Two? "

Yang An laughed abruptly: "What are you doing with so many children? The children are not so much. It ’s enough to have small voices and music to accompany us. Having too many children is huge for your body and your body. Burden, this is irreversible! "

Rong Feifei was touched when he heard that he cared about him so much, but she had decided to stick to it. After a long period of time, it was difficult to tease and succeeded. She experienced a strong love in the rapid impact and the high snoring. meaning.

Another two hundred million was lost. Yang An went to take a bath for the second time. This time, it took a long time. He felt a little sore legs, and really planned to rest after washing.

Rong Feifei raised a pillow under her butt, lying on her back, and stroking her lower abdomen with a sacred smile on her face. She kept watching Yang An come out.

Yang An was sitting next to Rong Feifei in a dressing gown, felt her hair, pinched her hand, and asked, "Did you have any thoughts? We haven't talked openly for a long time, you say, Are you worried? "

Rong Feifei lay down in a comfortable posture, keeping her stomach up, grabbing Yang An's hand and rubbing it, drawing a circle on his palm, saying quietly: "After finishing this season of" Star Detective ", you this year Are there any new shows to do? "

Yang An smiled: "You can just say what you want to say. You never asked me about the show before."

Rong Feifei sighed softly: "Then I'll tell you straight. It's the third year of running men. I remember you said that running men should be ten years?"

Yang Andao: "Yes, running men for ten years is nothing, just treat it as an outdoor sports game." Happy Base Camp "has been done for almost two decades. There should be multiple evergreens in the variety industry. The existence of a tree is normal. "

Rong Feifei also said: "I know that it is difficult to innovate in variety shows now. You can use" Star Detective "to stop you from talking about it this year. What about next year? It is not your style to do the same type of program. There is a lot of discussion in the next show. I watched it ... Then, I went to the company last week and accidentally saw your notes ... "

Yang An laughed dumbfounded, he knew what was going on.

The sixth guest invited last week is Yapeng, an actor who has faded out of the entertainment industry for a long time. It was purely the credit of Li Dongze to invite him to come. Because of walking paparazzi at the airport, these two **** men turned out to be Good friend, Yapeng divorced at the end of last year, and was at a loss for a long time. She played airplane mobile games for a week and was very frustrated and closed.

Yapeng is good, but his character is rigid, he doesn't know how to be flexible, he doesn't have a smart money making mind. He has invested in bars, real estate, restaurants and other industries, but most of them have failed. When it comes to heavy blows and want to make a movie to make money, he is an over-star, no one wants it, and the small crew wants him to be too expensive, too small, he doesn't know what to do.

As a friend, Li Dongze cared about him very much. This time he invited him to record the show. Quan Dang let him relax. By the way, let him start from a variety show, show his face, and slowly walk back to the actor's old line. Yang An Agree and agree.

When he saw Yapeng, Yang An had a good opinion of the new grandpa. It may be because both of them are more traditional thinking, and they also generated a lot of sparks when recording the program.

Between the breaks during the recording last week, everyone sat together and talked. When there were any variety types to do now, Yang An asked: "Who is your child, Yapeng?"

Yapeng said: "My mom took them with me, but I usually go home with my daughter whenever I have time, and I'm free at least one day a week to accompany my daughter, and I have never given any word over the years."

Yang An touched his chin: "I have to go home one day a week ... Then if we go abroad to record a show together, one recording is ten days and a half months, can't you go?"

Shaibei was so excited: "Are you going to record overseas?"

He Jiong was also curious: "Overseas travel, or an overseas special like a running man?"

Yang Andao: "Similar to tourism adventures. After taking a risk to Himalayas with Bell, I have been thinking about it for many years. I was thinking, would you like to challenge Madagascar, the Caribbean, the Amazon, and other places of adventure, let's group An expedition, go out to play for a month, and come back for a season show! "

Everyone was excited. Even Li Yan and Yire Guli were curious about the details. Shabei also joked that if Guan Xiaotong knew Yang An had this plan but did not take her with him, Guan Xiaotong would surely kill Yang An's house to make trouble. !!

Yapeng didn't answer clearly at the time, but said that he could consider it, and Yang An didn't discuss it in depth. He didn't dare to do it himself.

Just looking back, he listed a few key points of the "Law of the Jungle" in the office, consulted the materials to see what basic skills he was going to learn, and then wrote all this knowledge on paper.

Looking at subjects such as "Free Combat", "Dagger Attack and Defense", "Botany", "Zooology", "First Aid", and "Diving Certificate", I am afraid that there are not less than 20 items, and it is best to have more than five years. With simple regional adventure experience, Yang An himself retreated. This plan was basically a shelved.

Rong Feifei leaned her face on Yang An's leg, and gently drew it, saying, "The possibility of your new show has been analyzed online. The outdoor sports type ranks high. I happened to look at the plan by accident. I know it must be I ca n’t stop you, just hope that when you go out, think more about the children at home, we are waiting for you ... "

Yang An sighed in his heart. The family is indeed the biggest factor that restrains him, but as the pillar of the family, he dare not try too easily a dangerous challenge. For a program like The Law of the Jungle, he hesitated for several years and never decided. determination.

Rong Feifei's approach is also understandable. In case of any danger in Yang An, at least a few children in the family can inherit this property. Rong Feifei cannot explain this, but Yang An understands it very well.

Yang An lay down, kissed Rong Feifei's forehead with a smile, and comforted him: "Don't worry too much, I know the right size, and I haven't thought about this show yet ~ ~ I do n’t know who to do. I ’m not sure. This is not a simple task. I will definitely consider it before I go. In addition, you mentioned that ten years ago, there is another program in my plan. For ten years, together with the running man, I must firmly hold the market share of domestic high-end variety shows and let others eat ashes behind, don't even think about it! "

Rong Feifei smiled: "I like the confidence of your overbearing president!"

The two talked for a long time, and it was almost 0am.

Just ready to sleep and rest, Yang An's phone rang, he forgot to switch to flight mode, and almost everyone who knew Yang An would consciously not come to harass him, unless it was a big emergency, everyone would give priority to Song Xiaomei, the party Jie and their executives called.

It was Surui, Yang An got out of bed, picked up his cell phone, left the room, and went into the study next door.

"Su, why are you still thinking about calling over this late?"

"Sorry, brother Yang, you must rescue your brother this time, alas, it's too shameful!"

As soon as Yang An heard it, "Crime Investigation Scene" took the streets by storm, what else?

Su Rui said that he was aggrieved, with an average viewing rate of 1.45, and a trend of slow decline. He was about to fall below the warning zone of Zhongjing Satellite TV, and then fell below the red line. It is estimated that the program will be cut.

Yang An suddenly laughed, of course, did not let Su Rui hear the laughter, he said: "Su general, don't worry, I just need to do something in Zhongjing the day after tomorrow, let's meet and talk. As for you to let me help out ideas, think Ways to increase ratings. I'm afraid to pack tickets, but I will try my best to help you. "

Su Ruiqian thank you: "Brother Yang is so interesting! When you come to Zhongjing, I will drive to pick you up ~ ~ friends, you can search" blue book ", you can find it the first time This site Oh.

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